The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Of course, all these pictures are not real scenes, but the results of real-time calculations by Roselle, a mechanical creature.

To some extent, it is more like a game cutscene CG.

Roselle, which is slightly overloaded, has stopped all work and temporarily offline to let its computing components rest.

And several other managers have already started to work, adjusting maps, making reports, and reporting to their superiors. For a while, no one spoke in the group.

Cheng Xu, who entered the time and space freeze, didn't know all this. When he woke up, the world had turned into a world of ice and snow.

He felt his hands and feet aching, and the whole person was extremely weak.

Cheng Xu felt that he couldn't lift his legs at all, and his arms could only tremble randomly without his control, and he couldn't function normally at all.

But there was good news. He saw the familiar chandelier and the ceiling that he had never had time to clean because he was too busy.

"Huh... cough cough..."

The only thing Cheng Xu could do was to open his panel and check his current status.

"Extreme fatigue"

"Muscles have basically lost their ability to move, and they need to rest for more than 8 hours before they can recover"

"Angry Embers"

"After the wrath disaster subsides, your body will be weakened to 20% of the original data for 24 hours"

"Thirst Embers"

"After the thirst disaster subsides, your body will enter a state of neurological disorder for 24 hours"

Cheng Xu found that his "extreme fatigue" debuff was about to dissipate, and it would end in less than five minutes.

"I have been lying on the floor for nearly eight hours..."

In Cheng Xu's communication box, there was a notice sent by Roselle seven hours ago.

"Congratulations on passing the Battle Royale test!"

"Welcome to your next map - Distorted City!!"

"Here, you will live in a huge and ruined city, full of evolving deformed creatures!"

"Every three days, those deformed creatures will evolve, and their power will grow in ways you can't imagine!"

"In this city, your first task is to survive until the end of the game"

"All supplies will no longer be delivered, and all resources are limited. Please be prepared to starve..."

"In the first four days, the deformed creatures will not evolve. This is the best time for you to obtain resources. Please hurry up!"


Cheng Xu tried to raise his hand, but the only response he got was a random twitch of his muscles.

"We need to hurry up... but I still have to waste a whole day..."

Cheng Xu opened the survivor group, which had been silent for a long time, and found that it had recovered to 998 people. It was estimated that the survivors from the previous games had escaped from the frozen time and space.

Then, he opened the administrator group and found that they were chatting.

"Rubber Eggplant: So, I suspect that the boss accepted a bribe from that guy!"

"Kaxi Eggplant: Yes, otherwise why would the rest time be extended by one day? Isn't this obviously biased towards the "killer"! "

"Nan Eggplant: Is there a possibility? I'm still online"

"Rubber Eggplant: So what do you think, boss? Why do you want to extend the rest time?"

"Nan Eggplant: The audience's voice is particularly high, especially after the battle royale. They think we are deliberately weakening the presence of the "killer"

"Nan Eggplant: In order to give them an explanation, I chose the simplest and least unbalanced method to show our "compensation"

"Nan Eggplant: Remember to think more before speaking next time, @Rubber Eggplant "

"Breast Eggplant: ..."

"Water Eggplant: Phew, the adjustment is complete! Now it will be difficult for the "killer" to meet other people!"

"Bitong Eggplant: How did you adjust it?"

"Water Eggplant: I placed more than a dozen connected shopping malls between him and the others. The environment inside is complicated. Unless he just crashes out, it will definitely take a lot of time."

"Vine Eggplant: In my opinion, it is more likely that he will choose to "climb over"."

"Kaxi Eggplant: @Vine Eggplant, have you finished writing the report? Come to the group."

"Vine Eggplant: Almost there, I'm here to find inspiration..."


Cheng Xu's weak state was finally relieved, and his arm suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

He jumped up and punched the arrow-making table next to him.


Then, Cheng Xu realized what "nervous loss of control" in the description of "Craving Embers" meant.

His legs suddenly kicked wildly, like a bullfrog used in spinal cord reaction experiments, and pushed Cheng Xu's body four or five meters away.

"Bang!... Bang!"

Cheng Xu's head was driven by his body, rubbing against the chair legs, and knocking against the chair from time to time.

After half a minute of electric shock experience, Cheng Xu's nervous system finally calmed down, and he stopped twitching so wildly.

"I... uh..."

Cheng Xu couldn't help it and wanted to complain, but he found that his mouth and tongue were also out of control, and he made a sound like hiccups.

Resisting the weakness of his leg muscles not being able to work, Cheng Xu slowly stood up, his hands were in the posture of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he walked towards the bedroom with a trembling step.

Halfway through the journey, Cheng Xu felt very thirsty and planned to change his route to get some water from the hot spring.

He tried to pick up the teacup from the table, but he failed to touch the edge of the teacup after six attempts.

Cheng Xu felt as if his hands were malfunctioning hydraulic arms, his muscles were always tense, and he couldn't stretch his arms at all.

On the seventh attempt, Cheng Xu successfully touched the teacup to the ground, and the metal cup bounced on the ground a few times and rolled under the tea table.

"What the hell... ah... pinch... evil!"

For Cheng Xu now, bending down is already an extremely difficult action, and picking up the teacup is almost impossible.

Cheng Xu made up his mind and simply lay down in the hot spring to drink a few sips, anyway, there was no pollution...

He was more like a zombie than a zombie at this moment, limping into the bathroom, falling headfirst into the bathtub, letting the spring water soak his throat.

Feeling the sweet spring water, Cheng Xu suddenly discovered a problem...

He didn't seem to be able to swallow well.

Cheng Xu spent a lot of effort, coughing and trying to swallow the spring water.

After drinking so much water that he choked, Cheng Xu finally stopped feeling thirsty and limped back to his room.

When he finally lay on the bed, his nerves relaxed, turning him from a polio-ridden Tyrannosaurus Rex back into a cold-blooded killer.

"Rest... for a while..."

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