"Duoduo, uncle used magic to change things for you!"

"Then you have to listen to Teacher Wang and follow her back to the classroom to wait for your mother, okay?"

After Su Chen made up his mind, he smiled and said to Duoduo who was looking at him eagerly.

Since Duoduo has followed Nuonuo to call uncle.

Su Chen simply claimed to be his uncle.

"Well, okay, thank you uncle!"

When Duo Duo heard that Su Chen was going to use magic to change things for her, she immediately put aside the sadness just now.

"Wow, I can finally see my uncle cast magic again!"

"look forward to!"

Duoduo's little face was full of anticipation.

And this time.

Many children around, after hearing that Su Chen was going to cast magic, immediately surrounded him.

"Mom, I also want to watch magic transform into things!"

"Grandma, let's go later, I watched Uncle Nuo Nuo become magic!"

"Nuo Nuo always brags that her uncle knows magic, but I want to see if it's true!"

Many children said as they approached Su Chen.

for a while.

Su Chen was surrounded by more than ten children and their parents.

And Su Chen, surrounded by the middle.

At this moment, he squatted down, put his hand on Duoduo's schoolbag and said, "Duoduo, can you lend your schoolbag to your uncle?"

Duoduo nodded immediately and said, "Yeah!"


Duoduo quickly took off her schoolbag and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen took the bag and opened it, then let Duoduo and Nuonuo look inside and said, "Nuo Nuo, Duoduo, there is nothing in the bag except books, right?"

Nuo Nuo and Duoduo nodded at the same time.

Many children around couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Then you should watch it!"

"A magical thing is about to happen!"

Su Chen closed Duoduo's schoolbag, then covered the inside of the schoolbag with the portable space, and took out two dolls from the portable space with his mind and put them inside.


Su Chen handed the schoolbag to Duoduo and said, "Open it and see, what else is there besides books!"

When Duoduo heard it, she immediately took her schoolbag from Su Chen.

Then opened it eagerly.

When the bag is opened.

Duoduo saw the two dolls lying in the schoolbag at a glance.

One is George Pig and the other is Mother Pig.


"Uncle, you are amazing, you really know magic!"

Duoduo took out Mother Pig from her schoolbag, her face full of surprise and admiration for Su Chen.

"Let me tell you, my uncle knows magic!"

Nuonuo said with pride on her little face.

talking room.

She didn't forget to take out George the Pig from her schoolbag.

"Duoduo, this mother pig gave you a birthday present!"

"Are you satisfied?"

Su Chen asked Duoduo.

“Satisfied, very satisfied!”

Duoduo said with a tearful smile.

"Come on, uncle is using magic to change something for you!"

Su Chen said.

Duoduo immediately handed the schoolbag to Su Chen again.

After Su Chen took the schoolbag, he pretended to be mysterious and chanted a spell, then pointed at the schoolbag and said, "Candy candy, come quickly!"

The voice fell.

Su Chen returned the schoolbag to Duoduo again and said, "See if there is any candy you like in it!"

Duoduo quickly took the schoolbag and opened it, then she and Nuonuo looked into the schoolbag together.

"Really candy!"

"And there are so many!"

Nuo Nuo and Duoduo were both stunned.

The children around were also surprised.

"Uncle Nuo Nuo is too powerful, he really knows magic!"

"If only I had such a great uncle!"

"I also want such a powerful and handsome uncle!"

The children looked at Su Chen at this time, and their faces were full of admiration and conversation.


The children all began to applaud fiercely.

The parents also clapped and clapped in disbelief.

Some parents also took a video and sent it to their families, with a postscript: [It's amazing, it turns into ragdolls and candy out of thin air! 】

Exactly at this time.

Dodo's mother also came.

When she learned what Su Chen had done for Duoduo, she kept thanking Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and said two polite words, and distributed the candy in Duoduo's schoolbag to the surrounding children.

Then he left with Nuo Nuo, whose face was full of admiration for himself.

"Goodbye uncle!"

The children saw that Su Chen was leaving.

All of a sudden they shouted in unison.


Su Chen waved his hands a little ashamed, and said to himself, "I'm now the uncle of a bunch of children? I hope they don't cut their heads in the first month..."


After ten minutes.

Su Chen carried Nuo Nuo back to the community where he lived.

all the way back.

Nuo Nuo chattered about his admiration for Su Chen all the way.

Hearing Su Chen couldn't help laughing and crying.

"Get off the car, Nuo Nuo, your grandma and grandpa said tonight that you want to eat extra food!"

Su Chen parked the car and opened the door.


Nuonuo nodded obediently, and then got off the driveway with her schoolbag on her back: "What's the meal?"

Su Chen smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, let's go and have a look!"

Nuonuo hummed happily, then took Su Chen's hand and jumped forward.


Su Chen brought Nuo Nuo to the door.

Take out the key to open the door.

