The sound of the explosion was so intense that the fire was still burning.

"Buzz! Bang! Boom!..."

Dozens of long-range attacks instantly hit the light source, and a lot of collision sounds were heard, but they didn't sound like the sound of hitting a human body.

When the attack subsided, everyone realized that it was just a human-like wooden sign with a strong flashlight tied to it.

Things like crossbows, stones, and iron bullets had destroyed most of the wooden sign, but the strong flashlight still shot straight at the ceiling of the water dungeon.

The distance from the horizontal surface of the mud to the ceiling was less than one meter, and the gray concrete was spread out very flat, without any depressions or potholes.

Cheng Xu tried his best to stay away from the light and hide in the cover of darkness.

With the dim light, he explored around him and found no trace of anyone.

More than a dozen people were exposed to the light of the flashlight. Before they could react, more long-range weapons flew towards them.

A few unlucky guys were penetrated by attacks from nowhere and became obstacles floating on the surface of the mud.

The rest of the people dived directly into the sticky mud and relied on the mud to block the attacks of those weapons.

At this moment, everyone heard the most familiar alarm sound, and the whole water prison made a heavy mechanical sound...

"Start filling water..."

A mechanical sound without emotion sounded, and the top of the water prison suddenly cracked, and a huge pipe with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared. A huge amount of sewage gushed out from it and quickly filled the entire water prison.

"Start drainage cycle..."

Some sewage outlets emitting red light suddenly opened, discharged some sewage, and then quickly closed, and randomly opened another sewage outlet.

The water in the water dungeon quickly became turbulent, pushing together the survivors who were unwilling to interact with others, forcing them to start fighting each other.

In an instant, the scene fell into a crazy chaos.

Relying on the "Mirror Shadow Barrier", Cheng Xu hid directly in a pile of mirror fragments that were rolled back and forth, trying to survive this period of time.

As a result, before two minutes had passed, only two of the mirrors he threw out were still within the perception range, and the rest slipped away along the sewage outlet.

Forced to do so, Cheng Xu returned to the water dungeon from the mirror world.

As soon as he came back, he ran into a large group of people caught in the turbulence.

The dozen people had completely turned into a mass, with no difference between the living and the dead, their limbs intertwined and bound by scarlet colors.


Cheng Xu felt a chill, and a dagger protruding from the corpse hit his soft armor.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Xu released a "Dara Seal" and stabbed the muscle of the arm with his knife.

The "Dara Seal" that exploded successfully created a chaotic shock wave, pushing Cheng Xu out of the crowded corpse.

The moment Cheng Xu touched the bottom of the pool, the sewage valve on the top slowly closed, leaving a closed space filled with water.

In the water dungeon that was still dark just now, a flashing alarm light appeared, and the red light illuminated every survivor struggling in it.

Roselle's untimely notice came again, breaking the silence of the survivors.


"From now on, the Water Prison Battle Royale will enter the countdown mode, with a time limit of half an hour!"

"Only the top 100 potential players can enter the next round!"

"In order for the survivors to find the target better, we will mark the top 20 positions in your field of vision!"

"Now... let's start fighting!!"

Cheng Xu looked up and found that there was suddenly an extremely obvious "1" on his head, which could not be eliminated even if he was invisible.

At the moment this mark appeared, the survivors who had just survived the turbulence suddenly jumped up, and various forms of attacks flew towards Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu quickly activated the "Mirror Shadow Barrier", flashed through the mirror fragments, and avoided many attacks with various energies.

But his hiding behavior was quickly seen through by a survivor with the profession of "Shaman", who directly used "Silent Shock" to forcibly remove the connection between Cheng Xu and the mirror fragments.

The "Shaman" was part of a four-man team. When he successfully removed Cheng Xu's skill, the other three quickly rushed towards Cheng Xu.

When the second "Debilitating Missile"

"When the knife was about to hit Cheng Xu, his body turned into a shadow, rushed to an enemy, and stabbed the "Hundred Files" into the gap of his armor.

The blood mist with black shadows suddenly spurted out, dyeing a large area of ​​sewage red.

But Cheng Xu's figure did not stop there, but danced in the blood mist, drifting through the enemy's sharp blades, and cutting off the lifeblood of six enemies in a turn.

When he really appeared, the folding knife had already pierced the heart of the "Shaman".

Behind him, a series of blood mists floated up, gathering into a sharp brushstroke, with a kind of astonishing beauty.

There was still one person left in the "Shaman" group. He was responsible for protecting the rear and fighting a desperate battle with another survivor.

When he turned around, he found that his teammates had floated with the others and turned into a pile of cold bones.


He had never felt so frustrated before, and he roared, directly dismantled the mechanical device hanging on his body, and pressed a button...

"Boom! Buzz..."

The powerful shock wave set off a huge wave in the sewage, knocking all the survivors around away.

However, the guy's self-explosion did not cause any substantial damage, and the power of the explosion could not even penetrate the barrier of sewage.

Cheng Xu, who was knocked to the edge of the water prison, had just stopped when a hooked spike flew quickly, and the speed was not like underwater at all.

Cheng Xu blocked with a folding knife and successfully locked the sneak attack guy with his intuition.

The skinny sneak attacker also noticed Cheng Xu's gaze, and hurriedly activated his skills, entering a kind of optical mimicry similar to invisibility.

But his action was still a step slower. Cheng Xu, who turned into a shadow, completely ignored the resistance of the sewage, and as fast as a ghost, he directly cut off the guy's head with a knife.

"Open the drain gate..."

A more rapid flash of red light passed by, and the drain gate of the entire water prison opened instantly, and all the sewage was drained out within three seconds.

The sudden change in the environment caused the entire water prison to fall into a more crazy struggle again.

Cheng Xu quickly broke a mirror and was about to sneak in to wait for the opportunity, but he found that the mirror in his hand had lost its reflective surface and became extremely rough...

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