【Premise Summary:】

【Aura, known as one of the Seven Sages, controls the"Magic of Obedience"."】

【When this magic is activated, as long as the opponent's magic power is not as strong as yours, they will be unconditionally dominated by Aura.】

【Similarly, if her magic power is not as good as the opponent's, Aura will also be the one being dominated.】

【Then, after using his soldiers to consume some of Fulilian's magic power,】

【Aura felt the time was right and used obedience magic】

【The souls of the two were placed on the scales】

【The confident Aura discovered that her magic power was not as good as Fulilian's.】

【She said in disbelief:"I am a demon who has lived for more than 500 years."】

【In response, Flillian, who had been hiding her magic, untied it.】

【The huge magic power instantly swept across the entire battlefield】

【Fulilian replied calmly:"Then, the one standing before you is an elf who has lived for more than a thousand years. Cut your throat, Aura.""】

【Aura chopped off her own head with a sword and died under the magic she was most proud of.】

"Lord Flillian, you are so handsome!"

"The moment the magic power exploded, I was shocked to see Kakarot become Super One!"

"That kind of absolute magic suppression can be said to be straight to the top of the head, so cool"


The ruined world of Flillian

"Ah this……"

Fulilian scratched her head and sighed,"This is not good."

"Yes." Haita nodded calmly:"Now, all the demons will know your true level, and you can't hide your abilities anymore."

"I'm not talking about that." Fulilian shook her head slightly.

"I just thought that I wouldn't be able to win so easily against Aura next time."

"Because of this video, Aura will probably use her undead army to consume"

"If I fight seriously, I will definitely blow those undead to pieces, but I don't want to hurt them."

Hearing this.

Haita looked at Fulilian, and when he saw her hesitation, he couldn't help laughing:"Fulilian, you are really gentle."

If it were the former Fulilian, she would definitely go all out without hesitation. But now she cares about those dead heroes.

That short"one percent" still changed Fulilian.

Haita turned and asked:"Aren't you worried that the demons will find out your true strength and come up with a plan against you?"

"Well... this is also a problem, but it is also easy to solve."Flillian said indifferently,"Haita, what is shown in the picture is not all my magic power."

"If the demons use the video as a standard, I can still catch them off guard."

Hearing this,

Haita was stunned for a moment, shook his head and chuckled:"You are really despicable."



"Despicable villain! Fulilian is simply a disgrace to magicians!"

Liuguna cursed.

As a magician, he actually hid his magic power?


How could there be such a shameless villain?!

Fulilian's behavior is like the dazzling sun, hiding its light, lurking in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to move!

As a magician, she behaved like an assassin.

To say that she is despicable is a compliment to Fulilian!


I want to vomit!

Aura's pupils also trembled slightly.

He looked at the video in disbelief, Fulilian's magic burst

"When I first met Fulilian, the magic power flowing through her was very weak. I thought she was the weak point of the brave team."

"Now it seems that even if Xin Meir hadn't been there, she could have killed my army on her own?"

"A magician who had practiced for a thousand years became famous only after defeating the Demon King."

"She is not only suppressing her magic, but also suppressing her fame."

"Everything you did... was just to deal with us demons?"

"Let us despise her... She is dangerous! Very dangerous!"

Aura was terrified. She was scared.

Not just because of the video.

But also because she saw further, saw Fulilian's true purpose.

In order to target the demons, she spent a thousand years planning.

If such a person came to the Demon Realm and started a massacre, how many demons would die?

"Liuguna, suspend the invasion, retreat to the rear, and discuss the matter of Fulilian with the [God of War]"



Death World


Kyoraku Shunsui raised his eyebrows.

"If magic power is regarded as spiritual pressure, then this Fulilian's magic power is really terrifying."

"Maybe even more amazing than the captain-general."

Aura's magic is very strong.

No, it should be said that it is very buggy.

"If you are weaker than her in spiritual pressure, she will dominate you.

This ability is invincible if used well.

Of course, the premise of using this magic is that you are very confident in your own magic power.

In Kyoraku Shunsui's opinion, Aura's magic power may be among the best among the demons.

But in the video, she is nothing compared to Fulilian.

This gap is really scary.


Code Geass: The World of Code Geass

"Strange... All the previous videos didn't have a premise summary, but this one does."

Lelouch frowned.

What was the reason that made this video different?

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