I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 100 Ready to start researching controllable nuclear fusion! (Subscribe!)

"Hoo! 35

"nailed it!"

"It's time to go home!

Su Chen, wearing energy armor, floated above a beautiful country, a top machine tool manufacturer, looked at the optical brain creation library, parsed out dozens of types, top machine tool data, secret thoughts.

next moment.

Su Chen instructed the brain to use the teleportation function directly.

And Su Chen's destination is his bedroom.

Almost instantly.

Su Chen went back to his bedroom.


Su Chen started to see how much metal it takes to make a top-notch machine tool.

After some viewing.

Su Chen found that the metal needed to make a state-of-the-art machine tool is pitiful.

The metal in his carry-on space is enough to manufacture all the top machine tools in the creation library.

On the contrary, when manufacturing top-notch machine tools, the light-brain energy points consumed made Su Chen a little distressed.

"The repair progress of the light brain, although it has increased to 4%, can restore 4 light brain energy points per hour.""

"But for now, it's still not enough. 35

"To manufacture the Dragon Soul One Dragon King, you need to consume light brain energy points.

"Now manufacturing machine tools also requires optical brain energy points."

"It seems that controllable nuclear fusion must be developed as soon as possible, so that the repair progress of the light brain can be improved!

"Let's talk to Gu Yanbing tomorrow and see if we can start some controlled nuclear fusion experiments first!""

Su Chen thought to himself.

With this thought in mind, Su Chen took out his mobile phone and went to the Internet, and then, extremely skilled, ordered two cargo ships with a capacity of more than 100 tons from Yindu Nixiya.

These two cargo ships will be used for machine tools in a few days.

After ordering the cargo ship, Su Chen saw that it was getting late, so he disarmed his energy armor and fell asleep.

the next day.

Su Chen fell asleep and woke up naturally.

He picked up the phone on the side and looked at it, and found that it was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

He started to get up and take a shower.

Although today is the weekend.

But Su Chen found out that his parents, as well as his elder sisters Su Ting and Nuo Nuo, were not at home.

After reading the note left on the table, Su Chen realized that they had all gone out after breakfast.

Su Ting took Nuo Nuo to the extracurricular outing held by the kindergarten.

And my parents went to the hospital to help my grandpa.

When you wake up, you are the only one left at home.

Su Chen has gotten used to it.

After washing.

Su Chen cooked the breakfast skillfully.

Then while eating breakfast, brushing and shaking.

But Su Chen just brushed two shakes.

I saw news related to machine tools.

Yangshi headlines: [Beautiful country, together with Iron and Steel Country and Neon Country, imposed machine tool sanctions on my country. We express our strong condemnation and protest against the actions of Beautiful Country, Steel Country, and Neon Country! 】


Su Chen looked at the news comment area.

"In recent times, why is the beautiful country always provocative, and when will the beautiful country disappear from the earth! 35

"The Neon Kingdom is worthy of being the loyal dog of the Beautiful Country, what the Beautiful Country says, they do it!

"Hey, the problem of the lithography machine and the chip has not been resolved, and the machine tool has problems again. It is too difficult for our Xia Kingdom!"

"In the front, I saw the news two days ago. It seems that our lithography machine and chip have made significant progress, but it has not been announced yet. Don't worry, I believe the country

"Can we take care of them directly, stop condemning the protests, it makes me feel aggrieved."

"Upstairs, sometimes things are not as simple as you see, you only see the surface, but not the inside! 39

"To give a few examples, we strongly condemned a certain fishing island when it was the most violent, but now that we are cruising there, it has become normal. The bombers and Raptors were captured, and there are many similar examples, calm down and believe that the country is over!

"Haha, the boss upstairs prophesied, I just saw the news, the world's top machine tool manufacturers were all destroyed overnight, and now the world's major media are reporting this, shaking More than half of the top ten most popular searches are related to it!"


Su Chen took a general look at the comment area.

Then I clicked into the hot search.

After Su Chen swept several machine tool manufacturers around the world last night, he took a break without paying too much attention.

Seeing related news reports at this time, Su Chen decided to take a detailed look.

No. 1 in the hot search: [Nightmare night for the world's top machine tool manufacturers!]

The second most popular search: [Mysterious man destroys the data database of the world's top machine tool manufacturers!]

The third hot search: [The executives of the Mazak Heavy Industry Manufacturing Company in Neon Country, when enjoying the golden meal, ushered in a moment of despair! 】

The fourth most popular search: […]

"Golden Meal?"

"What kind of ghost food is this invented by Neon Country?

Su Chen looked at the top ten of DouYin's hot search terms.

Finally clicked into the third hot search.

With Su Chen clicked to enter the third hot search.

Su Chen saw that the news video was accompanied by many pictures of women in the neon country.

However, in the news, there is no detailed description of what the golden meal is.


Su Chen clicked on Universal's comment area.

"Excuse me, what is the golden nugget meal?"

"Come on a big fisherman and answer it!"

"The fisherman is here, and I'll give you some popular science about the golden grain meal: Ling grain meal is a kind of food that can only be enjoyed by the wealthy in the neon country. The principle of making is to let a girl eat some kind of fruit or Some kind of food, and what they came out with at the end was the favorite gold nugget meal of the wealthy people in the Neon country!

