The shop was full of people, but the owner was very busy.

This strange ecology made Cheng Xu unable to start, so he did not continue to open the remaining freezers, but chose to leave the store quickly.

However, not far away from where he walked, he saw an "Octopus Duty-Free Import Store" in the corner.

Most of the food inside was packaged food. Although many shelves were knocked down, the food was not seriously damaged.

And there were no humanoid creatures in the store, which made Cheng Xu overjoyed and plundered the entire store.

Unfortunately, the door of the store's warehouse was stuck by something and could not be pushed open, otherwise Cheng Xu would basically have no worries about food and drink.

When Cheng Xu returned to the vicinity of the shelter, the wind outside had gradually stopped, and the whistling humming sound weakened a lot.

Those humanoid creatures also gave up calling and walked towards their nests.

Two skinny humanoid creatures seemed to have discovered Cheng Xu's shelter and were very satisfied with this house that suddenly appeared.

So they relied on their remaining human instincts to find the door of the shelter and tried to open it with their deformed limbs.

Their redundant limbs were very clumsy and knocked against the door, making a very obvious click.

This sound attracted the attention of other humanoid creatures, and they actually gathered towards Cheng Xu's shelter.

Cheng Xu, who couldn't go back to his own home for a while, chose to go to the "clown"'s house. Anyway, the occupation mission was still a little time away.

Cheng Xu walked around and came to the vicinity of the "clown" house. Only then did he find that part of the house actually protruded directly out of the window.

"Maybe I can see what's going on outside..."

Cheng Xu slowly opened the door and slowly closed it again, without making any loud noise.

At least the group of humanoid creatures gathered together couldn't hear it very much.

Cheng Xu walked to the protruding window, removed the window protection, and looked out.

The world outside the window was still the same, with pollen all over the sky being blown by the wind, even more exaggerated than a blizzard, and only a few streets in the near distance could see the outline.

Just when Cheng Xu was about to put up window protection and have a good meal, the weather forecast suddenly jumped...

"In the next hour, there will be a continuous "scarlet wave""

The name of this weather caught Cheng Xu's attention, and he looked out the window.

The whole city suddenly changed from the orange-yellow color just now to a deeper scarlet, and the light of those street lamps gradually became dim, as if shrouded by some kind of fog.

Some inexplicable waves began to appear and echoed in Cheng Xu's ears.

That sound didn't seem to come from the outside world, but more like it sounded directly in his heart, extremely real and extremely close.

Cheng Xu's heart was alert, and he immediately installed protection, and the sound of the waves disappeared immediately.

Since the interior decoration of the "clown" house was torn clean in the last round of the game, Cheng Xu could only find a sofa cushion that barely had some stuffing to sit on.

Cheng Xu took out a bag of snacks full of English words and ate while checking the chat group.

The management group seemed to have not finished the meeting yet, and no one was talking.

The survivor group was very lively, with more people talking and chatting than in the last round of the game.

I don't know if everyone has experienced two games and has a little more sympathy for each other, or it's human instinct to want to huddle together for warmth, anyway, the more they talk, the closer they are.

"Jian Feixian: The weather outside is abnormal, don't go out, staying alive is more important than anything else"

"Xun: Yes, Brother Jian is right. This time we are far away from each other, and there is no need to fight each other. Everyone should try to stay alive."

"The size is not suitable: Damn, can you hear the sound of the waves outside?"

"Succulents are easy to raise: Are you still outside? Don't want to live?"

"Big Horned Rat: You can hear it even if you are not outside. It is so big that even earplugs can't block it."

"Drifting Bottle: Oh my god, there is a huge fish outside!"

Below is a photo. The scarlet color in the city seems to be heavier than what Cheng Xu saw just now.

On the high-rise building in the distance, it seems that there is a huge fish swimming.

The outside of the fish's body presents the texture of human skin, and there seems to be some faintly visible sweat hair, but it is too far away to see clearly.

At the front of the fish, there is a pair of arms, but the structure is not similar to that of humans. The proportions are very strange, and the forearm is nearly twice as long as the upper arm.

Cheng Xu zoomed in on the picture and found that the fish was not swimming. There were many human-like creatures growing on the lower part of its body.

Legs, stepping on the roof of the building, dragging its body forward like a caterpillar.

Its tail was so short that it was almost invisible, with only a rough outline.

"Crack: So disgusting, @Drift Bottle, can you take a few more photos?"

"Drift Bottle: Too disgusting, don't want to take photos"

"Sister Hammer: Actually it's okay, just a little weird..."

The second photo was sent out, located at another angle of the fish.

I don't know when a huge fish hook appeared in the scarlet sky, and the size of the fish hook seemed to be larger than the tower crane used to build a house.

A huge arm was tied to the fish hook, and the structure and proportions were consistent with the front limbs of the strange fish.

Then, the survivor group fell into a strange silence, and no one spoke anymore.

Cheng Xu finished a bag of snacks, and took out another bag of bread, tasting the taste of seaweed sandwich, and continued to wait for the group chat content to be updated.

But when he finished the whole bread, no one replied.

It was not until the "Scarlet Tide" weather was completely over that new information appeared in the group.

"Drifting Bottle: Damn, how did I get outside by myself? Where is this place?"

"Sister Iron Hammer: Me too, there is clearly no invasion reaction of any mental fluctuations, why..."

At this moment, the weather forecast was updated again.

"The "false reality" will continue for the next hour"

Cheng Xu suddenly heard a burst of bird calls outside his window, which sounded very much like the turtle doves that often appeared near his home.

"Under the influence of these weather conditions, there is no way to go out to explore..."

Cheng Xu simply lay on the sofa cushions, intending to rely on sleeping to spend this time.

But he couldn't sleep at all, because those humanoid creatures actually temporarily recovered their normal bodies under the influence of the weather and began to talk loudly about Cheng Xu's house.

"Where did this illegal building come from?"

"I thought someone was going to make a TV show, but it turned out to be a real thing!"

"Wow, there are metal inlays on the door panels, so thick, I like it!"

Cheng Xu had no choice but to open his eyes, staring at the ceiling silently, enduring the noise outside.

At this moment, a message came from the administrator group, sent by Nanjia.

"Nanjia: Who turned on the concrete switch? Now the first wave of monsters' distortion will be advanced!!"

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