【The first countries visited by the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team were Nepal and Myanmar】

【Because of the friendly settlement of border issues and the continuation of the spirit of a certain conference, the relationship between these two countries and our country has always been good. The visit to Nepal was to strengthen the power to check and balance the three countries in South Asia.】

【The Asan Kingdom has been keen on infiltrating Nepal in the 1950s, so Nepal is quite wary of the Asan Kingdom.】

【This visit to Nepal, in addition to conveying the message that the Dragon Kingdom is back on track and consolidating the friendship between the two countries, is to unite Nepal and contain the three countries. 】

Warring States plane.

Su Qin heard the narration of the giant screen video and looked at the map in the sky, his eyes lit up.

The Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team took this first step very well.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Big Brother wanted to use Asan Kingdom to hijack Dragon Kingdom, so Long Kingdom supported Asan Kingdom's opponents to hijack Asan Kingdom.

And judging from the map, this country called Nipal can become a natural barrier to the Dragon Kingdom.

Other than that.

Choosing a country with which you have historically had good relations will ensure that your diplomatic team gets off to a good start. On the one hand, you can boost the morale of your own team, and on the other hand, you can also show the friendly attitude of the Dragon Kingdom to other countries.

The first step taken by the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team is indeed a wonderful one.

【Another destination, Myanmar Temple, also starts from the friendly settlement of the border】

【Burmese Palace’s relationship with my country has always been good, but its relationship with Jiaozhi is not bad either.】

【Therefore, when visiting the Burmese Palace, the main purpose is to ask the Burmese Palace not to take sides between the Dragon Kingdom, Big Brother, and Jiaozhi, and just remain neutral. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin said with emotion:

"Is this what the teacher from the Dragon Kingdom meant when he said that even if you can't win over it, try not to let it become an obstacle?"

"It seems that Longguo’s diplomatic team has understood the essence of that teacher’s thoughts."

"The teacher of the Dragon Kingdom in later generations was really a very powerful person."

"What Your Majesty said is absolutely true. He is indeed a great man."

Fang Xuanling replied.


【Starting from the second batch of destinations, the main event begins】

【In September 1978, the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team visited Korea】

【At this time, a difficult task is faced by our diplomatic team: how to improve the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom, and develop the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom, while not offending Goryeo and causing it to fall to Big Brother.】

【This is an extremely important issue, because one of the reasons for the early rift between my country and Cochin was that the President of the Eagle Kingdom visited the Dragon State in the context of the Cochin War, and the two countries issued a joint statement to establish diplomatic relations.】

"The ice-breaking journey of the relationship between Dragon Kingdom and Eagle Sauce Kingdom"

"The first meeting between the top 257 leaders of the two countries"

"The honor guard of the three armed forces at that time had all participated in the founding war. They were at a loss when they were reviewed. They shouted every day to overthrow the imperialism of the Eagle Kingdom. Why was the commander-in-chief of the Eagle Kingdom suddenly in front of him?"

"Reply - At that time, the old nun said that he wanted to visit the 38th and 39th Army of our army. When the instructor found out, he laughed and said that they were still unconvinced and lost."

"Reply - It’s useless not to be convinced, if you lose, you lose."

"Reply - Anyway, we won, we can allow others to be unconvinced, haha"


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Changsun Wuji said in surprise:

"The Dragon Kingdom is already preparing to unite with the Eagle Sauce Country? Li

Shimin shook his head and said:

"Not a union"

"It's just that the two countries started to communicate."

The officials of the Tang Dynasty expressed their understanding.

Just like Turkic envoys sometimes come to Chang'an.

Just because they have contacts does not necessarily mean that they will unite.

"Your Majesty, this later diplomacy is quite interesting."

"The supreme leader of a country dared to go to a previously hostile country with only a few followers."

Li Daozong, the king of Jiangxia in the Tang Dynasty and minister of Honglu Temple, said.

He actually didn't understand this kind of behavior very well.

