1. Easy-to-wipe and portable paper towels*100 rolls, discount: 30%, imaginary number: 0.7.

2. The tallest sugar cane in the universe, squeezed sugar cane juice*30 cups, discount: 30%, imaginary number: 2.5.

3. Antique and exquisite gramophone (deluxe version)*5, discount: 25%, imaginary number: 50.

4. Su Shang and Gui Naifen exquisite limited edition dolls*5, imaginary number: 300.

5. Fu Xuan's proportional height, luxury limited FUFU doll*1, imaginary number: 4800.

6. Special offer: Live broadcast uses blind box box * 10 (value does not exceed 10 imaginary numbers), imaginary number: 10

【Yanqing: General, don’t panic, wait until Yanqing buys 100 rolls of paper towels, so you don’t have to worry about the paper when you go to the public toilet! 】

100 rolls of wipe-and-use paper.

Doesn't this fit the general?

【Jingyuan: Really, thank you, Yanqing. (The corners of his mouth twitched)】

【Yanqing: General, there is no need to say these kind words, haha~ It’s Yanqing’s job! (Silly boy who doesn’t understand Jingyuan)】

【Bailu: The highest sugar cane juice, but you still need 2.5 for a cup?!】

【Qingque: It’s so expensive. No one should buy this. It’s so expensive. Isn’t it just someone who bought it?

Why don't I buy the last box on sale and try my luck with a box on sale?】

【Su Shang: Xiao Guizi, do you want to buy your doll?】

【Gui Naifen: Of course, let’s get together and buy a set, hehe~】

【Fu Xuan: A proportional height doll, who would buy such a boring thing? Even if it were me, I wouldn’t buy it. (Pouts)]

3, 2, 1!

The countdown is over.

The little yellow cars were still swept away.

Even Fu Xuan thinks no one will buy his proportional height FUFU doll.

All disappeared in an instant.

Even the fastest to disappear

【Fu Xuan: Who bought the most expensive proportional doll? (Confuse)】

【Yanqing: It’s not me. I only bought 100 rolls of paper for the general. General……(""Three seven zero" glanced at the general)]

At this moment, Yanqing saw General Yuan.

He was slowly putting down a pink doll.

He noticed Yanqing's gaze.

Jingyuan showed a kind smile.

However, there was something in his eyes. without any smile

【Fu Xuan: What's wrong? Was it bought by the general?】

【Yanqing: It's okay, I didn't see anything. (Shivering)】

【Bai Lu: Woohoo~ I only have ten cups of sugar cane juice to grow taller! (Who is it?)】

【March 7: Miss Himeko bought ten cups for Pam and said she wanted to try to see if there was any effect.】

【Pam: Tons, tons, tons~drink it!】

【Bai Lu: What about 10 more cups? There are only ten cups left!】

【Qing Que: Master Fu Xuan, what are you hiding? It smells so good like sugar cane!】

【Bailu/March 7: I think I understand. (In unison)]

Su Shang and Gui Naifen after buying their respective dolls.

Bought all 10 blind boxes again. but.

The two of them did not intend to do live broadcast effects.

Open directly.

Thank you for your patronage in the last nine consecutive chapters.

Finally in the last blind box.

Driving a strange machine?

【Kiana: 10 blind boxes, has anyone opened them? What are they? (ask)】

【Su Shang: Xiao Guizi and I bought nine empty ones, the last one, what is this?】

【Su Shang: The latest game console, PS10!】

【Gui Naifen: Does anyone need it? I can go out! There are also dozens of cassettes included here.】

【Silver Wolf: Game console? Cassette?! 】

Looking at the photos of Su Shang and Gui Naifen, she felt excited in her heart.

Direct price!

【Silver Wolf: Use some 1 million! I want them all!】

【Sushang/Gui Naifen: Great!!】

【Sambo: Ah! I wanted to buy it originally, high risk and high reward, but I missed out on 100 million! (Heartache)】

When several people were discussing.

The light curtain also slowly unfolded. a flash of light

【Keli: Wow, the light curtain lights up again! There’s a new video to watch! whee! (Clap your hands happily and make two bouncing bombs by the way)]

The video starts to play:

[Sad Jingyuan]

Jingyuan was lying on the railing.

Expose half of your body and look at the scenery below

"The scenery here is so beautiful!"

"Unfortunately, she couldn't see it."

Shaking his head, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Da da da!

Next to him.

Jing Liu came closer and asked doubtfully:"Jing Yuan?"

"Are you missing Bai Heng again?"

"Um……" sighed softly

【Jingliu: Jingyuan is really a sentimental person. Just looking at a scene can remind him of Bai Heng.】

【Yae Kamiko: This kind of General Jing Yuan has the style of a young literary girl. (chuckle)】

【Su Shang: General Jing Yuan will be pregnant with his old friend when he sees the scenery. Maybe he has a strange disease?】

【Bai Lu: Strange disease?! Don't worry, General. I'll just grab a few more medicines for you in the future! Make sure you won’t think about anything else after eating it!】

【Jingyuan: Haha~ Don’t worry, it’s just a little sad. When you get older, you will have a time to recall the past.】

【March 7: Oh, so that’s it! 】

The screen continues to play:

Jing Yuan suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.


