The fireflies were still burning, and the fireflies were still burning.

Cheng Xu stayed in his "array" for another whole night, even spreading the distance between the three weapons a little, and resting his waist in the middle of the floor.

Until dawn, the "red umbrella" did not come again.

"Then I must plan how to use these three traps..."

First of all, for Cheng Xu, the most important thing is his base camp, especially the arrow making platform and the crossbow arrow pressing machine. These two things determine Cheng Xu's combat power supply.

So Cheng Xu put the equipment, food and manufacturing device together, and hid a short sword with "Ukiyo-e" in it.

Then he placed an Emei thorn at the door of his house.

He chose to place the last trap next to the props in the "magician's" house to prevent anyone from passing through the two interconnected cabinets.

After doing all this, Cheng Xu prepared his bow and arrow and prepared to find his hunting target for today.

Before leaving, he also checked the task list, which can be said to be very suitable for hunting.

"1. Hit the heart 3 times"

"2. Hit the throat 3 times"

"3. Hit the back of the head 3 times"

The first target chosen by Cheng Xu was also one of the "reserve food" he designated during the three-day buffer period.

The poor survivor did not die from the attacks of various monsters, but fell seriously ill and coughed crazily.

Every night, in order not to attract the attention of the monsters, he could only bite a piece of cloth to reduce his coughing as much as possible.

When Cheng Xu arrived at the roundabout, he found that two houses had been destroyed, the interior of the house was full of mud, and the two-story building was full of holes and broken.

The only one left was the weakest one.

The survivor spent all his time strengthening his house. The doors, windows and walls were stronger than Cheng Xu could imagine.

Standing on the top of the church, Cheng Xu found that he had no chance to attack. The door had been strengthened with cement and steel plates, and its thickness was comparable to that of a bank vault.

If he wanted to hunt the survivor, he had to lure him out.

Cheng Xu stuck to the survivor's door and listened carefully to the movement inside. Sure enough, someone was coughing, and it could be heard that he was almost dying.

So Cheng Xu knocked on the door and shouted against the door: "Friend, I'm a doctor. My house was destroyed by monsters. Can you pity me?"

The coughing in the house stopped immediately, and no movement came out.

Cheng Xu waited for more than five minutes, and didn't hear any sound. It was estimated that the survivor was unlikely to come out.

After failing to hunt, Cheng Xu planned to find the next target, which was not far from here.

When he arrived at the roundabout, Cheng Xu felt something was wrong.

All the buildings were sprayed with black paint, and then white symbols were painted on the black paint.

Cheng Xu didn't quite understand the meaning of the symbol, but its source was clear, that is, the "Ho Luo God" in the group who had been inviting survivors to join.

Cheng Xu waited for a while on the tree branch of the roundabout, and found that there seemed to be many people in the three buildings, and strange prayers were coming from them.

Two minutes later, the prayers disappeared, but a man began to speak in a loud voice.

"Ho Luo God will give you invincible power, He will call the storm, and everyone can only survive by hiding in blood..."


The door of the house in the middle was opened, and seven or eight people came out, wearing armor with a strong religious meaning, their faces painted black, and voodoo symbols painted on their heads.

Cheng Xu saw the target he was going to hunt at a glance. It was a skinny guy who followed the team at the end. His face had not been painted black yet, only a vague mark.

Next to him stood a very fat man, who was not wearing armor, only a loose vest, and a feather hat on his head.

"Go, believers, collect resources and prepare a ceremony for our new brother!"

The men who had turned black bowed to the fat man, and then ran to various sewage pools to search for resources.

The skinny and small guy sat cross-legged next to the fat man, and the fat man kept rubbing his head with his hands.

Faced with such a weird atmosphere, Cheng Xu had to activate the "Illusion Butterfly" and leave this place of right and wrong to avoid seeing anything that would make him lose sanity.

After hitting a wall twice in a row, Cheng Xu still didn't give up. He came to a "wild" marked by Zhang Yichi again.

Rabbit" roundabout.

"This place is also finished..."

There is no trace of living people in the three houses, the windows are broken, the doors are collapsed, and there is only a pile of garbage on the second floor.

With the idea of ​​not wasting time on props, Cheng Xu originally planned to hurry to the next roundabout.

As a result, just before leaving, he saw a sneaky figure sticking his head out of the broken two-story building.

This guy is not a resident of the three houses. The three had died last night for various reasons. He was just a rag picker.

The guy's name is Zhang Ke. His profession is very strange. He is a "scavenger". Almost all of his skills are on "survival skills". His survival ability is so strong that it is shocking.

Zhang Ke is like a cockroach. Any place with resources cannot escape his eyes. No matter what the resources are, he must take them home.

Moreover, he has a prop called "Split Egg". As long as a lot of resources are invested, an insect egg can be copied.

The egg contains a perfect copy of himself. As long as the original body dies, the egg will be activated and a new Zhang Ke will be born.

So far, Zhang Ke has copied three eggs and placed them in three houses to ensure safety.

Zhang Ke's figure shuttled between the dilapidated houses, like a mouse, and it was very difficult to aim with a bow and arrow.

So Cheng Xu chose to observe from a high place first, and then carry out the assassination on the ground.

Cheng Xu observed from a high place for more than two minutes, and when he confirmed that he was alone, he quickly moved forward and came close to Zhang Ke.

In a room full of green sludge, Zhang Ke made a humming sound similar to that of a mouse.

"Hehe... hum... food... more food..."

He didn't have a space backpack, only a canvas bag that didn't look very big, which was filled with various foods that he squeezed flat.

When the food could no longer fit, Zhang Ke quietly walked out of the door...


Cheng Xu raised his knife and cut off Zhang Ke's neck.

"Ah! Killing! Ah!..."

Zhang Ke's vitality, which was comparable to that of a cockroach, was really hard to guess with common sense. Even if his cervical nerves were cut off, he could still scream.

Cheng Xu decisively stabbed him in the back of the head and heart, completely killing this guy.

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