Aren't you afraid of being in danger if you do this?

Li Shimin nodded and replied:

"Interesting indeed"


【The information dissemination department at that time made a mistake in its work and failed to properly convey the information that the joint statement between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom would not affect the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and Jiaozhi. As a result, Jiaozhi was choking on the joint communiqué and held a grudge.】

"History is so complicated"

"It turns out there is such a story"

"I knew about the deterioration of relations between the Dragon Kingdom and Jiaozhi, and I also knew about the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Dragon Kingdom and the Yingjiang Kingdom, but I really didn’t know about this background."

"This is only part of the factor in the deterioration of relations between the two countries, but it is not the decisive factor. The fundamental reason is that Cochin chose to side with Big Brother."


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di snorted coldly.

The small country of Jiaozhi actually dares to hate the big country of China because of this. It is simply ignorant.

He became more determined.

We must completely conquer Jiaozhi in the Ming Dynasty!

Let it be a part of Ming Dynasty from now on

【Therefore, the diplomatic strategy adopted against Goryeo this time is very critical.】

【First of all, we need to give enough face. September 9, 1978 is the 30th anniversary of the founding of Goryeo, and Goryeo has always valued face, so this time our country visited Goryeo with the highest standards and stayed for five days to help the supreme leader of Goryeo. Full of cards】

【The highest leader of Goryeo (ajfj) was very happy when he saw that Long Guo was giving him such face. He attended the mass meetings throughout the week with our representatives.】

"Hahaha, good face, then things will be easier to handle"

"Long Yan is delighted, haha!"

"The two sides still have a huge friendship over the founding war."


【While saving face, our team was honest with each other, expounding our country's plan to improve relations with Japan and Japan, and then jointly fight against Big Brother, and frankly the pros and cons.】

【First, the improvement of relations between our country and the Japanese and Eagle Kingdoms is not aimed at Goryeo, nor will it affect the bilateral friendship between the Dragon Kingdom and Goryeo.】

【In order not to affect relations with Goryeo, our country even canceled a military exercise that was supposed to be conducted in the first half of the year.】

【Second, the improvement of the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom will provide a precious way of mediation in addition to the confrontation between Goryeo and the two countries in the future.】

【General Jin was moved by our sincerity and real interests. He was not angry about the improvement of relations between our country and the Japanese and Eagle countries, and he did not fall in love with Big Brother. Even when he later faced the countries in the same camp in Eastern Europe, he He also helped us explain some misunderstandings in Eastern European countries.】

【To sum up, our diplomatic team’s visit to Korea was very successful and successfully achieved our goals.】

"Both the emotion card and the interest card must be in place"

"On the importance of language and communication"

"The main thing is the actual interests, this is the most important thing"

"They are all smart people, they can tell the truth at a glance"

"Sincerity is the greatest nirvana, but it must be used in the right place"

"We in China have five thousand years of diplomatic experience."


Warring States plane.

Zhang Yi praised:

"Do what he likes, use benefits to tempt, do a two-pronged approach, do a very good job!"

Every step the Dragon Kingdom's diplomatic team has taken so far, he feels that it has been done very well.

They are well-planned and step-by-step.

The future Dragon Kingdom's diplomatic team is very powerful.

Zhang Yi praised it again in his heart


【After a short break, our diplomatic team will set off again in November】

【This time the destination is Japan】

【There are two main objectives of the visit:】

【First, consolidate the peace and friendship treaty between the two sides】

【Second, absorb as much as possible the capital, technology and production management experience that are urgently needed for modernization.】

【The reason why the friendship treaty between the Dragon Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom has been delayed for so long is that our side requires the inclusion of an anti-hegemony clause, and this is a clause aimed at Big Brother.】

【If Japan signs the agreement, it will be equivalent to siding with our country between our country and Big Brother.】

【But the Japanese country neither wanted to offend the Long Kingdom, nor wanted to antagonize Big Brother, so it was delayed until seven or eight years.】

