The more monsters there are, the more they will be killed.

Cheng Xu suddenly realized that the division and proliferation mentioned in that special rule was probably a continuous buff. The number of monsters did not simply double, but showed an exponential growth...

"Doesn't that mean that the monsters will fill the whole world in a while..."

More and more monsters began to split, and soon, the number of monsters exceeded the number of survivors, and the whole water prison world became a little lively.

The clarinet music of the "Balloon Clown" and the hawking of the "Skinning Artist" overlapped, and if you didn't listen carefully to the content, you would really think you were in a circus.

When the number of those monsters reached a certain peak, the division and proliferation stopped, and the water prison was already crowded with various humanoid creatures.

Everyone's shelter was hit at the same time, and the monsters that could no longer find a suitable target began to attack indiscriminately.

Cheng Xu's three houses were damaged to varying degrees.

Among them, the "Clown" house, which was still in the occupation mission stage, was the most seriously damaged. All the windows had been smashed and the door was already shaky.

The house was already crowded with "Tired Travelers" and "Skinning Artists".

The furniture in the house was also completely demolished by those guys. Except for the "Conversion Box" which was a prop, everything else turned into garbage.

"Kashijia: So why did you choose such a rule tonight, just to reduce the population a little bit?"

"Bidongjia: That's not the case. I also asked the monster department to adjust the monster's attack mode and weaken some of its strength. Now they are more willing to demolish furniture."

"Kashijia: That's the same. If the shelter is gone, the survivors will die anyway."

"Bidongjia: It's about demolishing furniture, not houses. It can waste some of their time."

"Tengjia: Then give them a little surprise tomorrow night!"

"Tengjia: Look at the little "killer" guy, he has already hidden to avoid maximizing the loss."

"Tengjia: Those survivors who stay in the house, I don't know how much reinforcement materials they will spend to repair the house."

"Rujia: Others don't have such a great skill set as him..."

Cheng Xu looked at the group of monsters like gangsters tearing up his furniture, and he didn't know what to say.

"Thank goodness the reinforcement of my hometown is strong enough..."

The monsters' instinct is still to approach places with human breath, and the command to destroy furniture cannot completely change their habits.

When a living person appears, the monsters will still rush forward, surging like zombies.

In the long dark night, there were a few survivors who impressed Cheng Xu and filled the boring gap while he was waiting.

One of them grew bat-like flesh membrane wings, relying on gliding, jumping back and forth between the roundabouts, barely avoiding the attacks of the monsters.

But when he passed through the spider trap set by Cheng Xu, he accidentally touched the spider on standby, was bitten, and died on the spot.

There was another survivor, whose profession was unknown, who turned into a huge iron ball, wrapped himself in the middle, and let the monsters push it forward.

Even the barbed wire could not stop his progress. He rolled over various gullies all the way and was pushed around by the monsters.

As dawn approached, "Beast Tamer" Li Enze brought his pets to the vicinity of Cheng Xu's roundabout, tearing the weakened monsters apart like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Children! Kill them fiercely! I'll take you to pick up food during the day!"

Li Enze carried his spiked stick and walked at the forefront of the monster army, smashing the heads of those monsters directly.

He was like a war meat grinder, grinding a bloody path among the monsters.

When the sky got bright, Cheng Xu finally came out of the mirror world and looked at the pile of monster corpses that had not disappeared on the roundabout at the door with a solemn expression.

"Such an opponent... must be eliminated as soon as possible..."

Cheng Xu was not in a hurry to take action. After all, the vine eggplant that transformed into the "Mother of Corruption" would come tonight. At that time, the possibility of killing Li Enze together with him would be greater.

"Haha! With this pile of food, you can probably evolve once or twice. Then, we can go and rob those survivors!"

Li Enze's voice came from outside the roundabout. Behind him were a dozen monsters of different shapes, pulling something similar to a truck and moving forward slowly.

A monster with nine heads sat on the front of the truck, using

The head picked the corpses, put the tender and more delicious ones on the car, and threw the rest directly into the sewage.

As Li Enze walked, he laughed at the survivors around him, and his arrogance was very arrogant: "Hey! Cowards hiding in the house! Your Grandpa Li is here. If you have the guts, come out and play. If you don't have the guts, take a shit and bury yourself!"

Cheng Xu stood on the roof of the second floor, carefully observing the guy's every move in the invisible state, and pretended not to hear such provocative words.

After a period of observation, Cheng Xu found that on the outside of Li Enze's body, there seemed to be no protection, there was a layer of fluorescent white light slowly moving.

The light blocked everything from the outside, and even the green pollutants could not get close to his body.

If someone was really tricked out by the provocation, or secretly shot a cold arrow, it would be torn to pieces by the monsters in the next second.

"When facing this kind of guy, only by clamping all his monsters can we kill him..."

Cheng Xu quietly followed the group of monsters and recorded his route in his "record book" group.

Li Enze's shelter was far away from Cheng Xu. When he got home, the bodies pulled back by the monsters had filled two cars.

"Okay! Boys and girls, let's eat!!"


The monsters cheered and dismantled one of the wooden boards into a pile of wood. Like a kitten dismantling a cardboard box, they jumped back and forth in the pile of corpses.

These weird-looking monsters jumped like small animals at this moment, tearing the flesh and blood of the monsters into pieces and began to feast on them.

Cheng Xu, who was tracking not far away, quietly recorded the characteristics of each monster and thought about how to deal with these guys.

"The one with nine heads has clumsy and slow legs, so you can target its lower body..."

"The one with a shell and poisonous pincers has gaps in the shell near its head, and its poisonous pincers are not very flexible, so you can attack its head..."

"The one with strong arms has the same overall structure as humans, so you can try to attack its brain and cervical vertebrae..."

"Teng Qie: See, what does it mean to prepare for a rainy day? I'll be the first to kill this guy tonight!"

"Kaxi Qie: The "Mother of Corrupted Walkers" and the "Corrupted Walkers" Legion can only hold back those monsters at most, you can't beat them"

"Teng Qie: Isn't there the "Killer" here? In a one-on-one situation, the "Killer" will definitely defeat the "Tamer" in seconds!"

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