The video continues to play:

《Trail Blazers: I'm not crazy! Take me to Liuying quickly!" space station.

Pam: Passenger, what's wrong with you? Why did you cry suddenly?

Xing: I was stabbed in my dream.

Pam: Never mind, dreams and reality are opposites

【Truth: Dreams and reality are opposites?

This is an unfounded statement】

【Su Shang: But, Master Chi Yuan coaxed me like this when I was a child! (bring your head along)】

【Truth: pretend I didn’t say it】

【Star: Dreams are opposite to reality, so they mean reality.

I won't get stabbed!

No one can kill me in Pinoconi.

Ha ha!】

【March 7: Xingzai, are you okay?

Tears flowed from the corners of your eyes】

【Star: Woohoo~ I cried when I laughed.~】

【Huang Quan: In the dream, who would kill the Trail Blazers?】

【Paimon: He must be an extremely vicious man.


Bad temper.

The kind that kills people at every turn!

Still protruding belly button! (Touching his chin and nodding)]

The screen continues to play:

Xing (suddenly enlightened): So, it was I who slashed Huang Quan?

【Huang Quan: Oh~ is it me? Grumpy and cold?

Even a bulging belly button? (frown)】

【Ying: Paimon? Paimon, why are you pretending to be dead?

What a momentum just now! (happy~)】

【Hanabi: Now, let’s take it off. (laugh)】

【Paimon: Traveler, you have the wrong person.

I'm not Paimon, please call me emergency food】

【Dream Seeker: Little Paimon who doesn't want to face Miss Huangquan. (Awkward laugh)]

In front of the camera.

Huang Quan looked at the stars in front of him with great interest.

Huang Quan (puzzled): So, who do you want me to kill for you?

Xing (excitedly): Of course it’s your link! I still have 0.01 credit points to withdraw, but I successfully withdraw it!

Xing: Give me a chop quickly

【Hanabi: Genius!】

【Walter: Far beyond my imagination, unexpected and unreasonable. (slightly tired)】

【Dan Heng: Worthy of being a pioneer, God is unfolding. (shakes head)】

【March 7: When Xing Zai said a chop, he meant a chop like this.

I thought a real knife was used】

【Silver Wolf: Just for fun!】

【Liu Ying: Haha~ Is this an ordinary pioneer? (chuckle)】

【Xing: Stop scolding~ I really know my mistake! I have no money~ I can only maintain my life like this】

【Liu Ying: I have no money. I can lend you the 20,000 credit points I saved.~】

【Star: No! do not talk! Miss Liuying!

My sin level is increasing!

My brain is shaking! (Covering his head)] in the screen.


On March 7, the pioneers entered this land.

March 7: The immigration procedures for the family are too complicated.

March 7: Along the way, there were more than a dozen inspections of various sizes, and my suitcase was rummaged through four or five times.

【March 7: Yeah! Why do you still need to check this lady’s suitcase?】

【Sunday: Afraid of outsiders and bringing some strange things】

【March 7: Strange stuff? How could I have something weird.

I am the most normal one in the Trail Blazers team! need to check.

Check it from Xingzai too!】

【Star: Check me? I wear the same clothes all year round, so there’s nothing to check.

There can't be anything weird. 】

Video continues to play:

Three systems ago

Miss A, passerby, you brought a lot of clothes.

Xing: I am not talented, but I really like dressing up.

Passerby A needs... so many clothes?

Looking at the various relics and clothes piled up behind Xing. even.

And there are fragments of the Archduke!


Star was dragged away!

Star: Hey! etc!

Xing: I’m really not a smuggler! You listen to my excuses

【Sambo:"Sophistication"? (happy~)】

【March 7: I’ve said it all, I don’t have anything strange about you】

【Xing: I don’t have anything weird~ (pouts)】

【Dan Heng: A suitcase contains 80 pieces of relics and clothes.

There were also some strange fragments mixed in.

You said you don't have anything weird?】

【Avrit: Fragments? Why does it look so familiar?】

【Su Shang: But why is it just clothes, no pants or jewelry?】

【Silver Wolf: Hum~ I must have only broken her clothes with the stamina potion I gave her.

There are also entries.

They are all defense and life. (laugh)】

【Star: This is what African chiefs are like~]

The screen continues to play:

Star is wandering in Pinoconi.

It was not easy.

Finally it was in a corner.

Met someone familiar.


Sambo: Long time no see, my dear!