【This time the two sides took a step back. We still included the anti-hegemony clause, but the Japanese side also added a mitigating clause that would not offend Big Brother.】

【So this round did not bring the Japanese together to oppose Big Brother. Although this is a pity, it is expected.】

【After all, Japan, which is still worried about the oil crisis, is unlikely to offend an oil-producing neighboring country for the Dragon Kingdom.】

【Our achievements are mainly in the second item. The diplomatic team met with many Japanese entrepreneurs in the Japanese Kingdom and obtained the first batch of valuable funds and technology for the development of the Dragon Kingdom. 】

The plane of the Ming Dynasty’s ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji was stunned for a moment and said: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The Japanese country is the sworn enemy of the Dragon Kingdom, why do they want to interact with the Japanese country?"

"Because there are places in Japan that can be used by Dragon Kingdom."

Zhu Gaochi replied calmly

"Just because we have contact does not mean that our relationship is good."

"When it is time to fight in the future, I will fight again. Zhu

Di added.

He disliked the Japanese country very much.

When the Ming Dynasty Navy is ready, it will be the time to destroy the Japanese country!

The people of the Japanese country will have to dig up the silver mountain of the Japanese country for the Ming Dynasty.


【While the Dragon Kingdom was actively engaged in diplomatic activities, Big Brother and Jiaozhi were not idle either. The supreme leader of Jiaozhi visited Big Brother again.】

【Finally, the two sides signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation】

【It stipulates: If either Big Brother or Jiaozhi is threatened, Big Brother and Jiaozhi should immediately join forces to eliminate this threat.】

【Needless to say, everyone understands the target of this treaty. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty[]

Changsun Wuji said:

"Big Brother really took action"

"Once the Dragon Kingdom takes action against Jiaozhi, Big Brother is likely to directly intervene."

"This is the big trouble for Dragon Kingdom"

"Yes, Big Brother is determined to use Jiaozhi to hijack the Dragon Kingdom."

Fang Xuanling also spoke in agreement.

Li Shimin looked at the giant screen and thought in his heart:

"How did the Dragon Kingdom break the situation in the end?"

"How do you deal with Big Brother?"

He knows very well.

The core of all problems is Big Brother as a superpower.

The absolute power gap determines that if Big Brother only takes a small step, the Dragon Kingdom in the future will have to find ways to deal with it.

"National strength is fundamental."

Li Shimin sighed in his heart.

After all, the Dragon Kingdom at this time had just been established from the war, and it was not the powerful Dragon Kingdom behind it.


【In addition to signing the contract, Jiaozhi has also stepped up its military operations against Cambodia, preparing for a full-scale invasion as soon as the dry season arrives.】

【Time waits for no one. On November 5th, the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team set off again】

【The destinations of the third batch are ASEAN countries, Titanium, Malaysia and Singapore.】

【Among these three countries, the most important is the Kingdom of Titanium, which has long borders with Laos and Cambodia.】

【The inflation caused by the oil crisis in the 1970s caused continuous social unrest in the country.】

【First, the left-wing forces were purged by the military government in 1973, and then the military government that aroused public outrage was replaced by the democratically elected government in 1974. Then in 1976, the military went back in a coup to abolish the constitution and dissolve all political parties. Then in 1977, another group of soldiers staged a coup. Come to power and restore the constitution and political parties】

"This is too chaotic, a revolving door."

"It's just a mess"

"I'm so busy. It feels like there are coups, coups, and coups all day long."


The ancient people of all dynasties were immediately confused.

How can this country still exist with such frequent rebellions?

