Fullmetal Alchemist World.

Dozens of national alchemists surrounded an ordinary house.

"What a shame"

"It turns out that the talking synthetic beast he created two years ago was a combination of his wife and an animal. We also gave him a certificate."

"Now, he wants to use the same method to train his daughter into a synthetic beast and then let her pass the alchemist exam?"

"It's really shameful"

"No, the most important thing is that he was discovered and the news spread all over the world. I guess because of him, ordinary people have developed a resistance to alchemists."

"What a scumbag, because of one person, he has brought down the credibility of all of us." Edward and Al heard these people's conversation in the back. Some were incredulous.

"What are these people talking about? They care more about their reputation than Nina's innocent life?"

Al also felt that this was different from the world he thought.

But there were more important things now.

"Brother, Tucker might be desperate, let's sneak in quickly."

Edward came to his senses and nodded:"Yeah."

That's true.

This group of national alchemists doesn't care.

But he cares about Nina.

He and Al came out of the shadows and kept approaching the house.

Soon, the crowd was in turmoil.

The two brothers looked up.

They found that the major was holding Nina with red eyes and walked out of the room.

He said to others with a gloomy face:"The criminal Tucker used Nina as a hostage and has been executed."

Edward and his brother looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

That's great.

It's really great.

I hope Nina is saved.


Fantasy Front World

"You are right about one thing. Human progress is indeed inseparable from animal experiments."

Klaus clenched his fists, and his joints creaked.

"But you got one thing wrong, progress is not in conflict with damnation"

"You bastard!"


Klaus couldn't stand it anymore and smashed the table in front of him with one punch.

He even picked up the broken table and was about to throw it away.

"calm down!"K.K suddenly spoke.

Klaus took a deep breath and turned to look at K.·K

"Sorry, I lost my temper, but I have endured two videos, and now I can't stand this video, especially hearing the other party's remarks."

"Under the banner of progress, he merged his daughter with a dog... What a fucking bullshit."

After cursing, Klaus calmed down a lot.

He sat back down and took a deep breath:"Let's end it here. If there are new terms, I will probably go crazy."


Detective Conan World

"Experiments on animals may be cruel, but the end result will make human society better."

"And what would happen even if Tucker's experiment was successful?"

""It's not progress to just keep combining humans with animals and keep committing crimes."

Conan sighed.

He talked about so many great principles.

But in fact,

Tucker didn't understand what"progress" means fundamentally.

Things that are beneficial to human development are progress.

Tucker's behavior will only aggravate social contradictions.

Progress? Haha, moral regression is more like it.


One Piece World.

Thousand Sunny.

Luffy was stunned when he realized what a synthesizer was until he finished watching the video.

Chopper was the same:"So this is what it means to understand human language?"

"Do not make jokes!"

"What is this?"

Chopper thought that after watching the video, he could find his kind.

But he didn't expect that it was not the case at all.

Combining humans and animals?

How could he do such a thing?

The Holy Land of Marijoa.

The Five Elders gathered together.

"You all have seen that combining humans with animals will lower their IQ and turn them into an obedient monster."

"We need this kind of synthetic beast."

"Send the captured pirates to Vegapunk and other researchers to study the synthetic beasts in the video."

A technology that can restrict thoughts.

It can greatly consolidate the ruling position of the Celestial Dragons.

As for the public's opinion...


Don't worry about it."


One Punch Man World


A small mountain was instantly reduced to nothing.

In front of the ruins, Saitama scratched his head and looked at his fist.

"Ah, I was too angry and didn't control my strength."

I came out to find the monster because I wanted to relieve my anger.

But I didn't expect that I would become even angrier.

It was just a demon-level monster, but I had to use a serious punch to solve it because of the video.

With a sigh,

Saitama turned his head and looked at the hill that was flattened by the punch.

His heart was bitter again.

"What can I do? A mountain is gone.……"

This is hard to explain.

"Anyway, let's just say it was done by a weirdo."

Saitama was very upset.

He felt a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and bitterness.

He needed to release all his emotions.

"Please, stop using nouns. In the next video, give me a very cool story to relieve my emotions."

Saitama pleaded.

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