"Superhero Registration Act!"

Nick Fury, who got the diary update news immediately, hurried to the office without even having time to eat dinner. He also came with his widowed sister Natasha, and even several people including Nick Fury. His confidants, Coulson, the old mayor of Novice Village, Agent Hill, and Hawkeye Barton.

They are all Nick Fury's completely trustworthy people in SHIELD.

Nick Fury didn't bother to complain about Luo Chen. Writing a diary during dinner time is such an inhuman operation, because he has done this before getting up early in the morning to write a diary.

It is as if writing a diary is just a task.

People write diaries to record their daily life, how good he is, The diary is used for signing in.

Sometimes when you are too lazy to write and have nothing to write, just write the word"sign in" on the content of the day's diary.

The more perfunctory you want, the more perfunctory it is.

This makes Nick Fury want to do more from it. Some information ideas are completely useless.

"This bill seems to be aimed at future superheroes!"Colson said.

Although the three of them don't have a diary, Nick Fury and the widowed sister Natasha also shared the contents of the diary with them, so they also know it.

"should be!"Nick Fury said."It seems that the number of superheroes in the future is indeed in a state of explosion as Luo Chen said, otherwise there would be no need for a Super Soldier Registration Act!"

A few people nodded. Regarding the contents of this diary, they have been discussing it continuously. They have not missed any detail and are constantly studying it. Therefore, they are very clear about many contents in the diary.

"In contrast, there is an explosion in the number of super criminals!"Hill said."And all of this starts when Tony Stark becomes Iron Man!"

"So we have to keep an eye on Tony Stark to see when he becomes Iron Man!" Nick Fury said

"But recently, superheroes have begun to appear, the one called Superman!"Colson said."Recently, a superhero named Superman appeared near the New York neighborhood!"

"Superman?"Nick Fury started to have a headache. It seemed that a super hero had appeared."So, who is this Superman and what kind of super powers does he have?"

"I don’t know. No one knows who this Superman is. To be precise, many people only know that he is Asian, but when they think about it afterwards, they can’t remember his specific appearance. It’s very strange!"Colson said."We guess that it may be some kind of magic or witchcraft or something that can make people who have seen him forget his specific appearance!"

"Quite cautious!"Nick Fury snorted twice and said."What about his specific abilities?"

"According to what we later investigated and the investigation of various traces at the scene, this Superman is worthy of his superhuman name. He should have super speed, super strength, super endurance, etc. beyond the body of ordinary people. Quality!"Colson said."Some gangsters were hit by him. According to our assessment of his entire body, it was at least equivalent to being hit by a heavy truck. There were also broken leg bones, ribs, hand bones, etc. Wait, it is not difficult for us to judge that he has super strength. As for speed, everyone said that it is difficult to see how he took action. He was lying on the ground anyway, and after all the battles, no one saw him take a breath. So it is estimated that he still has super endurance. In terms of physical fitness, he is much stronger than ordinary vampires and werewolves!"

"Another troublesome person!"

Nick Fury said

"Our assessment of him is much higher than that of ordinary vampires and werewolves, because among those gangsters, none of them were killed by him. At most, they were seriously injured, and their whole body's strength was completely destroyed. They will not be able to bully others for the rest of their lives, so Our assessment is that he did not attack with all his strength in a rage, but in a controlled manner!"Colson continued."He imposed the punishment he thought was appropriate on these criminals. Some had their hands amputated, some had their feet amputated, and some were paralyzed. Anyway, they are all different, so We estimate that his strength should far exceed these, and may even be stronger than the day walker and blade runner we have been paying attention to before!"

"How about compared to Hulk?" Nick Fury asked.

"It's hard to say, but at least one thing is that Hulk can't control his strength and anger, but this person can. However, the angrier Hulk becomes, the stronger his combat power becomes. As time goes by, Hulk's He must be more powerful than this person!"Colson said."There is too little information currently known. The source of this person's super speed, super strength, and super endurance is not yet known whether it is scientific transformation or magical transformation!"

"Come back and summarize a report for me!"Nick Fury ordered

"OK, BOSS!"Colson nodded.

"Let’s continue reading. The Superhero Registration Act should be a bill added by the future government in order to cope with the increase of these superheroes!"Nick Fury analyzed and said, and everyone nodded. This is not difficult to analyze, it is very simple.

They all know that for all countries, even superheroes who are heroic and righteous, their existence is actually very difficult to control. Guy.

Because the distinction between superheroes and super criminals is actually very blurry. Just like people, the transition between good guys and bad guys is often very fast.

So although there is not a lot of evidence to refer to yet , but superheroes are also ordinary people. Many of them are ordinary people with super powers.

For example, Tony Stark, according to the diary, is just an ordinary person with a armor. The kindness of these people The view of evil can change at any time.

So superheroes may be superheroes in the eyes of the public, but in the eyes of the official people, there is only a thin line between superheroes and super criminals.

Moreover, when superheroes are doing justice, The damage and casualties caused were much smaller than those of super criminals.

For example, the Hulk is the most typical example. Abomination went on a killing spree, causing massive casualties and the destruction of countless buildings. With the Lighthouse Nation now With the administrative efficiency and construction efficiency, that block has just been cleaned up a few years ago.

But will the damage caused by the Hulk be smaller than him?

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