The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Cheng Xu did not turn his head immediately, but quickly lowered his body and used other senses to judge the surrounding situation.

Sure enough, the first to attack was not the person coming from behind, but the priest who had just been stabbed by Cheng Xu.

The priest's arm had turned into a black blade, slashing towards Cheng Xu's position just now, making a buzzing sound in the air.

With the faint light from the outside world, Cheng Xu saw the body of the priest, a blood-red light flashed, and the "Dura Seal" hit the stiff and clumsy body, followed by a slash as fast as thunder!


The second impact of the "Dara Seal" directly shattered the hard shell of the priest, and the room was suddenly filled with black dust.

"Buzz... Clang!"

An extremely vicious scimitar slashed at Cheng Xu from the lower body, but was stepped down by Cheng Xu with extremely fast reaction speed!

The man with the knife couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by Cheng Xu's "Dara Seal", which choked his throat!

The enemy exploded instantly, and like the other priest, he broke into a pile of black tiles.

After killing two people in an instant, Cheng Xu did not feel any relaxation, because those broken enemies were slowly merging...

Some black silk threads grew out of their broken shell-like bodies, re-bonding those tile-like debris to form a new individual.

Cheng Xu stepped over the fragments and shouted to the new believers huddled in the corner of the sofa: "Where is your prophet!"

The believer who had just joined the church for less than a day trembled and stretched out his finger, pointing to the inner room.

There was a bedroom, the door was half-closed, and the light of candlelight could be seen inside.

Cheng Xu prepared the "Void Seed" in advance, just in case.

Then Cheng Xu quickly walked to the door, raised his foot, and kicked it hard!

The hinges of the fragile bedroom door were kicked off directly, and after a loud bang, the door panel fell to the ground.

A black shadow ambushing behind the door had to roar and rush towards Cheng Xu.

The guy looked like a person who had not received any combat training. The short sword in his hand was raised high, revealing a huge gap under his armpit.

Cheng Xu approached the black shadow and blocked his swing with his arm. At the same time, he stabbed his heart area three times with his folding knife!

The guy, whose body had not yet completely hardened, spurted out a ball of black pus and fell to the ground and died.

Cheng Xu's killer instinct told him that there was only one person left in the room, and there was no breath of a second person.

Cheng Xu saw the fat man he met during the day. He was still sitting on the chair, and there was no panic or anxiety in his expression.

He was still wearing a loose vest, with a fat belly exposed outside the vest, and bloated fat piled up together, looking extremely disgusting.

There was no voodoo symbol on his skin, but it was still very black, as black as charcoal.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

Cheng Xu did not hesitate, and stabbed three times, making a big hole in the fat man's chest.

"Hahahaha... This is a power you can't understand, mortal..."

The fat man was not dead, and he didn't even show any discomfort. The meat on the ground seemed not to be from his body.

From the huge crack in his chest, a large group of bloated vesicles gradually grew and expanded...

"This is the great fungus master! The great He Luo God! Come! Touch it! Become my most powerful believer!!"


The vesicle suddenly swelled and suddenly exploded before Cheng Xu ran out of the bedroom, and a ball of thick black dust instantly filled the whole room.

At the same time, Cheng Xu received a message:

"Shelter 2-0403 has been occupied"

Cheng Xu's heart sank and he quickly ran out of the door.

"Calm down, Cheng Xu, calm down."

Cheng Xu forced himself to calm down, wiped the black dust off the mask, and his brain began to work rapidly...

"These dusts are all blessings from the 'Fungus Master'... It is likely to be spores, so maybe we can try with fire! But... fire..."

Cheng Xu suddenly remembered that he still had a "Rescue Supplies Replenishment Card" with a large amount of survival supplies to obtain.

At this time, Cheng Xu didn't care about gains and losses, and immediately used props, and a large amount of supplies appeared around him.

A black figure that was almost fully recovered poked his head out of the house, with a strange smile on his face.

"You will become one of us..."

Cheng Xu quickly searched among the supplies, not paying any attention to the garbage that guy was mumbling.

Trash talk.

Behind Cheng Xu, the zombies who sensed the sound discovered his presence, screamed excitedly, and rushed towards the house...

"Found it!!"

Cheng Xu finally found the tube igniter in a box of "Survival Food Cooking Set", quickly pressed the flame injection button, locked the safety, and threw it into the house...

"Boom! Buzz!——"

The concentration of spore dust in the house had reached a very scary level, and it was instantly ignited by the flame of the igniter, forming a dust explosion.

Cheng Xu's ears became deaf at that moment, and only a tinnitus in his mind kept echoing.

In a trance, he saw two zombies with bone spurs running towards him, and he didn't care about anything else and quickly ran in other directions.

Halfway through the run, a sewage wave came unexpectedly, and a large amount of green sewage swallowed Cheng Xu.

The zombies who lost their target fell into confusion, were directly swept away by a sewage wave, and disappeared in the green sludge.

Cheng Xu struggled to climb out of the water, dragging his body all the way to the top of the wire mesh, gasping for breath until his lungs felt pain and his mouth was full of blood, then he stopped.

The house was gradually submerged by the tide, and the remaining flames quickly extinguished, leaving only a pile of black garbage.

Cheng Xu's hearing gradually recovered a small part, but it was very weak and he couldn't distinguish the specific details of the sound.

"Cough cough..."

Cheng Xu coughed a little because of his excessive breathing just now, and his throat hurt as if he had swallowed a fish bone.

He struggled to stand up, and went down along the wire mesh again, and returned to the completely destroyed house.

The few new believers were completely dead, their bodies were all burned white. Even if they were saved, they would not live for a few days with such a large area of ​​burns.

Cheng Xu decomposed and swallowed their bodies while looking for the two hardened priests and paying attention to the traces of the fat man.

After a period of searching, Cheng Xu found the fat man first.

He was lying in the ruins, his body was covered with traces of fire, his cheeks and chest were burned through, revealing the black bones.

Cheng Xu tried it and found that this thing could not be considered a corpse at all, and his two enhanced seeds could not devour it.

Then, next to the fat man's body, Cheng Xu saw the fragments that had completely stopped moving. They had lost their activity and fell into silence.

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