a few minutes ago.

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

When Su Chen hung up the phone.

Zhang Zhongming, Gu Yanbing and the others immediately had a heated discussion about this transaction.

Many people feel like they are dreaming.

Because the pie hits them in the face, making them feel extremely unreal.

There are also many people who think that this will be a prank.

"Teacher, if this is not a prank, it is true!"

"So, that mysterious Mr. Su, what do you need so many californium elements for?"

"We all know that californium is widely used in military, industrial, nuclear research, and cancer treatment!"

"But these fields, except for cancer, are not covered by ordinary people at all!"

At a time when many people are having a heated discussion.

Gu Yanbing's face was full of doubts, and she asked Zhang Zhongming.

After listening to Gu Yanbing's question, Zhang Zhongming pondered for a while, then shook his head and smiled and said, "This question, you have stopped the teacher."

"But I think, no matter what that mysterious patriot Mr. Su does with the californium element, it is very necessary for us to make a deal with him!"

"Because even if we don't deal with him, he will deal with other countries."

"And the transaction price that his country has offered him is definitely much more than the price he offered us!"

"So what we have to think about now is not the issue of californium elements."

"It's about this transaction, whether it's a prank or not, let's just have fun in the end!"

At this time, Zhang Zhongming had recovered from the state of being smashed by the pie from the very beginning, and had regained his calm heart.

He only hoped that this matter was not a prank.

Others, he doesn't really care.

After listening to Zhang Zhongming's words, Gu Yanbing nodded slightly and stopped talking.



The phone rang for a while.

The people in the duty room who were engaged in heated discussions were instantly attracted by the ringing of the phone.

"Academician Zhang, the mysterious Mr. Su is calling, because I can't find any information on the other side!"

A technician immediately said to Zhang Zhongming.

When Zhang Zhongming heard the words, he answered the phone and asked, "Comrade Su, is there anything you forgot to explain?"

Obviously, Zhang Zhongming has now classified Su Chen and him as the same person, so he uses Comrade Su to call Su Chen.

Everyone in the duty room also felt that the mysterious Mr. Su in their eyes had forgotten to explain something.

So they all listened intently.

"Forgot to explain something? No!"

"I made a phone call to tell you that I have put the moon soil on the roof of your Academy of Sciences building, you can send someone to pick it up!"

Everyone who was holding their breath thought that when Su Chen wanted to say some new transaction requirements, the mechanical synthesis sound after Su Chen's transformation was introduced into everyone's ears.

After everyone heard Su Chen's mechanical synthesis voice.

Immediately stunned.

After being stunned.

Gu Yanbing was the first to get angry.

At this moment.

Gu Yanbing concluded that the mysterious fanatical patriotism in their minds when they knew Mr. Su was a prank.

Otherwise, the moon soil was delivered so quickly, and it was also sent directly to the roof of their academy.


Gu Yanbing took the phone directly from Zhang Zhongming, and said with a cold expression on her pretty face: "Your prank is over, no matter who you are or what your identity is, you will eventually pay for your prank!!!"

Speaking of the end.

Gu Yanbing's tone was full of anger and warning!

On the other hand, Zhang Zhongming shook his head with a wry smile and said nothing more.

Because at this moment.

Zhang Zhongming also felt that this was a prank to play on them.


Just when Gu Yanbing was extremely angry, her pretty face was full of chills.

However, everyone heard the familiar mechanical synthesis sound on the other end of the phone.

"I have delivered the moon soil, and I only give you five minutes!"

Unlike before.

This time, Gu Yanbing and the others could hear the unpleasantness and coldness in the other party's tone from the mechanically synthesized voice.


Everyone heard the other party hang up the phone.

"Send someone to check on the roof immediately!"


Zhang Zhongming listened to the hang-up prompt on the phone, and didn't care whether it was a prank or not.

He stood up directly from his seat with a very solemn expression on his face, and instructed several researchers around him.


Everyone in the duty room was instantly busy.


less than a minute.

An astonishing news came from the security staff of the Academy of Sciences.

That is they were on the roof and they really found a plastic bag with a mysterious object in it.

tested by them.

Mysterious objects in plastic bags are not dangerous.

It's just a very low, very low, low to negligible slight radiation.


They have put plastic bags containing mysterious objects in refrigerated sealed boxes made of special materials, waiting for further instructions.

Zhang Zhongming, Gu Yanbing and the others, after learning the news, showed shocking expressions on their faces that they had never shown in their entire lives.


Zhang Zhongming immediately instructed the security personnel to transport them to the research room headed by him.

And he also directly transferred all the calls in the duty room to his research room.

Done with this.

Zhang Zhongming took Gu Yanbing, who was in a trance, and hurried to the research room.


Zhang Zhongming, Gu Yanbing and the others returned to their research room.

The security personnel of the Academy of Sciences also handed over the sealed box containing the mysterious object in their eyes to Zhang Zhongming.

Zhang Zhongming took the sealed box with a dignified expression on his old face and opened it directly.

next moment.

A large plastic bag filled with things caught the eyes of Zhang Zhongming, Gu Yanbing and others.

Zhang Zhongming put on research gloves and opened the plastic bag with slightly trembling hands.

A moon rock exuding an icy aura appeared in front of him.

Then Zhang Zhongming quickly opened several other plastic bags.

He found that what was inside was really moon soil.

Zhang Zhongming has been dealing with Yuetu for decades. The United States sent Xia Guo 1 gram of lunar soil a few decades ago, and he was the first researcher of that 1 gram of lunar soil!

So Zhang Zhongming is extremely familiar with Moon Earth.

He only glanced at it, and was already convinced that the plastic bag was full of real moon soil.

And the only moon rock is a new species that has never existed before.

this moment.

Look at the moon soil and moon rock lying in the sealed box.

Zhang Zhongming, Gu Yanbing and the others were completely dumbfounded.


Right now.

A burst of phone rings rang in the research room.

Zhang Zhongming, Gu Yanbing and the others were awakened immediately.

"I'll pick it up!"

Zhang Zhongming said in a low, old, slightly hoarse voice.

The voice fell.

Zhang Zhongming took the wireless phone from a researcher, and then pressed the call button.

"Comrade Su, we received the moon soil you sent!"

"I apologize for our malicious guesses and some remarks about you earlier!"

"I don't know how Comrade Su needs us to give you the 200 grams of californium elements you need, as well as five hundred million!"

"In order to express our apologies to you, as long as Comrade Su opens your mouth, no matter what the method is, we will do our best to satisfy you, no matter what!"

Zhang Zhongming said in a hoarse and low tone.


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