"I'm really thankful, why should I watch popular science, people from Neon Country are too braided, they're disgusting people!"

"It seems that I lost my appetite for lunch, and I almost vomited out of breakfast, how come there are so many neon braids!

"If it's really tied to Q, I shouldn't have clicked into this news to read the popular science in the comment area! 35

After Su Chen read the popular science in the comment area.

Although it feels a little uncomfortable, it is within the acceptable range.

However, Su Chen did not intend to continue reading.

Instead, I quickly finished breakfast and went to the Internet to read relevant news.

FITE's hot search number one: [Nightmare night for a top machine tool manufacturer!]

YouTube hotspot: [Sanctioned Xia Guo? Beautiful country was attacked this time! 】

Yahu Toutiao: [The global heavy industry manufacturing industry, starting last night, will face a major reshuffle! 】

Gu Mo: […]

Su Chen briefly browsed the news on the Internet.

Don't pay attention to this.

Instead, he sent a message to Gu Yanbing.

Su Chen: "Yanbing, the controllable nuclear fusion experimental base, how is the completion now?

Gu Yanbing replied almost in seconds: "The main project has been completed, and many equipment have also been purchased.

Su Chen: "Can we start in these two days and start researching controllable nuclear fusion?"

Gu Yanbing: "Okay, do you have the relevant information on controllable nuclear fusion on your side?"5

Su Chen: "Okay, when you come here, I will send it to you!

Gu Yanbing: "Well, I have finished my work in the past two days, so I will go to Yucheng. 99

Su Chen: "Okay, see you then."

Gu Yanbing: "Hmm!


Su Chen chatted with Gu Yanbing for a while, and said something that made Gu Yanbing blushed, and then ended the chat.

Ding dong.

at this time.

A new WeChat message is sent.

Su Chen looked at it and found that it was sent by Zheng Qianqian.

Zheng Qianqian: "Brother Chen, my mother and I have finished moving, thank you for the place you provided us!"

Su Chen: "No thanks, are you used to the environment or something? 39

Zheng Qianqian: "I must be used to it, both the environment and the size of the room are much better than the ones we used to live in.

Su Chen: "That's fine, if you need anything, tell me when the time comes."

Zheng Qianqian: "Good morning brother!"

Zheng Qianqian: "By the way, Brother Chen, the classmates are clamoring to hold a party, will you join?"

Su Chen: "I'm not going, I have no interest in this kind of thing.

Zheng Qianqian: "Okay, then I'm not going.

Originally, Zheng Qianqian thought that if Su Chen attended the party, she would follow Su Chen to see it.

But since Su Chen didn't go, she instantly lost interest.

After a while.

Su Chen and Zheng Qianqian ended their chat.

Check the time.

It was not yet ten o'clock in the morning.

When he was bored, Su Chen used the existing light brain energy points, only 10 points left at one time, and made 15 dragon souls and a dragon king.

Put 15 Dragon Souls and Dragon Kings together in a bag.

Su Chen put on the energy armor and instructed Guangnao to use the teleportation function.

The destination of Su Chen's transmission is the desert border.

Use the teleportation function with the light brain.

in an instant.

Su Chen crossed thousands of kilometers from Yucheng to the desert border.

Look at the endless desert around you.

Su Chen sent a message to Chen Lao with his mobile phone in stealth mode.

Su Chen: "Position, I'm a pawn, I'm here to send the Dragon Soul One Dragon King!

Chen Lao quickly replied: "Received!"


Su Chen began to wait in place.

After a moment.

More than a dozen J-series fighter jets flew in.

Then Su Chen saw the familiar figures of Chen Lao, Sun Peng and Wu Zheng.

No superfluous nonsense.

After Su Chen handed the Dragon Soul One Dragon King to Chen Lao, he turned and left under the respectful gaze of Chen Lao and others.

Then in a safe area, use teleportation directly back to the bedroom.

After returning to the bedroom.

Su Chen looked at (Zhao Zhao's) at the remaining 10 light-brain energy points, and secretly said: "The light-brain energy points in the next few days will be reserved for the manufacturing machine!"

"Light Brain can currently recover 96 energy points a day."

"It only takes two to three days to restore all the machine tools in the creation library.

the next two days.

Su Chen started a comfortable life.

Sleep until you wake up naturally in the morning, and play with Nuo Nuo in the evening.

until the third night.

Su Chen saw that everyone in the family was resting.

It consumes 2 optical brain energy points and expands the portable space by 400 cubic meters.

Then started to use the manufacturing function of the optical brain to manufacture various top machine tools in the creation library.

After a while.

Dozens of brand-new machine tools are eight percent higher than the current top machine tools in the world in terms of performance and quality.

All were created by the optical brain and placed in Su Chen's portable space.

Look at the brand new machine tool in the carry-on space.

Su Chen inquired about the location of the Yindu Nixiya cargo ship.

After discovering that it has almost reached the border waters of the Xia Kingdom.

Su Chen put on the energy armor directly and moved in the direction of the cargo ship instantly.

After dozens of seconds.

Su Chen appeared above the cargo ship.

After some familiar operation.

Su Chen put all the new machine tools in the carry-on space into the container of the cargo ship.

Then he teleported back to his bedroom in an instant, and took out his mobile phone to call Qin Huaiming.


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