Wall Street

The top of the Goldman Sachs building.

Inside the office of Chairman Paulson.

Paulson sat firmly in his office chair, with a smug and arrogant smile on his face, with his arms around the two galloping horses.

In front of Paulson, there were several people of different ages.

Their faces were all red.

"What is the price of nickel now?"

Paulson took a sip of red wine and asked his men.

"Respected Director Paulson, the current nickel price has been sold by our alliance with Glencore, and the joint-style meeting has raised 190,000 meters of gold per ton!"

An older foreigner bowed to Paulson and said with great respect.

"Ha ha!"

"My God, who would have thought that Goldman Sachs, together with Glencore, and the joint meeting, would have completed the greatest futures trade in the past decade!"

"In five days before and after, the rate of return reached 900%!"

"It's just crazy!"

"After this incident, we can take at least 20 billion meters of gold. According to their Xia Kingdom currency, that is 140 billion!"

Paulson's face was full of madness and joy.

"It's all thanks to your wisdom, my Director Paulson!"

The old man said respectfully.

The others around the old man also bowed to Paulson with adoration.

Paulson liked this trick very much, and immediately waved his hand and said: "Contact people from Glencore and the United Way, and strive to fry the nickel to 250,000 meters of gold in the last two days!"

"We need to eat enough at one time!"


at the same time.

Swiss-based Glencore Group.

Neon's Union Consortium.

The internal scene at this time is similar to that of Goldman Sachs Group.

All the staff are proud and arrogant.

They are all waiting for the moment when their sickle is swung down, and the Qingshan Group will be cut into nothing!


summer country.

within the National Reserve.

Song Lao, the head of the State Reserve Bureau, is discussing with a group of Xia Guo's top think tanks how to maximize the benefits!


The result of the discussion came out.

Everyone began to be orderly and implemented the plan of the three major consortiums of Glencore, Goldman Sachs, and Lianhui!

for a while.

Global futures world.

The wind is blowing.


Su Chen's house.

After handing over the electrolytic nickel.

Su Chen took a good night's sleep.

As for the ups and downs of the global futures industry, Su Chen is not concerned.

He just had to wait for the final result.

that's it.

Time flies by quickly.

A day goes by in a blink of an eye.

The time finally came to the last day for the three major consortiums to force Tsingshan Group to hand over electrolytic nickel.

Early this morning.

Before Su Chen woke up, he was woken up by the vibrating sound of the phone next to him.

He picked up the phone and opened his eyes.

Su Chen found out that Shang Weiguo was calling.

"Uncle Shang, what's the matter with calling so early?"

Su Chen answered the phone and asked.

"Are you up?"

"Song Lao called to see you today, let me go to Beijing with you!"

Shang Weiguo went straight to the point.

"What are you going to do in Beijing?"

Su Chen asked suspiciously.

"You kid really doesn't care about the world!"

"Song Lao invited us to go to Beijing to watch the electrolytic nickel delivery battle in real time!"

"At the same time, it also allows you to watch the final profit on the spot, so as to prevent the patriots behind you from having disputes of interest with us!"

"In addition, there are also californium and helium-3 that those patriots behind you need. The Academy of Sciences has also collected them. This time you go to Beijing, and they will also be handed to you!"

Shang Weiguo said with a smile.

Su Chen doesn't care much about the others.

But he cares a lot about californium and helium-3.

So as soon as I hear these two things.

Su Chen immediately came to the spirit and asked, "Just the two of us?"

"of course not!"

"You Uncle Zhang and Shang Rongyue will go too!"

"In addition, the one who was invited to Beijing this time is Mr. Ren, the chairman of Huawei!"

Shang Weiguo said.

When referring to Mr. Ren, Shang Weiguo's tone was full of admiration and admiration.

"Shall we meet there?"

Su Chen said while putting on his clothes.

"The helicopter will be on the roof of your house soon!"

"They will take you directly to our meeting place!"

Shang Weiguo said with a smile.



When Su Chen heard this, he immediately jumped out of bed and opened the window to look up.

as predicted.

In the sky not far away, a camouflage-colored helicopter was flying towards this side.


(In the middle of the update, ask for all support!)

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