The angle of view tightens.

Jing Yuan pointed naughtily at a petite girl with pink hair who was not as high as the railing next to her.

"not completely!"

"General, you are so cute!"Fu Xuan stood on tiptoes and cursed

【Fu Xuan: Well, it's my fault for having any hope for the general. Doctor Bai Lu, please increase the dose.

It doesn't matter if you can't wake up, I can take care of the Shence Mansion】

【Bai Lu: This... (isn't it good)】

【Kiana: It should be said that he is indeed General Jing Yuan, with a false shot】

【Su Shang: The meaning of drunkenness is not in the wine, but in Master Fu Xuan next to him. No wonder General Jing Yuan found such a high railing to view the scenery. 】

In the video

[Bronya's choice]

Yaliluo Six.


Bronya's office.

At this time, Topa is negotiating with Bronya

"Miss Great Guardian, please believe in my sincerity! (Si asked me to bring you a message)"

"You are asking me to betray my country. How sure are you?"

The painting style changed suddenly.

Topa put his hands in his pockets.

He stretched out his palms and said:"At least 50%, very high! (The company wants you to surrender)"


A discordant voice sounded next to him: Damn it! My mirror is so crooked again!

He looked so ashamed.

"Ahem, don’t worry, plus I’ll help you"

"At least 80% probability, absolutely stable! (Guaranteed prosperity and wealth, big golden tickets)"

As soon as he finished speaking, the discordant voice sounded again: MD, Zhuanwu is crooked!

【Silver Wolf: Why does the probability mentioned by Miss Topa seem so unreliable?】

【March 7: It is said to be 50%, but listening to the irritable speech of the person next to me, it seems that it is not even 1%!】

【Dan Heng: The rate is more than 80%, is Zhuanwu also wrong?】

【Star: Ninety-nine percent of them are zero. Drawing cards will ruin your life for three generations. Stud will ruin your life. By the way, Miss Topa doesn’t know how to stud, right?!】

【Kiana: Stud, according to this probability, wouldn’t it be possible to lose everything? ]

The screen continued to play:

Topa clenched his hands and shouted:

"I still don’t believe it. I just had my salary deducted, demoted, and asked for leave on the spot!"

"I will definitely help you succeed!!"

The discordant voice suddenly sounded again: Store! Redeem! All studs! I must make this move! The screen changed.

On the train. (To read Baoshang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

March 7 faced The star path below:


"Bronya rejected Topa!"

"She said thank you for saving her life again! (Referring to the zodiac sign)"

Xing said expressionlessly:"Guess why I don't laugh?"[]

【March 7: So, what's the point of helping her out?】

【Silver Wolf: According to my previous understanding of card drawing games, the star must have been tilted to Bronya.

Therefore, compared to Topa who did not help Bronya and did not reach her zodiac sign.

Bronya chose to believe in the star that directly helped her achieve her destiny.】

【Dan Heng: According to the results, Bronya should be very happy to face us.】

【Pam: There is no highlight in Ke Xing’s eyes, which is really strange. (puzzled)】

【Paimon: Definitely, Bronya, Star wants it to be her!】

【Arataki Ito: Just like Paimon, it’s a bonus!】

【Bronya (Big Duck Duck): Well, should I laugh, or shouldn’t I laugh? (smiling awkwardly)】

【Perla: She said that Bronya (Big Duck) is a bonus. When they get to Yaliluo 6, they need to suffer.】

【Xing/March 7/Dan Heng: (I wonder, we didn’t say anything!)]

In the video

[Exploitation in the Workplace]

Interplanetary Peace Corporation.

The dispatched team leader met Xing, Xier, March Qi and others.

The group leader scolded:"Hey, hey, hey! Don't look at it. The rest of the people are waiting to get out of the way, ah!"

Putting his hands on his hips, Xing pointed at the group leader in front of him and said:

"Listen, I was commissioned by Director Topa"

"Responsible for investigating the fact that you, as the team leader, secretly fished!"

"What's wrong!"The group leader scolded

"Every time I enter a battle, I team-build my staff and give them performance points!"

Employee A, team leader, you are my benefactor!

"When employees attack, they get extra performance points! Employee

B: Team leader, you are my idol!

【Qingque: Wow, there are so many performance points. It seems that this big fat guy is not bad either.】

【Paimon: Performance points, what are they?】

【Qingque: Hehe~Performance is money. You can get a monthly salary. The higher the performance, the more the salary will be!】

【Paimon: Wow! So as long as there is endless performance every month, isn't that just countless wages?!】

【March 7: Ahem, little Paimon, your idea is very good, but it is impossible to achieve so much performance every month. Someone will rob it.】

【Paimon: Steal? Whoever steals my performance, I will end everything for him! Enter Traveler!】

【Ying: I think your skin is itchy! (Invite Paimon to eat stir-fried chestnuts)】

【Topa: That's right. Given so many performance points, the salary of these employees should not be so small. (touching chin)] in the screen.

