I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 36 Nickel-Iron A11 Star, Porsche Arrives!

Su Chen's house.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Chen asked the light brain to activate the planetary navigation map.

Not long ago, he learned from Zhang Zhongming that Tsingshan Group needed 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel.

Su Chen immediately asked Guangnao to start the planetary navigation map, and then on the planetary navigation map, he searched and found more than ten planets with pure electrolytic nickel.

That's why Su Chen promised Shang Weiguo and the others a minimum of 300,000 tons of electrolytic nickel.

at this time.

Su Chen looked at the more than ten pure electrolytic nickel planets arranged in order from top to bottom on the realistic and illusory planetary navigation map in front of him, and began to think carefully about which planet to get electrolytic nickel.

After all, every planet's environment is different.

Instantly teleporting to the past, the energy points consumed are also different.


After some filtering.

Su Chen chose the nickel-iron A11 star in the solar system!

This planet is more than 50 billion kilometers away from the earth, and the living environment is not so bad compared to other planets containing electrolytic nickel.

Staying on it, you only need to consume 5 energy points per second.

However, the current energy point of the light brain is only 72, so Su Chen does not plan to go to get electrolytic nickel on it for the time being.

Because the current energy point is simply not enough.

Su Chen did the math.

According to the consumption of 1 energy point, the portable space will expand ten times than the original.

If you want to expand the portable space from 1 cubic meter to 300,000 tons of nickel, you need to consume 5 energy points to expand the portable space to 100,000 cubic meters.

That is, do nothing.

It takes 5 energy points just to expand the portable space to 300,000 tons of nickel.

Therefore, the only 72 points that can be led at present are not enough to support Su Chen for a trip.

Su Chen decided to wait for the energy point to recover to about 150, and then start to go to the nickel-iron A11 star to get nickel electrolysis.

After temporarily dispelling the idea of ​​going to the nickel-iron A11 star and getting electrolytic nickel.

Su Chen directly used the mobile phone to check the load of the cargo ship online.

After all, when the time comes to transport 300,000 tons of electrolytic nickel, a cargo ship is needed.

And this time, the cargo ship cannot be rented from Goose Country.

After Su Chen carefully checked on the Internet.

In the end, it was decided to charter three cargo ships with a total capacity of 390,000 tons from the Tanjung Priek port in Indu Nishiya.

Indu Nixiya is about 5,400 kilometers away from Xia Kingdom.

Cargo ships can arrive in as little as three days.

There is a goal.

Su Chen directly uses the mobile phone's stealth mode to access the external network.

Then get in touch with the largest port in Indu Nishiya, the port of Tanreipurik.

After some exchange.

Su Chen paid half the deposit, a total of 200,000 meters, to rent three of their empty cargo ships.

Each cargo ship has a load-bearing capacity of 130,000 tons!

Then the empty cargo ship needs to arrive in the waters of Xia Kingdom within four days.

And Su Chen especially told the other party.

Once the cargo ship reaches the waters of the Xia Kingdom, it needs to fully cooperate with the actions of the Xia Kingdom military.

Package the Xia Kingdom's military to drive the boatmen off the ship, and take away the cargo ships and other conditions!

After the conditions are negotiated.

Su Chen stopped chatting with the other party.

Check the time.

Su Chen found out too early.

Just ready to brush Douyin and watch the news for a while.

But Su Chen just entered Douyin.

Then I was attracted by another piece of news related to Qingshan Group.

Yang Shi News: [The demon nickel disaster, the global nickel producer leading enterprise Tsingshan Group, may face hundreds of billions of compensation, the reason is that there are unknown oligarchs abroad who have shorted Tsingshan Group, which requires Tsingshan Group to deliver 200,000 tons of electrolysis within a week. nickel! 】

The news has more than 3 million likes.

The comments in the comment area also exceeded 900,000!

Su Chen looked at the comment section.

I found that I was no longer elated, and congratulations to Qingshan Group's comment on the surge in market value.

Basically, it's a piece of mourning.

Countless netizens are clamoring about how to break the game, who is behind the scenes, and whether the country will save the Qingshan Group and so on.

Read this news.

Su Chen entered the Douyin hot search and took a look.

Surprisingly, it was found that in the top 50 hot searches, at least 10 positions were occupied by Qingshan Group and Nickel.

Moreover, these hot search terms are basically slandering the Qingshan Group.

It gives people the feeling that Tsingshan Group is about to go bankrupt and liquidate and hand over the global nickel mining rights.


Su Chen went to Weibo to take a look again.

I found that the hot searches on Weibo are similar to those on Douyin.

Basically, there is a feeling that the Qingshan Group is about to end.

In the comment area, netizens were even more mourning, bluntly saying why state-owned enterprises are so difficult.

It's hard to come up with a global number one without being stuck by outsiders.

But this happened in a blink of an eye.

Su Chen looked at the comments of netizens.

There are also hot searches on Douyin and Weibo, which can create an atmosphere where the Qingshan Group is about to end.

Immediately guessed.

This is Song Lao's side has already shot.

Because he wanted to fight back with nickel, he shorted the mastermind behind the Qingshan Group.

You have to give the other side an illusion.

That is, the Qingshan Group is about to end, and the country can't save it.

Only in this way.

Nickel prices will continue to surge.

And when the price of nickel soars to a certain level, it is time for them to fight back with nickel.

However, these are not what Su Chen needs to worry about.

These things will naturally be controlled by the country's top think tanks.

Su Chen only needs to get electrolytic nickel, then wait for the final dividend, plus get californium and helium-3.

"I don't know the progress of the repair of the optical brain. If it is increased to 3%, what new functions will be opened!"

"And what will happen when the energy shield and the energy armor are fused!"

Su Chen secretly said with anticipation in his heart.


Right now.

Su Chen's phone suddenly vibrated.

Looking at the phone screen, Su Chen found that Zheng Qianqian was calling.

Line connected.

Su Chen heard Zheng Qianqian's beautiful voice.

Zheng Qianqian: "Brother Su Chen, all your three Porsches are ready, you can come and pick up the car!"

Su Chen: "Okay, I'll be there later!"

Zheng Qianqian: "See you later!"

Su Chen: "See you later!"


Su Chen hung up the phone directly.

Then he tidied himself up a little and went straight out.


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