The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.

Cheng Xu, who was under siege, gave up attacking and focused more on thinking. While dodging various attacks, he thought about how Xu Ran hid himself.

"All of us should have a mark. The system cannot be wrong... and invisibility cannot eliminate the mark. It will always float above the head until death..."

"Xu Ran's skills are all related to psychology. Could it be that she used some psychological tricks to make me ignore something..."

"What is being covered up..."

Cheng Xu suddenly felt a collapse-like tremor coming from his body. A strong sense of weakness swept over his body, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.

Cheng Xu quickly looked up and found that the phantom of Xu Ran in the sky was extending a finger and smiling at him.

That smile was full of hypocrisy, with a little contempt on the corners of his mouth, and the smile in his eyes was full of hypocrisy and teasing.

Cheng Xu, whose muscle reaction had completely returned to normal, found that he could no longer avoid those fatal attacks. A vicious arrow directly penetrated his mask and hit Cheng Xu's left eye.

Cheng Xu felt that his vision suddenly went black, and then he felt a strong sense of dizziness. His feet slipped and he fell directly to the ground...

"No... It's not the time today..."

At the moment of falling to the ground, Cheng Xu saw a demon lying on the ground, smiling at him.

In an instant, time and space seemed to be still, and the chaotic water prison completely stopped at that second.

The guy raised his middle finger to Cheng Xu, "Are you still not going to accept my help? If that knife cuts down, you will really die."

Cheng Xu saw the Mo Dao belonging to the "knife maker" hanging near the back of his head, and it would be cut down the next moment.

Cheng Xu even imagined what it would look like when his head was cut off. For some reason, he actually wanted to laugh.

"I accept..."

"Very good, my friend, I think you will like the taste of blood..."


Cheng Xu, who had already been "exhausted", suddenly jumped up and folded his body in the opposite direction at an angle that normal humans could not do at all, making the "Knife Maker"'s sword slash into the air.

Then, Cheng Xu grabbed the "Knife Maker"'s left ankle and pulled it with a 300% increase in strength!

The "Knife Maker" who had no time to react turned into a humanoid weapon and blocked the iron chain ball fired by Qi Ling for Cheng Xu.

With a crisp sound of bones, the chain ball was smashed to the side, and the "Knife Maker"'s heavy armor, like a crushed can, had a large wrinkle.

At that moment, the number "5" on the "Knife Maker"'s head slowly dissipated, announcing his death.

Cheng Xu did not stop at all, still squatting in an extremely strange posture, picking up the Mo Dao, his legs suddenly exerted force, and the whole person flew out like an arrow.

At this moment, he was like a violent bear, using the remaining body of the "Knife Maker" as a shield and his Mo Dao as a weapon, killing people in the crowd.

When the strength and speed increased by 300%, Cheng Xu's attack was no longer limited to the conventional style. Every kill showed the limit of human beings.

The body of the "Knife Maker" turned into a human-shaped heavy hammer in his hand, smashing some survivors wearing heavy armor directly into his iron cans.

And the Mo Dao, in his hand, was as flexible as a dagger, and he could take away a head with just one confrontation.

In the violent fight, Cheng Xu's broken mask had fallen off, and his face was full of blood spurted from the enemy.

But at this moment, Cheng Xu was enjoying it very much, showing a very happy smile.

Soon, the "swordsmith"'s body could no longer hold on, and was smashed into three pieces by Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu, who lost his sledgehammer, remembered that he still had a bag of "Ukiyo-e" crossbow arrows, so he simply abandoned his arm crossbow and used arrows as weapons to start a second fight among the crowd.

The waves of fear that erupted gradually gathered and resonated, forming a larger "Ukiyo-e" area, dragging all the survivors gathered in.

Xu Ran controlled the remaining survivors who were not affected to quickly evacuate outside the range of "Ukiyo-e".

The affected survivors quickly went from a state of ghosts howling to a state of silence, and their necks were broken one by one by Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu stood in the range covered by dozens of "Ukiyo-e" arrows, looking up at the sky, with only

An eyeball showed unprecedented excitement.

"I know where you are... Xu Ran, the little trick of psychology is really useful..."

The "illusion" Xu Ran in the sky laughed, waved his hand gently, erased the illusion effect on himself, and revealed his true body.

"As expected of the first place, you are very powerful, so I can't keep you..."

Cheng Xu's legs suddenly jumped up and flew towards Xu Ran who was floating in the air with the props...

But Xu Ran was not panicked at all, but sat on his throne and activated the effect of a prop.

"What do you think of the taste of "Equal Contract"? "

When the "Equal Contract" is cast, the selected person will keep the same action as the caster for 3 minutes.

Cheng Xu's body, which jumped high, suddenly fell rapidly and landed on the ground. Like Xu Ran, he sat on the non-existent throne.

"How about it, my respected Mr. First Place? If you admit defeat and sign a slave contract with me, I will let you live to the next round, what do you think?"

The survivors under the influence quickly gathered around Cheng Xu, drew their weapons, and stabbed his stiff body.

The cold stinging sensation made Cheng Xu, who was in a rage, taste the flavor of dying. The death god who was waiting for him at the other side of hell had already opened the record book.

"No... definitely not today..."

Cheng Xu's consciousness was stained with a bright red, and a day that was equally desperate emerged in his memory.

"Can you still go online!"

"Sorry, I was wrong..."

"Report! Respect the teacher!"


"Ah! I was wrong... Report! I was wrong!"

Cheng Xu saw the instructor holding the steel bar, and the leg of the child in front of him that swelled rapidly after being hit.

At that moment, Cheng Xu felt an unprecedented desire. He longed for power, longed for the power to dominate his own destiny...

Then, when the instructor came to him, Cheng Xu snatched the steel bar from his hand and smashed it hard on his knee.

The sound of broken bones and the instructor's wailing made Cheng Xu's desire further expand, so that he burst into tears and was full of joy...

Cheng Xu felt that what he held in his hand was not a weapon, but the boundary between life and death.

Whoever he wanted to die would be killed in an instant, which was purer and more equal than any rule in the world.

"Power... I long for power... Only power is the only possibility for my freedom... Hahahaha!"

The fragment of memory stopped abruptly with Cheng Xu's laughter. When it appeared again, he was lying on the ground, and there were five instructors, seven security guards, and their "principal" lying next to him.

"This is the purest desire in your heart. Congratulations on embracing its blessing. I will offer you... the purest desire!"

The voice of the devil sounded in Cheng Xu's ears, like the buzzing sound of a sword blade hitting a scabbard, with unprecedented sharpness and power.

In the water prison, Cheng Xu, whose body was already broken, had lost his breath and maintained the sitting posture, like a dry bone.

But suddenly, a ball of blazing blood-red flames burst out from all the wounds on his body, instantly igniting the dozen survivors around him.

Those burned survivors screamed, turned into pure energy, and poured into Cheng Xu's body.

His limbs began to grow again in an instant, and the wounds on his body were filled with new flesh and tissue, and more and more blood-red flames ignited on him.

Cheng Xu raised his head stiffly, and the half of his face without eyes was wrapped in blood-red flames, which looked more like a devil than a devil.

He looked at Xu Ran in the sky, with an incomparable desire in his eyes.

"Your power... will belong to me!!"

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