deep city.

On the top floor of Tsingshan Group Building, in the chairman's office.

Shang Weiguo, the chairman of Tsingshan Group, is discussing with a middle-aged man of his age about something that has caused them a headache recently.

The middle-aged man's name is Zhang Fangwen, who is the head of the Shencheng Mining Bureau.

He came this time to discuss with Shang Weiguo how to obtain palladium.

Because the goose country is beating its son recently, palladium is scarce in the world.

And Xia Guo's palladium basically relies on imports.

Therefore, the global scarcity of palladium has directly affected the production progress of Xia Guo's high-tech fields such as aerospace, aviation, navigation, weapons and nuclear energy.

Currently this thing.

The above is highly regarded.

Now throughout Xia, the Mineral Bureau personnel in many cities are struggling to find ways to find palladium.

The Qingshan Group in Shencheng is a leading enterprise in the mining industry of Shencheng and has many connections with overseas.

Therefore, the head of the Shencheng Mining Bureau Zhang Fangwen made a special trip to find Shang Weiguo early this morning to see if he could get some palladium resources from Shang Weiguo.

"Brother Zhang, it's not that I don't give you palladium!"

"But at the moment I really can't find a source of palladium!"

"Unless you buy at a premium, maybe you can buy more or less!"

Shang Weiguo said to Zhang Fangwen helplessly.


Zhang Fangwen sighed and said, "Brother, the premium is definitely not acceptable. The funds of our Bureau of Mines are currently limited."

"Well, anyway, how about you find a way to get me 500 kilograms of palladium?"

"As long as you can get me 500 kilograms of palladium, I'll be able to trade it!"

"We've been friends for so many years, you won't even refuse me this request!"

Shang Weiguo thought for a while after hearing the words: "Okay, Brother Zhang, don't worry, no matter what, I will find a way to collect 500 kilograms of palladium for you, and the price is still the same!"

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen are old classmates themselves.

In addition to the frequent cooperation between the two, they have been helping each other over the years.

So the relationship is good.

Now that Zhang Fangwen has said this, Shang Weiguo felt that he had to get 500 kilograms of palladium no matter what.

Even if you buy it yourself at a premium, you can trade at a par with Zhang Fangwen.

"Then I will thank my brother!"

After Zhang Fangwen got the protection of Shang Weiguo, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all brothers, don't say so many polite words!"

"You have helped me too."

"We are helping each other and achieving each other!"

Shang Weiguo said with a smile.

Zhang Fangwen also nodded and said with a smile, "That's right, come, drink tea instead of wine!"


Right now.

The office door was suddenly pushed open.

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fang looked around and saw Shang Rongyue walking in from the door carrying a nice little basket.

"Dad, Zhang Uncle, I just made some snacks myself, and I brought them here to give you a taste!"

Shang Rongyue quickly walked over to Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen and said.

talking room.

Shang Rongyue took out a few snacks from the small basket she was carrying and put them in front of Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen.

"Did the sun come out from the west today?"

"Why are you so filial all of a sudden, making snacks for Dad and Zhang Uncle!"

"I used to beg you to do it, but you didn't do it!"

Shang Weiguo looked at Shang Rongyue with happiness on his face and said.

For Shang Weiguo, being able to eat dessert made by his daughter Shang Rongyue is a very happy thing in life.

"Rong Yue, I've heard from your father that your desserts are amazing!"

"Today I have a good time!"

Zhang Fangwen also said with a smile.

The voice fell.

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen both took a sweet-scented osmanthus cake and ate it.

"good to eat!"

Shang Weiguo nodded happily, and then said, "Your craftsmanship of making cakes has improved again!"

Zhang Fangwen also said: "Wei Guo, you really didn't lie to me, Rong Yue's pastry craftsmanship is really nothing to say!"

Shang Rongyue was very happy to see Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen eating.

Even though he was a little embarrassed, he said to Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen, "Dad, Zhang Uncle, I want to tell you something."

When Shang Weiguo heard this, there was a smile on his face that I had known for a long time, and then looked at Shang Rongyue and said, "I said why I am so filial today, I have something to ask you and I to uncle!"

"Tell me, what's the matter, Dad will help you solve it!"

Zhang Fangwen also said: "Niece, you can speak, there is absolutely nothing that Zhang Uncle can do!"

When Shang Rongyue heard it, she immediately said, "I have a friend who said he can find a source of palladium, let me ask you how much you need!"

When Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen heard it, they immediately guessed whether Shang Rongyue had paid something and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune in the country.

After all, palladium is so scarce right now.

As long as there is a supply in hand, there is no reason why it cannot be sold.

The only reason is to sell palladium at a high price and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

"Your friend's boy or girl?"

Shang Weiguo looked at Shang Rongyue with a solemn expression on his face.

Lie to his Shang Weiguo's daughter, really think that Shang Weiguo is a fake tiger.

Zhang Fangwen also asked Shang Rongyue: "niece, there are many bad people out there now, so it takes a long time to make friends."

"Dad, Zhang Uncle, you think too much!"

As soon as Shang Rongyue heard it, she knew that her father and Zhang Fangwen thought too much, and then hurriedly said: "The friend I mentioned is the one who saved me before, Dad, you know!"

Shang Weiguo thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said, "Is that Su Chen who you always praised for being very personal?"

Shang Rongyue nodded and said, "Well, it's him."

"Recently he was starting his own business, and he said he could find a source of palladium, and we just happened to be short of palladium, so I thought we might as well buy it."

So this is ah.

Shang Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Shang Rongyue's explanation.

