The old man was very angry.

"I should have been a winner in life, but I ended up playing this kind of game..."

Cheng Xu rummaged around in Zhang Yichi's study, moving his left arm. The dull pain from the impact had not completely disappeared.

On his desk, there was a particularly wide piece of paper, which was spliced ​​with other papers with tape to form a map.

On the map, Zhang Yichi specially marked dozens of points and wrote detailed annotations.

He divided the survivors into several levels, including "maggots", "wild rabbits", "geese", "foxes", "grey wolves" and "brown bears".

Among the many descriptions, Cheng Xu saw the detailed record of himself at a glance.

"Target level: Gray Wolf"

"The target is good at close combat with short-handled weapons, and occasionally uses bows and crossbows. He is proficient in all aspects of fighting"

"The target is suspected to have armor and can devour corpses. It is not certain what skill that is, but the filthy air does not seem to have any effect on him"

"His range of activities is not very large. He often moves around his shelter and can wait for the rabbit to snipe"

Zhang Yichi's observation of himself can be said to be extremely accurate, which makes Cheng Xu feel a little uncomfortable.

"There should be many opponents like him... Before the next action, I must be fully prepared."

In order to facilitate viewing, Cheng Xu took a photo of the map and sent it to the "record book" for preservation.

Then, just as Cheng Xu was about to take the map away, he found a note hidden under the map. The ink was very fresh and the note had not lost its stickiness. It was probably written not long ago.

"Be at the meeting point in three hours"

"He has a companion..."

Cheng Xu did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly took all his things and left Zhang Yichi's house without stopping.

In this doomsday game, those who can become partners with the strong cannot be weak.

When the number of opponents is uncertain, leaving first is definitely the safest choice.

At this time, Roselle sent a notice for tonight.

"Survivors, tonight's lottery has been opened!"

"A special presentation for everyone is--"

"Tide crisis!"

"From now on, the sewage tide will no longer fall, and everything will be covered by sewage before dawn!"

The sewage pool, which had been silent for a long time, sounded boiling water again, and a large amount of sticky liquid began to surge.

Cheng Xu poured a bottle of hot spring water on himself, then dived into the sewage, and swam towards his shelter according to the map.

On a tree four roundabouts away from Zhang Yichi's house, three people were already hiding in the leaves.

"Yi Chi is late again. Is he still obsessed with collecting skulls?"

A woman wearing heavy armor and carrying an axe looked into the distance, as if waiting for the figure that floated over.

"Maybe. He even brought fresh skulls to the last gathering..."

Another man in a feather cloak took over the conversation, leaning on a curved branch, looking very leisurely.

"I think we should go and take a look. This time he was late longer than before."

The last person was hidden in a black hood, carrying a folding stick on his back. The dull color of the stick shell was faintly visible in the darkness.

"Teng Qie: Fortunately, he walked fast, otherwise we would have to face three enemies in a while..."

"Shi'e Qie: I remember, these guys are also weird, rare alliance players in the survival game"

"Kaxi Qie: After all, it is an alliance with a certain blood relationship, and generally there will not be any major disagreements. If they meet under normal circumstances, a lone wolf has no chance of winning"

"Teng Qie: I dare not say about others, but our little guy will definitely not die!"

"Let's go, the tide is rising, not many people are out, let's go and take a look."

The one in the hooded robe made a decision. It seems that he has a higher status in the team.

The other two nodded, got into the wire mesh pipe, and headed towards Zhang Yichi's house.

The one with a folding stick on his back and a black hooded robe was named Xu Gang. He originally lived upstairs from Zhang Yichi and his friends, and finally joined their alliance team.

But compared to the other three, he is stronger, and as a lone survivor, he has a more sophisticated sense of survival, so the other three naturally call him the captain.

His profession is "Stick Master", which is relatively high in the sequence, at 22, and is very good at medium-range close combat.

Wearing a feather cloak

The one who was named Lu Kun, his profession was "Perfumer", and the dress was a special item that could enhance his skill effect.

The female warrior carrying the double axes was named Lu Yu, Lu Kun's biological sister, and her profession was "Gladiator".

Their parents bought the house together, and in order to make it easier for them to get along, they bought a house facing each other.

At the beginning of the survival game, the two of them were very "lucky" to be dragged into this world.

Zhang Yichi had known Lu Yu for a very long time, and their relationship was between lovers and friends, which was very ambiguous.

When Zhang Yichi had problems, Lu Yu was the most anxious.

The four of them made a very detailed plan during the initial three-day buffer period, nibbling from their respective divisions and gradually occupying more houses.

The map in Zhang Yichi's hand was the result of the joint efforts of the four people. They wanted to rely on this method to gradually become stronger and eventually seize the championship throne.

As a result, on the first day of the official competition, something unexpected happened.

When they arrived near Zhang Yichi's house, Lu Yu's heart sank.

The security door of Zhang Yichi's house was not closed at all and was completely submerged by sewage.

The wooden attic on the second floor was also full of "silt flies" that were breeding wildly, and white maggots covered the countertops on the second floor.

"I didn't see Yichi's body, and the blood was probably eaten by these things..."

Xu Gang stepped on the maggots all over the floor and walked into the attic, while Lu Kun and Lu Yu stayed in the pipe on standby just in case.

Soon, he found something wrong. All the supplies in Zhang Yichi's house had been looted, and several boxes were open.

"Alas... I guess Yichi is in danger."

When he stepped on the maggots all the way to the other side of the attic, there was a button-sized prop lying on the ground in an extremely inconspicuous corner.

Xu Gang hurriedly picked up the prop, which was the "Cartesian coordinates" used by Zhang Yichi when he escaped.

"The coordinates are still there, they haven't been erased, maybe Yi Chi hasn't come back yet..."

Holding the last glimmer of hope, Xu Gang returned to Lu Kun and Lu Yu with the "Cartesian coordinates".

"Captain, what's the situation!?"

Lu Yu's emotions were very unstable, and seeing such a scene, no one could calm down.

"Maybe... Yi Chi can still be saved, we have to go to the coordinates to check."

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