Su Chen saw his parents working in the kitchen.

The old lady was helping out.

"Mom, my uncle picked me up today and used magic to conjure ragdolls and candies for me and Duoduo!"

"Many classmates applauded my uncle after seeing his uncle using magic!"

As soon as she entered the house, Nuonuo walked to Su Ting's side with her short legs, and talked about Su Chen's magic in a milky voice.

Su Ting listened to the narration of Nuo Nuo's milky voice, and her face was full of smiles.

Then Su Ting looked at Su Chen and said, "You really have a way to coax them!"

Su Chen also said with a smile, "It's just a few tricks!"


Su Chen asked again, "Do you need my help?"

Su Ting immediately shook her head and said, "No, you can rest, the food will be ready in a while!"

Su Chen nodded and said to Nuo Nuo, "Nuo Nuo, come, my uncle will play with you!"

Hearing this, Nuonuo immediately ran to Su Chen happily.

that's it.

The family is happy, talking and laughing, each is busy.


Dinner is ready.

Su Chen looked at it, eight dishes and one soup.

And they're all full of flavors.

"Son, daughter, wife!"

"Before eating, I want to tell you something good!"

"That's why I was promoted from the security captain of our Yucheng Hospital to the security director!"

"Upgrade directly to three levels!"

Su Kangming was the first to announce his promotion.

"No wonder you called me to buy vegetables, so you were promoted!"

Chen Huilan said with a smile.

But the voice just fell.

Chen Huilan said again: "But I have to announce a good thing, and I have also been promoted."

"I was promoted from the front-line cooking Aunt of our Yucheng Hospital canteen to the director of the logistics department!"

With Su Kangming and Cheng Huilan speaking.

Su Ting immediately said not to be outdone, "Mom and Dad, I've also been promoted today. I've been promoted from nurse to director of the medical care department, and I'm also promoted to the third level!"

Su Chen looked at the father, mother and sister who were in the joy of promotion at this time. She couldn't help shaking her head and smiled. Then she picked up a glass of juice on the table and said, "Thank you for your promotion!"

"Respect for your promotion!"

Nuo Nuo followed with a small half cup of juice.

"This cup must be drunk!"

Su Kangming, Chen Huilan and Su Ting all picked up the juice and said with a smile.

Then the family started to eat with a smile.


after a while

Dinner is over.

After Su Kangming and Chen Huilan packed up the housework, they took Nuo Nuo out to play.

Su Ting began to memorize the relevant knowledge of her new position.

Su Chen, on the other hand, went back to his room, entered the number of the cargo ship he had rented from Yindu Nixiya, and checked the location of the cargo ship.

After discovering that the cargo ship had started to leave, Su Chen stopped paying attention to it.

It will take at least three to four days for the cargo ship to travel from Indu Nixiya to Xiaguo.

It's not too late to pay attention.

ding dong...

Right now.

A new message arrives.

Su Chen opened the message and looked at it, and found that it was sent by ICBC.

The content of the text message was his own bank account, which was injected with 1.85 billion Xia national currency.

see message content.

Su Chen knew that this was Zhang Fangwen's payment for palladium.


The phone suddenly vibrated.

Su Chen looked at it and found that Zhang Fangwen was calling.

"Uncle Zhang, the payment has been received!"

Su Chen said directly after connecting the phone.

"It's a little delay, otherwise it won't be credited to your account several hours in advance!"

Zhang Fangwen said apologetically.

Then, Zhang Fangwen said again: "For the palladium matter, say thank you to the patriotic people who contacted you on my behalf!"

"With this batch of palladium, we will no longer need to worry about palladium within two years of Xia Guo!"

Su Chen said: "Okay!"

Zhang Fang warmly said: "Now wait for nickel!"

"As long as the nickel is in place, we guarantee that the people who shorted the Qingshan Group will pay the price!"

Su Chen asked, "Have you found out who those who shorted the Qingshan Group were?"

Zhang Fang Wen said: "According to some clues, we have found that there are three forces shorting Qingshan Group."

"It's Glencore from Swiss, Neon's Joint Club, and Goldman Sachs in the US!"

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help smacking his tongue.

The three group companies mentioned by Zhang Fangwen are all top-notch consortiums in the world.

It can be said that the Qingshan Group planted in their hands this time, it is normal.

Because these three companies have joined forces, let alone a Qingshan Group.

They just want to short a medium-sized country, and they have the ability to do it!

After understanding the strength behind the short Qingshan Group.

Su Chen didn't ask any more questions, but changed the topic and said, "Uncle Zhang, my family's promotion has something to do with palladium, right?"

Zhang Fangwen laughed twice and said, "Well, this is some extra compensation for you. After all, you have contributed a lot to palladium!"

"In addition, if the nickel incident of Qingshan Group can be resolved safely."

"The above is going to make an exception to grant you a position within the system!"

"As for what it is, then you will know!"


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