Su Chen he knew.

In the past, Shang Rongyue was pulled by Su Chen and saved her life.

Shang Weiguo specially sent someone to check Su Chen, and later found that Su Chen was an ordinary young man, so he stopped paying too much attention, but asked Shang Rongyue to transfer some money to Su Chen to express his gratitude.

However, to Shang Weiguo's surprise, Shang Rongyue transferred money to Su Chen many times, but Su Chen took it all away.

This made Shang Weiguo feel good about Su Chen, so he didn't stop his daughter and met Su Chen from time to time.

Now Shang Weiguo learned that Su Chen was starting a business.

And his daughter also opened her mouth to find her here.

Shang Weiguo decided that no matter what the price of palladium on Su Chen's side, he would eat 500 kilograms as a kind of reward and gratitude to Su Chen for saving his daughter.

"Su Chen, did he tell you his price for palladium?"

Shang Weiguo took a sip of tea, looked at Shang Rongyue dotingly and asked.

"50 million per ton!"

Shang Rongyue pondered for a while, then said with a blushing face.

In her opinion, she secretly added 5 million to Su Chen's offer, which was indeed a bit unkind to her father.

But in order to make Su Chen earn more, Shang Rongyue went out of her way this time.

bang bang...

Shang Rongyue just said the price.

Zhang Fangwen, who was watching the play, fell to the ground with a good blue and white porcelain teacup in his hand.

Shang Weiguo also looked at Shang Rongyue with a look of disbelief and shock.

Shang Rongyue saw the expression of her father Shang Weiguo.

Looking at his uncle Zhang Fangwen's complacent appearance, he suddenly felt that he had raised the price too high.


Shang Rongyue immediately blushed and said, "But Su Chen said the price is negotiable, and 49 million per ton is not impossible!"

From 50 million to 49 million, Shang Rongyue felt that the price was okay.

This time, more or less, she had to make Su Chen earn 100 million points.

"Oh my God……"

"5000 per ton? 49 million is not impossible?"

"Brother Shang, did I hear it right?"

Zhang Fangwen looked at Shang Weiguo in confusion and asked, regardless of the tea sprinkled on him.

"Looks like, you heard right..."

Shang Weiguo also said uncertainly.

Then Shang Weiguo looked at Shang Rongyue and said, "Daughter, are you sure your price is the price that Su Chen gave you?"

Shang Rongyue blushed and nodded: "Well, sure, isn't 49 million too high?"


This is his grandmother's 68% off.

Still in the case of global palladium scarcity, 68% off.

How could it be so high! ! !

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen were both stunned.

This Su Chen is the god of the road, can palladium reach this price at this time?

"Daughter, not to mention 49 million, are you sure that you quoted 5,000 per ton right at the beginning?"

Shang Weiguo asked Shang Rongyue this time.

"That's right, would I still lie to you, Dad!"

Shang Rongyue said with a blushing face.

"Do you have Su Chen's contact information? Dad and you Zhang Uncle, come and talk to him in person!"

After the three confirmations, Shang Weiguo said to Shang Rongyue with excitement and shock on his face.

"Talk to Su Chen in person?"

When Shang Rongyue heard this, she felt that something was wrong.

Looking at the excited and unbelievable expressions of his father Shang Weiguo and Uncle Zhang Fangwen.

Shang Rongyue seemed to understand something.


Shang Rongyue tentatively asked Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen: "Dad, Zhang Uncle, what is the current international price of palladium per ton?"

When Shang Weiguo heard the words, he looked at Shang Rongyue and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Shang Rongyue nodded obediently and said, "Yeah!"

Shang Weiguo looked up at Zhang Fangwen, and then said to Shang Rongyue, "The current international price of palladium is 7,054,800 yuan per ton!"

"However, at this price, palladium is definitely not available!"

"If you want to buy palladium in the current form, you need at least 75 million per ton, so it's still a bargain!"

"So I ask you again and again whether the price your friend Su Chen gave you is 50 million."

"If it's really 50 million, then how much palladium does he have in his hand? How much does I and you ask for Uncle!"

"If the final transaction is completed, Su Chen solves the current palladium problem in our country, even if it solves part of it, he can get a lot of official benefits!"


Need at least 75 million to buy a ton of palladium?

Then why did Su Chen quote me 45 million.

Feelings, I secretly added 5 million to him. Compared with the current international palladium price, it is still at least 30% off! !

for a while.

Shang Rongyue was also a little confused.

"My good niece, do you have the contact information for that Su Chen?"

"If you have any, let me talk to your father and that Su Chen!"

Zhang Fangwen looked at Shang Rongyue with anticipation on his face and said.

Shang Rongyue looked at her father and Zhang Uncle.

I know that at this time, the price of Su Chen's palladium is being increased, and it must be impossible.

So Shang Rongyue sighed, then took out her mobile phone and dialed Su Chen.

At the same time, Shang Rongyue also said to Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen: "Dad, Zhang Uncle, 50 million per ton is the lowest price, so don't haggle!"

50 million is 50 million per ton.

Although compared with the international palladium price has lost a lot.

But it is much more than the 45 million per ton price quoted to me by Su Chen, who is cute and silly!

Shang Rongyue secretly said helplessly.


(Thanks to: yzp, the monthly tickets of the two ucst bosses, the urging ticket of the 13043 bosses, clasped fists!)

(This chapter is a 4,000-word chapter with an increase of 1,000 flowers and updates. By the way, I am asking for a monthly flower evaluation ticket. As long as someone gives it, I will continue to update it!)

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