I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 73 Manufacturing the world's first Ohio-class nuclear submarine! (Must read chapters, a

Su Youwei received too many surprises today.

The 800-pound golden tiger, the 80-year-old welcoming pine, and the rank of five jumped in a row, and now received a gift from the Academy of Sciences.

At this moment.

Su Youwei was very happy in his heart, and he didn't know how to express it.

But Su Youwei is very clear.

I can receive so many things on my 80th birthday today.

All brought to him by Su Chen.

at this time.

With excited trembling hands, Su Youwei took the metal box from Gu Yanbing's hand.

Then open.

Impressively to see, lying inside - a crutch.

The crutches appear to be made of wood.

But it weighs a lot in the hand.

"Grandpa Su, this is a smart cane that I specially made!"

"It can detect your real-time physical condition and send it directly to the phone tied to the crutch."

"It doesn't need you to do anything, just treat it like a normal crutch!"

Gu Yanbing said.

This is something she studied when she was in school.

And he made one and gave it to his grandfather Lu Lao.

This is the second one she has made.

"it is good!

"This cane is much better than my old one!

Su Youwei tried to live with the new crutches and took two steps, with a look of happiness and satisfaction on his face.

So far.

Shang Rongyue, Wu Yuechan, and Gu Yanbing all gave their birthday gifts.

Su Youwei was very satisfied and liked everything they gave.

In the living room and yard, all the relatives, friends and spectators who came to the birthday banquet today were full of envy towards Su Youwei.

"Hey, Mr. Su, who gave you this little golden tiger?"

"Why do you look a little out of place!

At this moment, the female bank clerk said with a puzzled face when she saw the birthday gift that Su Kangyong gave to Su Youwei.

"My eldest son gave it, what's wrong?"

When Su Youwei heard this, he was immediately puzzled.

"I'll take a closer look!"

As the female bank clerk spoke, she went to get the little golden tiger presented by Su Kangyong.

When Su Kangyong's family saw that their lies were about to be exposed, they hurriedly wanted to stop them.

But as soon as they got up and took two steps, the two soldiers around Gu Yanbing immediately took precautionary measures, so frightened that they immediately did not dare to move.


The female bank clerk smoothly picked up the little golden tiger and looked at it, then said: "This is gold-plated, and the outside is just a layer of gold paint!

Then she picked up the jade tiger and looked at it again and said, "It's not jade, it's made of jade gel mixed with glass. If you touch it for a long time, there is a chance that it will induce diseases!"

Are golden tigers and jade tigers fake?

Su Youwei was stunned when he heard it.

The surrounding spectators and relatives and friends were also stunned.

Even Liu Guihua, who had been silent after realizing her mistake, was stunned at this time.

Because she never thought that after she gave her favorite eldest and third child, and revealed that Su Youwei wanted to give them some savings, they would use fake things as birthday gifts, and even fake things that were harmful to the human body.

As for the fake Golden Tiger and Jade Tiger, Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing lowered their heads even more ashamed and embarrassed, and knelt down in front of Su Youwei.

When Su Youwei saw it, he knew that what the female bank clerk said was true.

Immediately, he sighed, and then said to Liu Guihua: "Did you see it? This is the eldest and the third favorite! 35

Hearing this, Liu Guihua was ashamed and angry, grabbed the teacup next to her, and smashed it at her favorite eldest and third-eldest family.

Seeing this, Su Youwei did not stop him, but said to the people in the living room, "Let's go out for a birthday banquet, and leave this room to them!

The people in the living room nodded and said yes.

Although they want to watch the fun.

But at this time they didn't dare to coax.

After all, there are soldiers around.


Everyone in the living room left the living room one after another and went to the outside yard.

"Grandpa Su, I'll say goodbye first, there are a lot of things to be dealt with by the Marine Division! 35

Wu Yuechan said at this time.

"Let's go after dinner! 35

Su Youwei kept her mouth open.

"No, my people are here, and everyone can't let go!

"I'm saying that there are indeed a lot of things for me to deal with on the Marine Division's side, so I'll go first!

"Go back and ask Su Chen to invite me to eat two more meals!

Wu Yuechan looked at Su Chen, and then said, "You will invite me to dinner, right!"

Su Chen heard this and nodded helplessly with a smile: "Yes!"

Wu Yuechan smiled when she heard it, and then took her people to leave.

But at this moment, Gu Yanbing also said, "Yuechan, let me come with you!"

"I also have a lot of things to deal with at the Academy of Sciences, and I will take a private plane back from your naval division!

Wu Yuechan said: "Okay, let's go!"

Gu Yanbing nodded, and then said goodbye to Su Youwei and Su Chen's family.

Then, she and Wu Yuechan left the living room together.

Immediately after.

With the roar of helicopters and the roar of cars outside, Wu Yuechan and Gu Yanbing left with their people.

for a while.

With the soldiers leaving.

In an instant, the yard was bustling with excitement.