Star: Wait! You are not Sambo!

Star: Sambo won't call me honey!

【Sambo: Oh~ it’s not Sambo, who could it be? (touch chin)】

【Xing: You can lie to other people, but you can’t lie to me!

Miss Tingyun who longs for the Luofu Immortal Boat.

He also always likes to call me my benefactor.

Want to charm me!

In fact, she is Huanlong!】

【March 7: Wow~ The injured star has become so powerful now!

The spiritual combat power has been improved by several levels!】

【Hanabi: Tsk~ Were you exposed so quickly?】

【Star: Hum! He must be Ms. Huangquan!

Don't change your voice, I won't recognize you!

Safari Ranger!】

【Huangquan/Sambo: Huh】

【Aha: So happy! 】

In the video.

Sambo (laughing): You actually saw this.

Sambo: The acuity is pretty good!

Star: Sherlock Holmes once said that when you eliminate all impossibilities, what is left is the truth no matter how unbelievable it is!

Star: Show your true colors! Ruan Mei!

Xing: That’s why you like to call me honey!

Sambo (looking embarrassed): Well, did I speak too soon?

【Xing: Oh~ It turns out that the Sambo in the light curtain was transformed by Ms. Ruan Mei!

No wonder you say I am dear.

That’s right!


Why are you all looking at me like I'm a fool?】

【March 7: Uncle Yang? Is Xing Zai really the Xing Zai who just protected Liu Ying out of love?】

【Walter: Doesn't it look like it?

I don't look like it either.

But don’t look at the Trail Blazers with normal eyes】

【March 7: That makes sense. (nod)】

【Dream Seeker: Elimination method for pioneers?

Sound familiar?

Heard it somewhere. (Shocked)】

【Kiana: Fulmoshua once said……】

【Fu Hua: No, that’s actually what Cang Xuan’s book says. 】

in the screen.

In the realm of dreams.

Broken firefly

【Xing: Ahem~ I, I can still hold on. (Covering his heart)】

【March 7: A sudden knife. 】

Huang Quan: Are you okay?

Star: Wait! I don’t think Liu Ying’s death is that simple!

Xing (calmly): I just had such a dream when I first arrived in Pinoconi.

Xing: In the dream, I was also stabbed! There was also a puddle of water.

Xing: But now I am still alive and well.

Huang Quan: So what do you mean?

【Xing: Um, did I still have such a dream? (Shocked)】

【March 7: You can’t remember anything~】

【Su Shang: Dreams are the opposite!】

【Gui Naifen: Did Xing stab someone else in real life?】

【Sylva: No matter what, it is rare to find a pioneer who can analyze things calmly.

Let's see how he sees it】

【Star: Yes! Maybe we can find the real culprit! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Revenge for Miss Liuying!! (Anger)]

The video continues to play:

Xing touches his chin.

Faced with Huang Quan's doubts.

He said calmly: Women~are made of water!

【Star: O Minos!!】

【Liu Ying: Pfft~ (laughing)】

【March 7: Xing Zai, what exactly did you answer?】

【Ying: Every step and every word surprised me.

Next time you go out, don’t say that you are the protagonist of MiHoYo. (have no choice~)】

In front of the camera.

Star (unwilling to accept reality): Oops! How could Liu Ying be Ga?

Star: This is a space drama, no one can die!

Star: When she wakes up, she will definitely be alive and kicking.

Bah! []

Huang Quan dragged away Xing who was talking nonsense and unwilling to accept reality.

Star: Huh? Why are you pulling me?

Huang Quan (sighing): Too miserable, another one is crazy.

【Star: Woohoo~ Falling into madness!】

【Fantasy: Space drama, no one will die?】

【Tingyun: Huh?】

【Sambo: Space light (clear) comedy (wash) drama. (convinced)】

【Su Shang: Apart from Miss Tingyun, no one else was in trouble, right?!】

【Cocolia: Keep talking, I'm listening】

【Su Shang: Well, except for Ms. Tingyun and Ms. Cocolia, there must be nothing wrong with anyone down there!】

【Avrit: Someone called me?】

【Su Shang: You are not human! You are pouring! (Sheep Head)]


The video continues to play:

《Liuying: Such a sleepless night? 》

The sleepless night before the server launch. space station.

Xingheqiong is discussing 2.0 welfare.

Asking for flowers

Xing: So many benefits! The map is so big!

Star: The theme song is great, and Black Swan is great to watch!

