The sound of the sound was so loud that the sound of the sound was not heard.

Cheng Xu basically locked Zhang Ke's position by sound, but he still couldn't activate the skill. Perhaps the positioning was too vague, so he couldn't really lock it.

Cheng Xu could only stay put and wait for a better opportunity.

Zhang Ke's rat nose took a few breaths of air in succession, and then he lay on the ground and tested the wetness of the soil with his hands, mumbling in confusion.

"There is no smell of outsiders... Is the door leaking? I only have these two eggs, I must check the door..."

Zhang Ke climbed up the wall and opened the manhole cover again, and a ray of light was reflected in the underground space.

Cheng Xu instantly completed the lock, and the "Light Shadow Kill" shot, directly piercing Zhang Ke's heart before his brain reacted.

Facing Zhang Ke for the second time, Cheng Xu had already made some preparations, and quickly stabbed him in the brain and throat.

This time, Zhang Ke did not struggle as much as the first time, but just fluttered twice symbolically, and then died completely.

The insect eggs he placed on the ground soon made a cracking sound, and a pool of light red liquid gushed out. Zhang Ke, who had just been reborn, struggled to get out of it.

Cheng Xu, who had found the right position in advance, had already blocked the birth point, waiting for him to complete his resurrection.

The moment Zhang Ke showed his head, Cheng Xu stabbed him in the neck with a knife. Although it was slightly crooked, it still cut off Zhang Ke's trachea.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Cheng Xu quickly stabbed him twice in the lower jaw to ensure his death.

Then he pulled his body out of the insect eggs and stabbed him twice in the chest, completing the professional task.

"One more."

Cheng Xu held his breath and approached the last egg, waiting for Zhang Ke's rebirth.

But after a few minutes of waiting, the egg still did not move.

Cheng Xu decisively pierced the eggshell, and a large amount of sticky liquid gushed out, and Zhang Ke's cry for mercy also rang out.

"Don't kill me! I just want to live, what's wrong! I didn't attack you! I don't even know you..."

"Puff... sizzle..."

Cheng Xu didn't say anything, pulled Zhang Ke's hair, exposed his neck, and cut off the cervical vertebrae.

Like a skilled worker in a slaughterhouse, Cheng Xu used a folding knife to accurately hit Zhang Ke's remaining vital points without any groping or hesitation.

This ability comes from his profession. As long as the killer has contact with a person twice, he can naturally find the opponent's weaknesses.

After killing Zhang Ke, Cheng Xu rummaged around in his space backpack, put Zhang Ke's body in it, and took the "split eggs" with him.

Cheng Xu walked around Zhang Ke's house and didn't find any breeding farms. It seemed that the green creatures also disliked this cockroach-like survivor.

In another roundabout where there were no living people, Cheng Xu threw three bodies to the green creatures and finally got the hidden task reward, four skill points.

And he also completed his daytime professional task today, a total of five skill points, which is a huge improvement for Cheng Xu.

However, he was a little entangled in the choice of skills.

Five skill points can only get two skills. The next skill of the "Stealth Body Skill" branch is "Lurking", which is an upgraded version of "Hibernation".


"If the user's feet do not move within 30 seconds, the skill will be automatically activated, and the user's body and belongings will enter the invisible state"

"The invisibility effect can still exist within two minutes after starting to move"

"Passive skill"

"Consumption: No consumption"

This effect cannot be said to be very good. After all, if you want to be invisible for 2 minutes, you must stay still for 30 seconds, which greatly limits its scope of application. It is basically impossible to use it for pursuit or escape.

However, the next skill of the "Stealth" branch, called "Mirror Shadow Barrier", can give Cheng Xu a very powerful escape ability.

"Mirror Shadow Barrier"

"When the skill is activated, the user will have the ability to sneak into the mirror, and all smooth surfaces within a radius of 20 meters can be used as entrances and exits"

"Once you enter the mirror world, you will not be able to touch or affect the real world, and can only observe and enter and exit through the mirror"

"Consumption: 5 points of physical strength"

"Skill duration: 5 minutes"

Having this skill means that Cheng Xu can freely travel on the reflective surface within a radius of 20 meters within five minutes, which can be said to be very powerful.

However, in the "Art of Killing" branch, the next skill is called "Brushstrokes", which is a very effective

Early warning skills.


"Draw a mark containing mental fluctuations, which can be attached to any object, including living things"

"There are two types of marks, one can warn survivors, and the other can warn survivors and monsters. As long as the corresponding target is detected, the mark will send mental fluctuations to inform the user of the specific location of the alarm"

"Consumption: 1 mental value"

"Mark duration: 72 hours"

"Mark maximum effective range: 100 meters"

This skill just fills the reconnaissance means that Cheng Xu lacks now, allowing him to have a certain intelligence ability, so that he does not have to rely entirely on the information of the management group.

And the skill after "The Art of Killing" is also very much to Cheng Xu's liking, as it is his first summoning skill.

"Dream Palace"

"After use, a spider with neurotoxin will be summoned. The summoned creature can be controlled by the summoner within a radius of 40 meters"

"Consumption: 20 points of physical strength"

"Duration of summoned creature: 72 hours"

"Dream Palace" and the previous "Brushstroke" can even form a combination skill. Cheng Xu can completely control the spider for one-way exploration.

After struggling for a long time, Cheng Xu still chose "The Art of Killing". After all, the situation is not bad enough to need life-saving skills.

Anyway, now only three levels are needed to unlock the remaining skills of "Stealth Footwork".

After finishing the skills, Cheng Xu came out of the ruins and returned according to his memory.

It was not until two hours before night that Cheng Xu arrived at his shelter.

After drinking a little water and replenishing the immunity buff, Cheng Xu began to arrange various warning "brushstrokes" around his home.

With the experience from last time, Cheng Xu controlled his mental value and only generated 19 "strokes", without triggering the powerless state of mental value plummeting.

However, this was still a bit uncomfortable for Cheng Xu, and after doing these things, he went back to rest.

The coverage network formed by the 19 "strokes" basically allowed Cheng Xu to find anyone who stepped into the roundabout where Cheng Xu was.

With this layer of protection, Cheng Xu felt more secure lying on the bed.

As a result, this stability lasted less than half an hour, and the first alarm was triggered.

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