And Su Youwei directly closed the door of the living room, and let his wife Liu Guihua, his eldest son, and the younger son's family communicate slowly inside.

Su Chen listened to Liu Guihua's scolding in the living room, as well as the sound of throwing things, and a smile appeared on his face.

As for Su Kangming, Chen Huilan, and Su Ting, listening to the yelling and beating and scolding in the living room at this time, their hearts should not be overwhelmed.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

that's it.

Accompanied by yelling and beatings in the living room.

Su Chen took Shang Rongyue, his father and mother, his old sister and his grandfather, and Nuo Nuo to a birthday banquet.

During the birthday banquet.

Many people want to drink with Su Chen.

But they were all pushed by Chen Huilan.

Everyone had no choice but to find Su Kangming.

In this way, Su Kangming endured everything in silence.

hours later.

The birthday banquet is over.

Everyone left after saying two birthday greetings to Su Youwei.

Su Chen saw that it was getting late.

They decided to go back to Yucheng.

Su Kangming and Chen Huilan naturally listened to Su Chen.


Under the arrangement of Su Chen, the banker carried the golden tiger sent by Shang Rongyue and left.

The 80-year-old welcoming pine tree was quickly planted in the yard by the neighbors.

Wait until everything is in order.

Su Chen said goodbye to acquaintances in the village, and then drove Su Youwei and Su Kangming away.

As for Su Ting, Cheng Huilan and Nuo Nuo, they all sat in Shang Rongyue's car.

Leave with Su Chen et al.

The only sound left in the yard was Liu Guihua's yelling and scolding, as well as the cries and beggings of Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing.

Thinking about it, the "communication" between them will not be resolved for a while.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

More than eight o'clock in the evening.

Su Chen and his party arrived in Yucheng.

After Shang Rongyue sent Su Ting, Chen Huilan, and Nuo Nuo home, she said goodbye to Su Chen with reluctance in her eyes.

Su Chen watched Shang Rongyue get in the car and gradually disappeared, and even felt a bit of reluctance in her heart.

"Do I have feelings for Shang Rongyue?"

Su Chen smiled and thought to himself.

If it was before.

Su Chen will definitely not have any thoughts about Shang Rongyue.

After all, the gap between the two sides is too big.

But now.

Su Chen felt that if he really had feelings for Shang Rongyue, then he would just let it develop naturally.

After there is a decision.

Su Chen stopped thinking about it.

Instead, they followed Su Kangming and Chen Huilan, and helped Su Youwei go upstairs.

the next few days.

Su Chen found a moving company and moved all the things at home one after another into the newly purchased single-family villa.

The single-family villa that Su Chen bought has three floors.

After some distribution.

Su Youwei lives on the first floor.

Su Kangming and Cheng Huilan, as well as Su Ting and Nuo Nuo, live on the second floor.


Su Chen lives alone on the third floor.

Wait until everything has been moved.

The Su Chen family got together and had a happy housewarming dinner.

With Su Youwei joining the Su Chen family.

The atmosphere at home became more lively.

In addition to playing with Su Chen, Nuo Nuo also loves listening to Su Youwei tell stories.

that's it.

Days pass by.

until this night.

Su Chen saw that everyone in the family was resting, so he took out his mobile phone to check the time, and counted the days.

I found that it was only two days away from the delivery time that I had agreed with Guangzhou Marine Division.

Su Chen opened the portable space and consumed 2 energy points to expand the portable space to 400 cubic meters.

Then, Su Chen looked at the five kilograms of gold, silver, copper, aluminum, and iron that had been prepared in the portable space, and immediately instructed Guangnao to start manufacturing Ohio-class nuclear submarines.

Su Chen: "Light Brain, start building Ohio-class nuclear submarines!"

Light Brain: [Start to absorb the resources needed to manufacture Ohio-class nuclear submarines... Absorb successfully... Begin to manufacture...]

An ice-cold voice sounded in Su Chen's mind.


Su Chen saw the familiar transparent light gushing out from his body.

Then it extended into the carry-on space and began to absorb the five kilograms of gold, silver, copper, aluminum,

Under Su Chen's gaze, the five kilograms of gold, silver, copper, aluminum, and iron in the carry-on space were rapidly decreasing.

at the same time.

A huge, gray cube began to appear in the portable space.

After almost a minute.

The huge gray cube began to gradually dissipate.

And what was inside slowly appeared in front of Su Chen.

It was a brand new Ohio-class nuclear submarine.

And the performance and quality of this Ohio-class nuclear submarine.

It is 8% higher than all the Ohio-class nuclear submarines in the world today.

With the brand new Ohio-class nuclear submarine presented in front of Su Chen.

The cold voice of the brain also sounded in Su Chen's mind: [The Ohio-class nuclear submarine was successfully manufactured! 】

"It's time to contact Mr. Wu!"

Su Chen looked at the Ohio-class nuclear submarine in the carry-on space, took out his mobile phone, and called Mr. Wu, the leader of the Guangzhou Marine Division.

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