As the team leader of Interstellar Peace Company.........

He snorted and said with a cold smile:"When the employees' performance reaches a certain number,"


"I will assess them again at 720 degrees and confiscate all their performance points!"

{Senior employee team leaders seize performance points from junior employees!}

"Then unleash the corporate culture shock!!"

Employee C: Team leader, which street lamp do you want to hang?

【Qingque: Okay, can you pretend that I didn’t say anything just now? This big man is really guilty!】

【Su Shang: Getting something for nothing, directly robbing employees of their performance!】

【Topa: Now I understand why those employees’ wages are so low】

【March 7: Huh~ Fortunately, we are not performing performance appraisals, and we can get a small salary every month!】

【Paimon: This group leader is so disgusting, but the attack that comes from absorbing four performance points and using money must be very strong!】

【Arataki Ito: Let me see how powerful the attack of four employees is. 】

Video continues to play:


The team leader’s corporate culture shock only scratched the surface of the Xing people.

Not an opponent at all.

Employee A (crying): No! Team leader! He is so awesome! Let's break up with them!

The team leader slowly turned his head and said something that made several employees cringe:

"Airframe repairs need to be paid for at your own expense."

Employee B: Damn it!

Bang bang bang!

Topa fell from the sky.

Quickly deal with several employees.

Then, facing the stars, he said:

"Ahem, everyone, don’t worry"

"These people are causing trouble on purpose, they are temporary workers."

Xing:"I'm here to have fun, not to look in the mirror (Clown)"

【Qingque: You need to pay for the repairs yourself. There is no medical insurance. Wow, think about it now.

Mr. Fu Xuan paid me so much money and also allowed me to receive a lot of salary every month. It’s really a pleasure.】

【Fu Xuan: Of course! It’s just that all your performance this month has been deducted.! Don't forget, you still owe me 500! (humming)】

【Qingque: Ah~ I have to pay for work this month. (woo woo~)】

【March 7: The fate of these temporary workers is also very miserable】

【Kamisato Ayaka: What about corporate culture? If you can’t defeat it, just clean it up. (consternation)】

【Topa: Haha~ Be wary of individual cases. Of course, I admit that there are billions of things that are wrong with our Interstellar Peace Company.

But the overall situation is stable and upward, so you don’t need to worry.】

【Star: Stare! (Doubtful)]

The screen continues to play:

[The Trail Blazers' defense-breaking ability]

Xing, March 7 and Seer.

They once again encountered a team from the Peace Star Company

"Be careful of the pioneers, they are full of high-tech weapons!"

"And tough armor!"

"There's no way we can crack their defenses!"

Xing Ben slowly lowered his hands on his hips.

He gave Xi'er an OK gesture.

He smiled and said,"Leave such a small matter to me!"

The team leader staring ahead

"Listen to me, if you stay in the company, you will only continue to be exploited"

"You see, you have been busy for most of your life, and you are still sharing a house with others. (Portraits of most employees)"

"Not as good as a... pig!"The 3.1 team leader was stunned,"Pig? Do you mean that account?"

"Remember the last time she had a party in her starship."

In the memory: Zhang Zhang was lying gently on Topa's breasts, and biu~biu~ came back to his senses.

The team leader said angrily:"Damn it! I’m so envious of that starship!"

【Account: (Am I a pig? Do I look like a pig?)】

【Topa: Okay, check it out, don’t be angry, come and eat some pig food】

【Accountant: (I’m so fucking pissed! You actually said I’m a pig, I’m so angry!)】

【March 7: I don’t know why, but every word the team leader said was beyond my expectations.】

【Walter: Maybe this is the charm of lens language. I thought I was envious of Topa】

【Fu Hua: I originally thought it was Topa in Gentle Village, but I didn’t expect that it ended up referring to the starship!】

【Arataki Ito: It must be a starship! Lying in Miss Topa's arms, there is nothing comparable to the romance of a man - a starship. (beats chest)】

【Paimon: Is this why, Arataki Ito, you like the insect-fighting games played by children?】

【Arataki Yidou: Cough cough cough! My uncle, that is still a childlike innocence, do you understand? Little Paimon doesn't understand, so don't get involved! (Go, go, play!)]

In the video.

After the group leader finished speaking.

The employees at the back also sighed:"Damn it, I'm so envious of that pig!"

Then Hoshiya looked envious and said:"Damn it, I'm so envious of that button between Miss Topa's breasts!"

"What the hell are you envious of!"The team leader said angrily

【March 7: Well, if the employees at the back are normal people, then what are the stars? (turns his head and glances at the stars)】

【Dan Heng: I don’t know. I only know that there is a word called Ni Tian, ​​but it is inappropriate to use it on Xing.】

【Pam: The word"unbelievable" is too harsh for Xing's behavior in the video.Are you done, Pa?】

【Dan Heng: No, I think the word"defying heaven" is no longer worthy of being a star! 】.

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