Xing (excited): I’m so high right now!

March 7: What are you yelling about in the middle of the night?

Xing (singing an impromptu song): Outside the car window~the night~is full of brilliance~

【Dan Heng: Segoni is as high as a duck! Ahem~ (instant reaction, quick retraction of expression)】

【March 7: Dan Heng has not yet recovered from the previous firecrackers. (bringing a message)】

【Hanabi: Remember this confident, excited smile】

【Sambo: The next second, bang~the happiness will be gone.】

【Star: Mental damage fee! Everyone who posts the video must compensate me for mental damages!


I'm so tired, I'm only less than a year old.

I endured pressure that I shouldn’t have at this age.

Can you bear it? You! (tears)】

【Hanabi: Bear with me!】

【Star: O Minos! 】

The screen continues to play:

Sleepless Night Space Station after the server was launched.

Xing (crying loudly): Woohoo~ I don’t want to play anymore! Roast chicken!

Xing (crying): Give Liu Ying back to me!

March 7: What are you yelling about in the middle of the night? Not going to sleep?

Star: MiHoYo~I can’t sleep!

【Xing: I can't sleep in the night of eternal sleep!

I have a magic firefly body, my flowing firefly is whining~】

【Sambo: Roast Chicken: Sleep well~】

【Silver Wolf: After every plot written by the roast chicken teacher, there are countless players going crazy.

Alas~ (sigh)】

【Star: No! I'm not crazy! I am just water rich.

Ms. Funina, you told me not to apply the water element to me.】

【Funina: Well, I am far, far away from you (doubtful)】

【Xing: Woo hoo~ You were the one who was supposed to cooperate with me in my performance, but you ruined it for me.

Not even a single word of deception!】

【Ying: Let me cooperate with you, trash can war god.


You are full of water element】

【Star: No! Teyvat Sea King, you lied! These are obviously tears.

Never trust you again! snort!】

【Ying: I’m so special! (I want to hit someone!)] in the video.

Looking at the star that is still crying.

March 7 was slightly startled.

March 7 (asked): What happened?

Xing (annoyed): Everyone in Ninoconi seems to have forgotten the road! I feel like everyone is lying to me!

Xing (smiling silly): But Liuying is different, I am willing to give my heart and soul to her!

March 7: You seem to say this to everyone, right?

Star: This time! I can do anything!

【Sambo: Sitting and forgetting the road? Brother Huozi gave a thumbs up!】

【Star: I can’t tell! I really can’t tell the difference! March 7, Aunt Jizi!】

【March 7: You can tell the difference if you put down your sunglasses. (The corners of his mouth twitched)】

【Star: Oh~]

In front of the camera.

Star finds Rakshasa.

Rakshasa: Let me guess, you didn’t need milk when you found me, right?

Star: Me! want! rush! Tree!

Rakshasa (smiling evilly, spreading his hands forward): No~ this time, I have a better answer!

【Walter: Yo? Registered?】

【Rakshasa: Ahem~ It’s not me, it’s not me~]

Rakshasa: You may be able to create a beautiful one, but you can’t guarantee that your loved ones in every world will be safe.

Star: I will fight for this!

Rakshasa: I mean, look at that building! (MiHoYo Building)

Star: That’s it!

【March 7: Xing Zai won’t really rush into the MiHoYo building, right?】

【Liuying: Pioneer? (worry)】

【Star: Of course it’s impossible! That is the most unwise thing to do.

I don't think Miss Liuying will be happy about this either.

Follow the rules.

I am a pioneer full of positive energy - Star! 】

The screen changes.

Inside the MiHoYo building.

Wei (Big Viagra): Roast chicken, are we doing this again?

Roast Chicken: Alas~ Why else would I come to the railway?

Wei (Big Viagra): How long do you plan to let them die this time?

Roast Chicken: Your question package does not include suspended animation?

Wei (Big Viagra): Are you so ruthless and not afraid of retaliation?

Roast Chicken: Can the Trail Blazers hit me along the network cable?

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a rapid knock on the door.

Star: Hunting Blessings! Open the door and bring warmth!!

【March 7: Xingzai, didn’t you say that? Forehead. (stunned)】

【Star: I am not Star. (whispering)】

【Star: Please call me - Pioneer!

My revenge will be more radical than hunting!

My methods will be more thorough than destruction!

My recollections will be deeper than my memories!

Rules are meant to be broken!!! (low growl) Mountain].

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