I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 32 Terrorist Liquidated Damages Of 20 Billion Yuan!

"The price of nickel per ton soared by 500% overnight?"

"There's something wrong with this!"

Su Chen only glanced at the content of the news and was keenly aware that the sudden surge in the price of nickel this time was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Nickel surged by 500% overnight, which may be an unprecedented opportunity for Tsingshan Group.

However, it could also be a catastrophe.

Because of Su Chen's understanding of nickel, the price of nickel can never increase so outrageously.

Nickel: The chemical symbol Ni, is a hard, ductile and ferromagnetic metal, which can be highly polished and corrosion-resistant. Stainless steel and various alloy steels made from it are widely used in aircraft, tanks, and ships. , radar, missiles, spacecraft and other fields.

It can be said that nickel is the most indispensable rare earth metal in the field of science and technology.

But even so, the price of nickel is not high, because the global nickel ore is not rare, so the price of nickel is generally between 18,000 and 20,000 meters, which is equivalent to 126,000 to 14,000 yuan in Xia. between ten thousand.

A nickel of about 18,000 to 20,000 meters per ton suddenly increased by 500% overnight, which is obviously very wrong!

So Su Chen felt that things might not be as simple as the news described.

This is likely to be an emergency against the Qingshan Group!

Because Tsingshan Group is the world's largest nickel producer, it has been making a fortune in silence over the years.

Perhaps the surge in nickel prices this time may mean that some people are eyeing Tsingshan Group.

Take this guess.

Su Chen read a few more news about nickel.

Headline hotspots: [The demon nickel strikes, the Chicago Exchange, New York Exchange and other top ten exchanges in the world, led by the world's largest metal exchange Lundun Exchange, set off an unprecedented demon nickel Storm, overnight, the price of rare earth metal nickel soared fivefold! 】

Shencheng News: [Increased 500% of rare earth metal nickel overnight, is it an opportunity or a disaster for Tsingshan Group, a leading enterprise in the nickel industry? 】

Guangzhou Daily: […]

After Su Chen read a few more news in a row, he further confirmed his inner guess.

The sudden surge in nickel is likely to be a conspiracy against the Tsingshan Group.

But the layman is watching the fun, and the expert is watching the doorway.

Su Chen found that under every nickel-related news, countless netizens were happily posting: Domestic companies are finally going to be famous all over the world! The market value of Tsingshan Group has doubled overnight, which is awesome! Our domestic Tsingshan Group is the world's No. 1 nickel producer, which is really proud!

There are countless such remarks.

But there are very few remarks, saying that this is likely to be a conspiracy against the Qingshan Group.

However, these remarks soon disappeared from the parents who were sprayed by netizens, and the reason they sprayed was: conspiracy is a shit, conspiracy will make you have the most things, and the value will be five times higher?

Looking at the comments of netizens, Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, and then stopped paying too much attention to this news.

After all, for now, Su Chen just feels that something is wrong, but he can't find a view that is not conducive to Qingshan Group.

"Forget it, don't think about it!"

"The think tanks of Qingshan Group and the think tanks of state-owned enterprises that cooperate with Qingshan Group are much smarter than me!"

"What I can think of, and they can definitely think of, the surge in nickel prices this time is a good or a bad thing for Tsingshan Group, and it will be clear in two days!"

Su Chen crossed the news about nickel directly.

But just to be on the safe side, Su Chen still sent a message to Shang Rongyue asking: "The price of nickel has skyrocketed, what's your father's reaction?"

Shang Rongyue replied almost in seconds: "I don't know, my dad didn't return at the Mining Bureau last night. When I called him just now, he was still chatting with Uncle Zhang in the Mining Bureau. Listening to the tone, It looks like a lot of fun!"

Seeing Shang Rongyue's reply, Su Chen knew at a glance that Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen must have been busy all night because of the palladium matter.

However, since Shang Weiguo is quite happy at the moment, it means that he should be thinking too much about the surge in nickel prices.


Su Chen completely let go of this matter.

But right now.

Su Chen suddenly found that the phone in his hand automatically entered stealth mode.


Suddenly a phone call came in.

The incoming call shows: Xia Guo Academy of Sciences!

Originally, Su Chen was still wondering why the phone suddenly automatically entered incognito mode.

But after seeing the caller ID, Su Chen understood the reason.

Because he once left his mobile phone number in the hidden mode of his mobile phone to the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Whenever someone calls his phone's incognito number, the phone will automatically go into incognito mode.

"Why did the Academy of Sciences call me at this time?"

Su Chen pressed Tong Jian suspiciously.


at the same time.

Shencheng Mining Bureau, in Zhang Fangwen's private office.

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen, who were still smiling last night, were frowning with dignified expressions, and were on a video call with the two old people.

"Song Lao, Zhang Lao, that's what happened!"

"Currently led by the Lundun Futures Exchange, all major exchanges around the world have set off a frenzy of nickel price hikes. At present, the price of nickel has reached 100,000 yuan per ton!"

"But the key point of the problem is that three hours ago, Lundun Futures Exchange called Tsingshan Group, and they needed Tsingshan Group to deliver 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel within a week!"

"If Tsingshan Group cannot hand over 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel within a week, then according to the futures hedging contract, Tsingshan Group will pay the other party at least 20 billion meters!"

"Also, Tsingshan Group has to hand over its nickel mining rights worldwide!"

Zhang Fangwen said to Song Lao, the other head of the State Reserve Bureau, and Zhang Zhongming of the Academy of Sciences.

"Isn't it just 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel, just give it to them!"

Song Lao said with a puzzled expression.

Song Lao knew about futures hedging contracts.

The principle is to deal with the ups and downs of futures prices, so both buyers and sellers will engage in a hedging contract.

The content of the contract is that the buyer and the seller agree on the price of a certain futures, and then sign a transaction contract.

As long as the contract is signed, then no matter whether the futures price rises or falls in the future, it will be traded according to the contract price.

This way of futures hedging contracts is friendly to both buyers and sellers.

So on a global scale, many sellers and buyers will sign this contract.

The transaction method of this contract is also very simple, as long as both parties perform the purchase and sale transactions on the contract.

If one party breaches the contract, it must admire the corresponding liquidated damages.

In Song Lao's view, Tsingshan Group's leading position as a global nickel producer has absolutely no possibility of default.

After all, Tsingshan Group itself produces nickel. As long as there are nickel ore, how much nickel cannot be produced. If the other party wants it, give it to them.

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