It is indeed a private space station nuclear fusion base.

Everything inside is spacious.

Of course, there are more of these machines and equipment. This controllable nuclear fusion has a total of six entrances and exits.

These six entrances and exits are all places dedicated to the discharge of substances.

"Let's start, build a space survival base, this is the first step, I'm really looking forward to my masterpiece.

Su Chen twisted his neck casually.

Everything that followed was done by himself.

No matter what aspect, Su Chen needs to overcome PR.

This is a lot of pressure and difficulty for him, but at this moment Su Chen is full of enthusiasm, and the whole person is full of uplifting spirit.

It is estimated that it is like my world, and my own world creates its own unique charm, which is particularly attractive.


Creating a world and empire of your own in outer space is actually a very exciting thing, even Su Chen is no exception.

For Xia Guo, the recent period is definitely in the limelight.

In the science and technology competition, their nuclear fusion development ideas and technologies have comprehensively crushed other countries.

When they can absorb sunlight as an energy source, and increase the efficiency of use to 0.01%.

Almost all countries were shocked and very envious.

Unexpectedly, Xia Guo actually (biac) already possessed such a technology, it must be something that no one thought of.

At present, most of the countries have already moved towards them, and have also learned their ideas.

I want to transfer the controllable nuclear fusion technology method on Earth to space.

It can be said that everything is in line with them, which is a huge pressure for the beautiful country.

Originally, they were one of the biggest countries among the tech giants, but now these things have changed one after another.

Let them also feel some crisis.

In the field of super wireless network, this is even more so. Xia Guo has occupied the absolute initiative, and has begun to arrange related equipment on a global scale.

And this final cloud is in the Xia Kingdom.

The big country that originally had the technological advantage in this area was the Beautiful Country, but now it has become their Xia Country.

It can be said that these changes are visible to the naked eye.

And it can be completed in a short period of time, which must be absolutely unexpected for many countries.

How did Xia Guo's technology progress so fast?

This time has passed in a flash, nearly half a year.

In the past six months, Xia Guo has a lot of limelight, almost taking the lead in major scientific research fields.

Other countries are also catching up with Xia Guo in terms of technology.

Through the calculation of controllable nuclear fusion, Xia Guo's aircraft and various rocket equipment have also been updated one after another.

It used to be only once every two years that a manned rocket was launched into the sky.

And now this speed is almost greatly accelerated.

A manned rocket is launched almost every few months, and the country has been researching sustainable rocket lift-off technology one after another.

That is, the recycling and conversion of aircraft.

It is also more and more frequent in spacecraft and satellite launches.

"What the hell is going on here? I need you to give me a reasonable explanation."

"Every year you take a lot of money from the country. Why is the technology more and more backward now, let's see what Xia Guo is like now."

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