Nick Fury finally realized the problem, and he said: “But Luo Chen never said this in the diary, do you mean that he consciously controls this information and does not show it in the diary, or that he knows about our existence and deliberately misleads us?” ”

Tony Stark glanced at Nick Fury, and then said: “You think so, then you just think too much, just normal people who write diaries, which serious people will write the true truth in the diary!” ”

“You haven’t found out yet? He wrote almost no rules in his diary and what he wrote, and even many times, it was just similar to a simple check-in, but even so, he never interrupted for a day, even if it was just to talk about what the weather was like that day, how he waited for me to be kidnapped, and then used this thing to make a fortune! Tony Stark continued to explain. Coupled with our diary, I don’t know how you are, but this one in my hand suddenly appeared in my hand, the material is unknown, and the text will emerge, which is not simple in itself! ”

“So my personal speculation is that this diary may be similar to some kind of check-in system, and he must rely on this check-in for a living, or maybe this is how he can survive in this world!” Tony Stark said. “Don’t you think it’s strange, sometimes, it’s still in the morning, but he has already finished the day’s diary, is this normal?”

“You mean to say that this is some kind of life-sustaining device that keeps him alive in our world?” Nick Fury frowned and said.

“It’s possible!”

Tony Stark nodded, and then said: “Otherwise, many things can’t be explained, for example, at the beginning, the time he recorded the diary was obviously very strange, have you seen it when you get up early in the morning to write the diary?” Even if he himself has some diary habits in the world outside the fourth wall, but according to normal human habits, it doesn’t matter whether he writes a diary or not, even if he really writes, he won’t write so actively, and the record may just be boring things like the weather of the day! ”

“He showed unprecedented enthusiasm in the matter of writing a diary, so I doubt that writing a diary is the reason why he can travel through and live in our world, and once he is broken, or how many days is broken, he will return to the original world!” Tony Stark said. “So the real magic is not Luo Chen, but this diary, maybe God’s creation or something else, but I think that no matter what its essence is, I won’t be surprised!”

Nick Fury frowned, what Tony Stark said was not impossible, but very likely, which perfectly fits the psychological profile of some psychologists to Luo Chen, some things that were originally unexplainable, can now be explained.

For example, why Luo Chen is so active in writing a diary and writing such boring things is very contradictory in itself.

“And later, his attitude of writing a diary was obviously much more perfunctory, and not as positive as at the beginning, which is related to the time he keeps his diary, from the early morning most of the time, starting to be more and more random, and getting later and later!” Tony Stark said. “This may have something to do with the fact that he has adapted to this fear, and I think it may be his psychological journey, from extreme fear at the beginning to slow habit later!”

“This is also the process of psychological adaptation of ordinary people, in the face of sudden situations, from extreme panic to slow adaptation!” Nick Fury nodded and said, “Your analysis is very reasonable, but what does this have to do with his ability?” What variation do you think his abilities come from? Does it have something to do with crossing? ”

“It should not be, since he is from the outside world, according to our analysis, our world in their world, may be a series of stories, may be film and television dramas, may be anime, may be comics, or novels, then there may be some adventures, typical Hollywood story structure isn’t it?” Tony Stark said. “The Lord of the Rings, have you seen it? I used to fantasize that if I could be in the world in it, maybe I would be able to cut off some adventures in advance and make myself very strong, and I think that this is the reason why Luo Chen suddenly became stronger in a short period of time! ”

“Are you saying that he became stronger because he cut off some other people’s chance in advance?” Nick Fury immediately understood what Tony Stark was trying to say.

“I think it should be like this, at least in terms of his cognition, it should not be difficult!” Tony Stark said. “So his suddenness is powerful, I think that’s the reason!”

“It may be his own ridicule, the poor rely on mutation, obviously he mutated successfully!”

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