After hearing what Noso said, several cursed spirits looked at him in astonishment.

Hua Yu asked,"What do you mean?"

Noso's mouth corners slightly raised, and he glanced at the sea.

"The curse spirit is like the waves. The stronger the wind, the stronger the waves. The wind belonging to the curse spirit is - the total amount of curse power."

"Everyone, don't forget that we and the sorcerers are not the only ones answering questions in the world, ordinary people are also doing the same."

"Every time they answer a question correctly, their cursed power will increase, and the cursed spirits born from the cursed power of ordinary people will become stronger and stronger."

"But sorcerers are different, they can only become stronger through themselves."

"Comparing it this way, the Curse Spirit has the advantage!"


The cursed spirits present were all stunned.

They had never expected that they could consider it from this perspective!


If that's the case, then the cursed spirits are the biggest beneficiaries!

Xu Suo touched his chin and continued,"So, we have a lot of work to do. We must find a few more cursed spirits with good potential before those sorcerers find out."

"I understand. Let's act now." Louhu nodded.

If he continued to be lazy after learning such an important matter, he would appear to be too stupid.

Luosuo warned:"Remember to hide your whereabouts. If you are discovered by the sorcerer, he will definitely guess our purpose."

"You don't need to tell me." After saying that, Louhu left the area and disappeared in an instant.

The competition with the sorcerer has begun.

It depends on whether our side can find those potential cursed spirits first, or whether they can do it first.

If it is really as Muso said, then perhaps, their plan can be accomplished without Ryoumen Sukuna!


Demon Slayer World.

Ubuyashiki Yoya summoned all the Demon Slayer Corps to assemble.

When the assembly was completed.

He said:"The human body is inherently inferior to that of the demon clan. The rewards for these questions and answers are still percentage-based increases in all abilities. If this continues, the gap between us humans and the demon clan will become larger and larger." As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

They have never considered the problem from this aspect at all!

That's right!

Improving one's own strength is good, but the improvement of the human side is ultimately not as good as those of the demons!

The Wind Pillar immediately said angrily:"In this case, let's fight to the death while the gap in strength has not been widened!"

Since the gap is getting bigger and bigger, it is better to hold the mentality of dying together and kill them now.

The other pillars couldn't help but agree:"This may be the best way"

"My Lord, let us go."

Ubuyashiki Yoya shook his head and said,"Don't be impatient. The first one to get restless will definitely be the Demon King."

"As the ghost becomes stronger, he will definitely lead the ghost tribe to attack here, and what you need to do... is to try to answer more questions and make all possible preparations for the arrival of the ghost tribe."

"This is our home ground. Even if the gap in hard power is too big, it is not impossible to win."

"But if we take the initiative to look for them now, we will have no advantage at all."

This also makes sense.

The pillars couldn't help but sigh.

Going is like seeking death.

Waiting is the same as waiting to die.

After all, it's just like what the lord said.

The bodies of humans and demons cannot be generalized.

After understanding this, the Demon Slayer Corps couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Seeing this.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya chuckled and said,"Why do you have to show such an expression? It's not like we have already failed."

"I brought you all together to make you stronger."

"Two points"

"1. Have a limited exchange of ideas, improve your fighting skills, and get familiar with each other's moves. I want you to learn to cooperate perfectly."

"2. When it comes to the Q&A session, don’t hide your thoughts. Speak your mind and then find the most reasonable answer."

"Although I can't guarantee that the accuracy rate will be improved, this is the best idea right now."


Ubuyashiki Yoya glanced at Tanjiro again, intentionally or unintentionally.

"By the way, Tanjiro, the scar on your forehead has become darker."

"Is it because you answered a few questions correctly?"

"If so, maybe it's not a scar, but a natural ability you carry."

"I hope you can develop it, which may be of great help to us in defeating the demons."

Tanjiro did not expect that the lord would actually name him.

He tensed his body and replied,"Yes!"

Ubuyashiki Yoya nodded lightly:"Thank you for your hard work in eliminating the evil demons."

"It's not hard, my lord, you are"


In the world of Naruto, all countries are aware of the fact that there is now a new direction of competition between countries.

A quiz with prizes!

The country that answers more questions correctly will have an advantage in the future when war breaks out!

Therefore, think tanks from various countries are out in full force.

Pagers are all over the country.

Just to maximize the accuracy of their answers.


One Piece World.


"The stronger those pig scholars are, the more detrimental it is to our rule, and we cannot blatantly prevent them from answering questions."

"So what we need to do is to improve our accuracy. As long as the forces under the jurisdiction of our world government have a higher accuracy rate, there is no need to worry about other things."

As long as there are disputes and special powers in the world, they are now aware of it.

This unknown light curtain, to a certain extent, affects the future world pattern.

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