Cheng Xu opened the file and quickly browsed the monsters tonight.

"Tired Traveler, Skinner, Balloon Clown, Deer-Headed Man, Fisherman"

"Tired Traveler: B"

"A creature that imitates the Tired Traveler, possessing great power and greedy desires, and able to converse with humans"

" They mainly attack with their own appendages, which are likely to be disguised as normal objects such as backpacks, tents, lanterns, etc., and their attack methods are also different."

"Skinning Artist: A"

"Possessing great power and an extreme desire for human skin A humanoid creature whose intelligence is reflected in its outstanding hunting skills."

"This creature also has the ability to mark its prey. Once it becomes its prey, it will be hunted to the ends of the earth unless it is killed."

" Balloon Clown: A"

"Evil spirits appear in pairs. When the red clown appears, a piece of music will play around the affected person. At the same time, you must find the location of the red clown and take the balloon from it." "When the second music starts, the blue clown will appear and ask the affected person for a balloon. If the balloon breaks, or if the balloon is not collected, the affected person will be hunted down."

"Deer-headed man: B"

"Its first form is a wild deer, which will not actively approach humans, but will release mental induction to humans, attracting Humans approach"

"When humans approach, it will show its second form, a demon with a deer head, and release a lot of mental interference to control humans"

"Fisherman: S"

"Anyone may encounter the fisherman. The essence is the projection of a high-dimensional creature that is free from the world dimension. When its hook approaches someone, it proves that the person has become the "catch" in his eyes."

"In the next period of time, its hook will become Make various very real wishes to lure humans into the trap, including but not limited to: "

"Money, love, power, return to normal life, escape all misfortunes, become a god"

"You must remain invisible tonight..."

Just check Cheng Xu In the time it took to read the data, a black shadow jumped up from the roof like a monkey, dodged and swerved between the gradually appearing barbed wires, and ran into the woods.

The person who came was one of the people who prayed to join the sect yesterday, named Fang Shilin.

His profession is "Macaque", and his professional skills do not have much attack ability. He can only rely on speed and climbing skills to survive.

After being chased by a group of zombies After most of the night, he decided to find someone to rely on.

Anyway, seeing the reactions of the believers every day were pretty good, and a steady stream of people joined the "He Luo Shen Cult", Fang Shilin felt that he had to come here even for peace of mind. .

He didn't know how to hide himself, and his every move revealed a kind of impatience similar to that of a macaque.

"Why is there no one here? Have I been fooled?"

Cheng Xu was standing on the tree next to him, carefully Observing his every move.

Fang Shilin stood there, his hands and feet were not quiet, scratching his back, scratching his chin, and mumbling constantly.

"What a rubbish He Luoshen, no integrity at all..."

The third person quietly arrived two minutes later. Fang Shilin didn't notice it at all, but Cheng Xu noticed the silent black shadow.

The person who came was Feng Jue. A female, whose occupation is "thief", has the ability to hide herself and has excellent survival ability.

But her problem is the same as Fang Shilin's, she has no offensive skills, and can only run when encountering monsters, which is very embarrassing.

She This time she came just to see the sincerity of "He Luo Shen". If there was no problem, she would join. If the other party made trouble, she would just run away.

After she arrived, another figure also came quietly and hid in the woods. , quietly observing the surroundings.

This guy's name is Zheng Yu, and his occupation is a "long-distance runner". He is very good at various forms of running, and his speed and endurance are very impressive.

But... he just has no attack ability at all.

When Zheng Yu arrived, the black island finally changed...

A black bulge suddenly grew out of the ground and slowly grew in the woods.

When the bulge grew to more than one person tall, it The outer layer of the celestial being turned into layers of silk threads, swirling and gradually blooming.

When the threads were completely untied, a humanoid individual appeared in the center, very much like the evolved fat man "Ho Luo Shen".

"Come out , you three, the god Horuo has told

I am here for you..."

Cheng Xu did not move, with some guesses in his mind.

And the "Macaque" Fang Shilin jumped directly to the side of the humanoid figure, using his hands and feet to move slowly like a monkey.

"I'll ask you one last time, is there anyone who wants to receive the blessing? If no one agrees, God He Luo will never be with you!"

Feng Jue and Zheng Yu walked out of the bushes, looked at each other, and walked to the side of the humanoid creature.

"Very good, you three are the lucky ones today, God He Luo will personally bless you..."

As he said, the humanoid creature pulled out a ball of black gel from his chest, which contained a crystal and emitted a continuous spiritual fluctuation.

"Come, come closer, stretch out your hands, and prepare to receive the blessing..."

Except for Fang Shilin, the other two did not approach, but took a step back, looking like they were ready to run.

"Alas... Anyway, I don't need real believers now. After all, I have completed my evolution. That kind of rubbish sect model is just a joke..."

"Swish! Swish!"

Two hard long hooks that suddenly grew out of the black sand suddenly pierced Zheng Yu and Feng Jue's calves, making the escape skills they were proud of useless.

"Do you know? What I lack most now is not believers, but more self..."

The crystal suddenly flew forward and knocked Fang Shilin to the ground, crushing his ribs.

Cheng Xu could hear the crisp sound of bones breaking from a distance.

Then, the crystal forcibly broke his ribs, drilled into Fang Shilin's chest, and replaced his heart.

A moment later, his ape-like body was replaced by black filaments, and his bones and organs fell off and melted into black pus on the ground.

In less than half a minute, Fang Shilin turned into something like "He Luoshen".

"Come, you two should also taste the taste of evolution, have a higher level body, connect to a higher level consciousness..."

"As long as I find a satisfactory body, I can leave this game, connect with the great fungus master, and become a part of the He Luo God!"

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