Su Chen here.

After getting on the military helicopter.

Su Chen was taken to a military base in Shencheng.

got off the helicopter,

Su Chen saw Shang Rongyue, Shang Weiguo, and Zhang Fangwen.

"Su Chen, long time no see!"

Shang Rongyue's pretty face flushed slightly and looked at Su Chen and said.

She already knew about the Qingshan Group.

So Su Chen is now in her eyes, that is the existence of a savior.

As a result, after Shang Rongyue saw Su Chen, her heart jumped even more than when she saw Su Chen in the past.

"I haven't seen you for a few days!"

Su Chen thought about it for a while, said very straight, and then said, "But you're even more beautiful!"

Nothing to say.

The second half of Su Chen's sentence made Shang Rongyue forget the previous sentence of Su Chen.


All love to hear!

"Nephew Su, let's go!"

Zhang Fangwen said with a smile.


Su Chen nodded, then, with Shang Rongyue, followed Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen, on a military private jet.


hours later.

Shanghai State Reserve Bureau.

A private jet lands at the parking lot of the State Reserve Bureau.

Immediately after.

Su Chen, Shang Rongyue, Shang Weiguo, and Zhang Fangwen got off the private plane one after another.

"Several, Song Lao is already waiting for you inside!"

said a pick-up staff.

Then she took Su Chen and his party to the State Reserve Building.


Su Chen and others entered the State Reserve Bureau building.

Just entered the building.

Su Chen saw three familiar faces.

They are Lao Song, Academician Zhang Zhongming, and Mr. Ren of Warwick.

Among them, Song Lao, Zhang Lao, and Su Chen have all dealt with them.

Only Ren Lao, Su Chen was the first time to deal with.

at this time.

Song Lao, Zhang Lao and Ren Lao are talking about something.

But when they saw Su Chen and others, they stopped talking.

"Song Lao, Zhang Lao, Ren Lao!"

Zhang Fangwen was the first to say hello.

As a person in the system, he must show Su Chen and others a good example.

"Well, it's coming very fast!"

"It's been hard work all the way!"

Song Lao nodded and said.

Zhang Lao and Ren Lao also smiled and nodded.

"Song Lao, I am Shang Weiguo. Over the years, thanks to the help of the state, there is now the Qingshan Group!"

Shang Weiguo said.

"That's what you can do, if you can't, we can't help!"

Song Lao smiled and said.


Song Lao looked at Su Chen and Shang Rongyue and said to Shang Weiguo: "Sure enough, you are talented and beautiful, no wonder you are willing to gamble on your character with hundreds of millions!"

Shang Weiguo laughed, his face full of joy.

Su Chen, the son-in-law, he has identified!

Even if Su Chen married Shang Rongyue now, he would be willing to hand over the Qingshan Group directly and be a behind-the-scenes manager!

"Grandpa Song, Grandpa Zhang, Grandpa Ren!"

After Shang Rongyue heard Song Lao's comment, she secretly looked at Su Chen with a blushing pretty face, and then greeted several old people obediently.

"all good!"

The three old men laughed and said.

"Song Lao, Zhang Lao, Ren Lao, I am Su Chen!"

Su Chen's face was indifferent, and he introduced himself without being humble.

Although Su Chen had a video call with Song Lao and Zhang Lao.

But face to face is the first time.

"Haha, I finally see you face to face!"

Song Lao smiled, and then said to Ren Lao next to him: "This is the person I told you just now, who can help us!"

"During this time, our scarce palladium and electrolytic nickel were obtained by him contacting those patriots overseas!"

Ren Lao Wenyan looked at Su Chen with a slightly cloudy gaze and said, "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred things. Sure enough, a hero comes out of a young man, and our era is over!"

"The next era belongs to young people like Su Chen!"

Zhang Lao nodded in agreement, and then said: "Su Chen, after talking with Song Lao and Ren Lao just now, I decided to ask you something while licking my old face!"

ask me something?

Su Chen felt a little confused.

Because Su Chen really couldn't think of anything that he could be worth asking about Mr. Song, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Ren.

After all, he is an ordinary person.

As for Song Lao, Ren Lao, and Zhang Lao, they are all the top bigwigs in the official, business and scientific circles!

"What does Mr. Zhang want to ask?"

Su Chen asked indifferently.


"Is such that!"

Zhang Lao coughed a little embarrassedly, and then said: "We want you to help us and ask the group of patriots behind you if they can get this thing!"

talking room.

Zhang Lao blushed and took out a notebook from his pocket.

With the book open.

Su Chen saw a lot of things written with a pen on it.

But before Su Chen could see what was written.

Zhang Lao quickly turned over, then pointed to something on another piece of paper and said to Su Chen, "This is it!"


(Seek all kinds of data, continue to explode!)

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