After inquiries.

Su Chen found that the cargo ship he had rented was less than 50 kilometers away from arriving at the port of Guangxi.

So Su Chen opened the window directly, flew into the sky with the energy armor, and followed the navigation to the direction of the cargo ship.

a few seconds.

Su Chen arrived at his destination.

Floating in the night sky wearing energy armor.

Su Chen's eyes locked on the three cargo ships below.

Switches energy armor to energy shield form.

Su Chen used the teleportation function of his optical brain to teleport himself to a container on one of the cargo ships.

Standing on the container, Su Chen was familiar with the road, and put the electrolytic nickel in the carry-on space into the container.

After ten minutes.

Su Chen finally put all the electrolytic nickel in the carry-on space into the containers of the three cargo ships.

The three cargo ships have a carrying capacity of 390,000 tons!

Su Chen calculated it based on the density of electrolytic nickel.

In my current 100,000 cubic meters of portable space, the weight of all electrolytic nickel in it should be around 340,000 tons.

Therefore, the electrolytic nickel in the carry-on space is not wasted at all, and it is all put into the containers of the three cargo ships.

"It's done!"

Su Chen looked at the empty portable space and thought to himself.


Su Chen directly used the teleportation function of his optical brain to return to his bedroom.

Once back to the bedroom.

Su Chen called Shang Weiguo directly.


at the same time

The top floor of Qingshan Group.

In Shang Weiguo's office.

Shang Weiguo, who had not slept well for several days, was drinking tea and chatting with Zhang Fangwen.

"There are only two days before the delivery time of Qingshan Group!"

"I don't know what's going on with Su Chen!"

Shang Weiguo said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Nephew Su must have his own plans!"

"Don't worry, old businessman!"

"The palladium matter, isn't it resolved safely!"

Zhang Fangwen said.

After the palladium thing.

Zhang Fangwen was entrusted with an important task from above, and his official was promoted to one level to govern all mineral resources in Shencheng and Yucheng.

It can be said.

The current Zhang Fangwen is a unique existence in the mineral resources circles of Shencheng and Yucheng.

"Don't worry about it!"

"Although I trust that kid Su Chen!"

"But I'm afraid that things will change later!"

"Swiss's Glencore, Neon's Union Club, and Goldman Sachs in the U.S. are all top consortiums in the world!"

"Since they have joined forces to swallow the Tsingshan Group, they will definitely be eyeing the world's major ports, staring at the trend of global nickel mines!"

"In this case, it is almost impossible to quietly transport electrolytic nickel to China!"

Shang Weiguo said with a sigh.

"Old businessman, we have to trust Su Chen and the abilities of those patriots overseas!"

"If it really comes to the end and no electrolytic nickel is obtained, the country will not let Qingshan Group leave it alone!"

"At that time, it will not be the struggle between the Tsingshan Group and Glencore, the joint meeting, and the three major financial groups of Goldman Sachs!"

"It's our Xia Kingdom and the country behind them!"

"I believe in you, if the country makes a move, although the Qingshan Group will lose, it will never lose a crushing defeat!"

Zhang Fangwen patted Shang Weiguo on the shoulder and said.

"oh, I understand now!"

Shang Weiguo nodded and said.


at this time.

Shang Weiguo's cell phone on the table rang.

Follow the reputation.

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen saw it immediately.

The caller was Su Chen.


Shang Weiguo answered the phone immediately.

Zhang Fangwen, on the other hand, did not dare to come out and listened quietly.

Because at this time.

This phone call from Su Chen is likely to decide the fate of Qingshan Group in the future!

"Su Chen, is there any news from Nickel?"

As soon as the call was connected, Shang Weiguo asked eagerly in a slightly hoarse voice.


"The cargo ship carrying electrolytic nickel is about to arrive at the port of Guangzhou!"

"I'll send you the ship number and location of the cargo ship!"

Su Chen said.

At the same time, Su Chen also sent the cargo ship number and location to Shang Weiguo.

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen listened.

The two suddenly looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces were full of shock!

I go!

Wouldn't it be so exciting!

I was just saying that electrolytic nickel is not easy to transport in there!

Coming soon?

Those overseas patriots, their means are truly divine!

Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen's hearts at this time.

That is simply the group of enthusiastic patriots from overseas who Su Chen said, admired to the extreme!

"I see!"

"I'll ask you, Uncle Zhang, to notify the top of the arrangement immediately, and turn on the green light all the way to deliver the electrolytic nickel directly to us!"

Shang Weiguo suppressed his inner excitement and said in a very enthusiastic voice.

this moment.

Shang Weiguo changed his appearance just now, and his whole face was radiant!

"Okay, leave the rest to Shangzhu and Uncle Zhang!"

Su Chen said.


"Don't worry, after the electrolytic nickel arrives, the californium and helium-3 that the overseas patriots need will definitely be sorted out quickly!"

"It won't make it difficult for you!"

Shang Weiguo said.

Su Chen heard the words and said ok, then hung up the phone.

Everything is ready.

The follow-up no longer requires Su Chen to participate.

Su Chen just needs to sit back and take what he wants.


(The flowers are still 600 to 14,000. I beg everyone to make a fortune. As long as the flowers reach 14,000 today, I will update ten chapters, and I will do what I say!)

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