After Thanos conquered various planets, he did not occupy them or even declare them to be his territory. Instead, he slaughtered half of their creatures, just half, no more, no less.

His behavior is quite explosive in the hands of a Heavenly Father-level master.

Everyone regarded him as a lunatic.

Not a normal person anyway.

You fight all over the place, you have to do something for something, right?

He did nothing, conquered and killed everywhere, and even destroyed some planets by him, but he did not choose to capture them. He even had almost no fixed base except his home planet Titan.

The whole thing is a psychosis.

But even this kind of madness makes many Heavenly Father-level masters very afraid, but no one dares to do anything to him.

Because Thanos is also a very thief and does not touch the territory of Heavenly Father-level masters. He specializes in bullying the weak and those relatively weak civilizations.

In this way, he was given the title of overlord of the universe.

"He came from Titan after all!"Odin said this, but his eyes were extremely fearful.

This once technologically prosperous super civilization is a very famous overlord-level super civilization in the entire universe.

The entire race is very, very difficult to mess with. , they are not the gods, but they are much more terrifying than the ordinary gods.

Civilizations like Asgard are classified as god-level civilizations in the universe. Basically, their abilities are more or less It has something to do with divine power.

Even the dark elves, frost giants, fire giants, etc. are actually the same, and their ancestors are also all kinds of gods.

In addition, there are also civilizations with prosperous technology, some in the universe The powerful technological empires that have developed, such as the Skrulls and the Kree Empire, are considered representatives of the technological side.

But Titan is completely different from these. It is an even older civilization called the Eternals. A branch established the Titan clan on Titan. In fact, it was essentially a branch of the Eternal clan.

This clan split into several branches, but each one was very difficult to deal with, including two on Earth. Branch, this is why Odin believes that the water on the earth is extremely deep.

There is no doubt that the Eternals are one of the giants in the deep waters of the earth itself.

Although the Titans were later destroyed, they only relied on the remnants of the Titans The power, remaining technology, and his own heavenly father-level strength have allowed Thanos to become the overlord of the universe. It is natural that this Eternals makes Odin so afraid.

Thinking of this, Odin is even more I feel like my head hurts. My youngest son is now in the hands of Thanos. He has even become Thanos's thug when he invades the earth. Let him be cannon fodder.

After all, Thanos has so many talents in his hands, will he be short of people?

The purpose of letting Loki go was essentially not to provoke conflicts between Asgard and Karma Taj and other local forces on Earth.

He instantly understood why his future self would order Loki to be imprisoned. The so-called five major council members on the earth now are considered powerful on the earth, but they are not worth mentioning in the universe.

Not enough for Odin to care, and even to be honest, under normal circumstances, the earth will develop again. It would be difficult to threaten Asgard in a thousand years.

He wanted to punish him, not to give an explanation to the humans on earth, but to give an explanation to Kama Taj.

He could totally imagine that he would go to the Ancient One Out of rage, Loki unexpectedly led an alien civilization to invade the earth, causing countless casualties. How could Ancient One not be furious?

Even if he didn't fall out, it would be fine. In addition, he claimed to be the protector of mankind and wanted to protect mankind. The Eternals, Asgard might still have some confidence when facing these two big guys at its peak.

But now it really has no confidence.

He must give an explanation, and both parties must calm down.

So no matter how much he loves Luo Ji must give an explanation.

Of course, for his own sake, Loki will be fine. Loki

, a silly boy, is still having a temper with himself, but he, a silly boy, probably doesn’t know yet. Being able to manipulate the major forces in the universe, does everyone only see him for his face?

That is not the face of his God King Odin, so he often doesn't want to argue with these juniors.

Yes, although they are a thousand years old, Thor and Loki can really only be regarded as juniors in the universe.

0Please ask for flowers00

And Gu Yi, who is about the same age as them, has become a powerful and powerful boss.

What a difference.

Gu Yi is far worse than these two brothers. What's the result?

It is true that strong flowers cannot grow in a greenhouse.

But when he died, Thanos crushed him to death.

Although I don't know the specific situation, there is no doubt that it must be because Asgard was facing the Twilight of the Gods without him, so Thanos had no scruples and strangled him directly.

Even now, Odin suspects that the Twilight of the Gods in Asgard is really what he originally thought. It was because the eldest daughter Hela escaped from trouble. In order to deal with him, Asgard had to be destroyed. Well?

In other words, is it possible that it has something to do with Thanos?

After all, according to Thanos' usual behavior, how could he not be angry and take action after being suppressed by himself for so long.

Completely destroying Asgard would also show his strength.

In addition, Gu Yi may also get off work later, or something unexpected happens, and Thanos will really have no worries at all if he takes action again.

As for the Eternals on EarthWill it really stop Thanos?

Odin even doubted it, because the Eternals on Earth and the Titans where Thanos belongs are essentially one family, and they are essentially just branches of the same ethnic group.

Moreover, the Eternals will never come forward unless someone wants to conquer the earth. For example, I had a fight with the Eternals and didn't win.

But Thanos's style of behavior is completely different. He may not be interested in conquering the earth, but just to seize the infinite stones.

This gives the Eternals the possibility to watch. After all, as long as they are not trying to conquer the earth, even if it is an alien invasion and the destruction of all living beings, in the eyes of the Eternals, it may be just a small test and a small setback on the road to human growth..

There was no need to make a fuss at all to help Zero..

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