When night falls, managers seem to have just finished their meeting and start chatting.

"Nanqie: So far, the ratings have far exceeded expectations, and most viewers are paying attention to "Killer", accounting for more than 40% of the audience's enthusiasm"

"Tengqie: Hehe"

"Ruqie: There are also several popular guys, but without exception, they are all lone wolves."

"Shui Qie: After that, the map selection must give preference to lone wolf players."

"Shi E Qie: If the more people there are, the more trouble there is... Is a virus city okay? Zombies Evolving daily, the more people there are, the greater the risk of infection."

"Bi Dong Qia: Or the alien insect nest is also OK, the more people there are, the greater the possibility of being hunted."

"Nan Qia: Let's talk about it when the time comes, This map has just started. Have the monsters been released today? "

"Shuiqie: releasing"

"Shuiqie: Water 2.zip"

There was a roar outside the fortress. Cheng Xu sat cross-legged and started browsing Today's document.

"Drowned Spirit, Death Nematode, Swamp Man, Mud Pretender, Red Umbrella"

"Drowned Spirit: C"

"The evil spirit of a drowned person, loves to drag all humans into the water and drown them, has a thin bone with spikes Long tongue, hunts humans by sneak attacks"

"The Drowned Spirit's entity can be attacked, and it does not have the characteristics of an evil spirit"

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's still easy to deal with."

"Death nematode: B"

"The eggs are invisible to the naked eye, They lie dormant in the water and generally do not make any noise. As long as humans approach, they will quickly hatch and become nymphs. "

"The dead nematodes in the nymph stage will attack and attach to humans. Their skin will secrete a large amount of sticky fluid, and once attached, it is difficult to remove."

"The nymphs that have completed the attachment will use their mouthparts to gnaw on human flesh. And quickly develop into an adult, the dead nematode in the adult stage will grow a huge mouthparts and devour all the tissues of the host."

"Another worm..."

"Swamp Man: B"

"Swamp Man's first form is dark green dirt. Mud, when humans fall, approach, or touch it, it will transform into a second form."

" The second form of the Swamp Man will completely copy the human with suitable conditions and hunt the human."

"The most noteworthy monster at present."

"Mud Disguiser: B"

"A mud creature disguised as various objects, capable of Approach humans and attack with mud, and the trapped will suffocate to death."

"It is very easy to identify the pretender. As long as you attack, the pretender will dodge, while normal things will not."

"Tonight is more difficult than before All high..."

"Red Umbrella: A"

"Woman who died on a rainy night , after being killed, the ghost will not dissipate, holding a red umbrella and floating around, indiscriminately attacking everyone she finds."

"She will launch an attack between physical and non-physical states, and no armor will be effective Resistance"

"There will be a strong stench of corpses where she is. As long as you don't pay attention to her presence and don't respond to her threats, she won't attack further"

"It's conceivable that without intelligence, my survival will be in jeopardy. How difficult it will be..."

There was a sudden and obvious sound of wooden boards outside Cheng Xu's fortress.

Cheng Xu looked down from the window and found that there was a wooden board lying on the second-floor table, which was exactly the same as the one he saw every day. The reinforcement materials obtained are very similar.

Cheng Xu naturally chose to ignore the poor acting of the "Mud Pretender". It is estimated that a normal person would not be fooled.

Cheng Xu opened the task list and checked the content of tonight's task.

"1. Explore the woods around 2 islands"

"2. Walk a total of 200 meters outside the shelter"

"3. Hide outside the shelter for 10 minutes"

"4. Perform a dive"

"5. Hide in sewage for 5 minutes"

"6. Collect 15 supplies"

The theme of these six tasks is very clear, and the main theme is a risk. On a night when camouflage monsters are rampant, going out is the biggest challenge.

The "mud" at Cheng Xu's door The "disguiser" changed its form again, becoming a small pile of inconspicuous cement debris, piled on the floor.

Originally, when Cheng Xu built the fortress, he deliberately used a few more stone walls to leave himself an entrance and exit But now, there is an annoying monster at the entrance.

Fortunately, the three people opened a hole in his wall when they came before, so Cheng Xu added another piece of material and could barely enter and exit there. .

Cheng Xu packed up

He packed his bag and stood at the door of his house for a minute, waiting for the "hibernation" to take effect, before removing the stone that had been filled in.

After confirming that no monsters had discovered him, Cheng Xu immediately activated the "Illusion Butterfly", rushed out of the fortress, and closed the wall again.

Since he needed to rely on the stench of corpses to identify the appearance of the "red umbrella", Cheng Xu took off his mask and planned to wear it again when he dived.

Before he set off, he roughly planned the route and only took the two nearest roundabouts, where he was most familiar with the environment. As long as nothing unexpected happened, he could complete all the tasks in fifteen minutes.

Just as Cheng Xu was about to set off for the top of the church, he suddenly saw that a light had lit up inside the church at some point.

There was an additional candlestick with a strong religious meaning, which had been lit and was emitting light.

Such an abnormal thing was obviously a pretender. Cheng Xu climbed over the barbed wire, quickly came to the top of the church, and looked around.

The entire water dungeon was surprisingly quiet, without any sound belonging to monsters, as if the night had never fallen.

There was nothing unusual in the woods on the island, so Cheng Xu decided to seize the opportunity and go there quickly.

When Cheng Xu climbed out of the wire mesh, a small tree turned into a ball of mud right under his eyes, and then quickly turned into a street lamp, emitting a bright orange light.

Cheng Xu stopped decisively and started firing crossbows at the trees.

"Teng Qie: Oh! That was close."

"Shi Calyx Qie: Tonight is okay for someone like him who has the stealth skill, but it won't be so easy for the others."

"Tian Qie: You two are still looking at him, stop looking, I have a guy in the "Musician" sequence, the second most popular, quite interesting."

"Kaxi Qie: Okay, let me see."

Relying on the fixed-point judgment of the crossbow, Cheng Xu successfully walked around the island, and then he quickly fired the grappling hook and headed for the other side.

While floating, Cheng Xu's body passed over the sewage pit at a certain moment, and a large ball of green silt surged up, turning into a vague figure that was very similar to Cheng Xu.

Then, the "swamp man" that was not completely imitating tried to take two steps, fell on the shore, and collapsed into mud.

"The swamp man is more dangerous than I thought..."

Cheng Xu quickly completed the task of exploring the island, then picked up the telescope and carefully looked for a sewage pool that looked normal.

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