【The Titanium Nation is also very worried about Cochin annexing Lao A and Cambodia, because in this case, Cochin may continue to attack the Titanium Nation, and the turbulent Titanium Nation cannot alone deal with the Cochin Army, which is known as the third largest army in the world. So they need someone to support them】

【However, like other countries in Southeast Asia, although the Titanium Kingdom is afraid of Jiaozhi, it is also afraid of the Dragon Kingdom.】

【Just as Big Brother is the Bear of the North to us, Dragon Kingdom is the Dragon of the North to them】

【Moreover, there are a large number of Chinese descendants living in various countries in Southeast Asia.】

【The characteristic of Chinese descendants is that it is extremely difficult to assimilate and they still recognize their ancestors and return to their clan.】

【The rulers of various countries are very unhappy with this.】

"There's nothing we can do about it, the Chinese people's cultural identity is too strong"

"Chinese people pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots and returning to their hometown after death. This is a cultural symbol engraved in their bones for thousands of years."

"Not only is it extremely difficult to assimilate, but it is also easy to assimilate others. Our thousands-year-old culture is so attractive."

"Our Chinese civilization has a long history, and of course it will not be easily assimilated."


Many literati from all dynasties were filled with emotion when they saw this place.

This is the charm of Chinese culture.

From the barrage, they saw the Chinese people's great recognition and deep pride in their own culture thousands of years later.

This makes them, the inheritors and creators of ancient culture, very gratified and happy

【To this end, our diplomatic team has developed a diplomatic plan for ASEAN countries】

【First, by meeting King Rama IX at the Titanium Kingdom, watching Buddhist ceremonies, and informing them through television broadcasts, the key message conveyed to ASEAN countries is that the current foreign policy of the Dragon Kingdom is more pragmatic and not obsessed with ideology.】

【Second, once again reiterate the 1974 international system for the issue of Chinese descendants, that is, the Dragon Kingdom does not recognize dual nationality, and citizens with foreign nationalities automatically lose the Dragon Kingdom nationality.】

【Third, help appease the local Chinese descendants. Since they have chosen to settle there, they must respect the local culture.】

【Fourth, tell all countries about the determination of the Dragon Kingdom to reform and open up. The focus of future work will be to concentrate on construction and improve the quality of people's lives. The Dragon Kingdom neither seeks hegemony nor strives for hegemony.】

【Fifth, although we have not disclosed the next military plan of the Dragon Kingdom to the ASEAN countries, we have stated that if Cochin continues to invade Cambodia, the Dragon Kingdom will not sit idly by and ignore it, and the Dragon Kingdom will become a useful aid for them to fight against Cochin.】

【The above-mentioned foreign policy successfully won over ASEAN countries, making ASEAN willing to support the Dragon Kingdom, and became a key partner in the fight against Cochin for more than 10 years. Among them, the Titanium Kingdom was even willing to open its airspace to the Dragon Kingdom to facilitate the Dragon Kingdom's attack on Cambodia. provide assistance】

"Majestic atmosphere! The pattern came out instantly!"

"It depends on us whether we can unite vertically or horizontally."

"As expected of China, which had the art of vertical and horizontal movements thousands of years ago, these operations are so full!"

"We did what we said we would do, and to this day, we have kept it as promised."

"Hey, until now, the Titanium Kingdom and Jiaozhi are still fighting openly and covertly."

"By the way, are ASEAN countries really that afraid of us?"

"Reply - Yes, when our diplomatic team visited, the leader of a country said that they are actually more afraid of us than Cochin."

"Reply - We are too big, it is normal for them to be afraid"

"Reply - So our diplomatic team’s visit is to allay their fears"


Warring States plane.

In different places, Su Qin and Zhang Yi were filled with admiration and admiration.

These operations of the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team made the two of them say it was wonderful.

There are both vertical and horizontal techniques.

It may seem like an understatement, but every step is carefully planned.

The secret of combining vertical and horizontal lines can be said to be vividly demonstrated by the diplomatic team of the Dragon Kingdom in later generations.

All I can say is awesome! so amazing!


【Although a large number of diplomatic tasks have been completed, the most critical issue remains unresolved.】

【That's how to balance the superpower of Big Brother】

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