I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 79 Test flight of the bright sword from the desert! (Must see, please subscribe!)

"Old Zhang, hang up first, I'm in a hurry and need to verify quickly!"

Thinking of the terrifying possibility in his mind, Academician Fan said immediately.

The voice fell.

Academician Fan hung up the phone immediately without waiting for Zhang Xueming to respond.

Then he immediately instructed everyone under his command to analyze the satellite images over the Yuecheng Tongting Lake in the last five minutes frame by frame.

Because Academician Fan had a vague feeling that the sudden rain in Tongting Lake was probably related to meteorological weapons.

However, their Academy of Sciences did not use any weather weapons in Yuecheng.

And it's a weather weapon that can change the weather.

Looking around the world, Academician Fan has never heard of that country has a weather weapon that can change the weather.

However, it was impossible for Yuecheng to have rain, but it actually rained.

In the view of Academician Fan, this can only be done by a weather weapon, and it is a weather weapon that has never been seen in the world.

A brand-new meteorological weapon that can change the weather, Academician Fan has to pay attention to.

After all, if this kind of terrifying power is not in the hands of the official, the consequences will be terrible.


Under the orders of Academician Fan.

A detailed report of the satellite image results appeared on the desk of Academician Fan.

Academician Fan frowned and looked carefully.

It was finally determined that the sudden rain over the Yuecheng Tongting Lake was definitely caused by an unknown weather weapon.

Because through the comparison of satellite images, the weather changes in an instant, and it is a logical change without warning.

"People in the folk have a weather weapon that can change the weather."

"It can be big or small!"

"We have to notify Academician Zhang, who is far away in the desert, and a few other academicians as soon as possible, and let's discuss what to do about this matter together!

After Academician Fan reached a conclusion in his heart, he immediately contacted Zhang Zhongming and the others who were far away in the desert by calling the secret channel of "757".

After a few beeps.

The call is connected.

"Old Fan, what's the matter?"

Zhang Zhongming, who was doing research in the desert at this time, said with a puzzled face.

When Zhang Zhongming and several other academicians came to the desert, they declared to the Academy of Sciences that they were researching new types of weapons.

So in general, for things that are not too important, no one in the Academy of Sciences will contact them.

"We have a weather weapon that can change the weather!

Academician Fan said.


"Are you sure it's true?"

Zhang Zhongming said in a surprised tone.

"It is confirmed to be true, but there is still no evidence to prove it."5

"So I thought we'd get together and study it.

Academician Fan said.

"I can't go back for a while."

"In this way, I let Lao Li and the others go back first.

"I have important things on my side that need to continue to be studied.

Zhang Zhongming said.

"it is good!"

Academician Fan nodded.


The two chatted for a while, then hung up the phone.

at the same time.

Taklimakan Desert.

After Zhang Zhongming hung up the phone, his face was full of solemn expressions.

The emergence of meteorological weapons that can change the weather among the people must be taken seriously.

But he can't go back now.

Because of the Ghost Bomber (B2) and the 2nm lithography machine, research has reached the final stage.

Up to two days.

Zhang Zhongming and others can understand most of the important components and structures of the Ghost Bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine.

But only in the past two days.

Zhang Zhongming learned from Chen Banghuai's mouth that Beautiful Country (US) and Xia Guo are likely to show some cards to touch.

The reason is that after Xia Guo captured the beautiful Ohio-class nuclear submarine, it has been more than half a month, and the two sides have not successfully negotiated.

The Beautiful Country wanted to take this opportunity to show its trump card at the major borders of the Xia Country, use force as a deterrent, and make the Xia Country subdue.

As long as Xia Guo's clothes can be softened, the hegemony of the beautiful country in the world will be more stable.

At that time, no one dares to laugh at the arrest of Lieutenant General Samsung Samsung.


For Xia Guo, when facing a beautiful country with a trump card, he also has the strength to confront.

Zhang Zhongming and others must use the shortest speed to fully understand the ghost bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine.

This is also the reason why Zhang Zhongming can't leave the desert.

"Unexpectedly, the matter at hand has not been resolved! 35

"There's another thing about weather weapons that can change the weather.

"What an eventful autumn!

Zhang Zhongming sighed, and then suddenly thought of something.


Zhang Zhongming immediately used his encrypted mobile phone to make a call.


The call is connected.

"Su Chen, are you busy lately?"

Zhang Zhongming temporarily put down the heavy revenge in his heart and said in a very relaxed tone.

"Nothing to do, Chen Lao called me?"

Su Chen, who was watching the rain at Dongting Lake, asked with a puzzled face.

"I'm calling you to invite you to come to the Taklimakan Desert to participate in the Ghost Bomber's bright sword test flight!"

"After nearly a month of research, we have basically figured out all the important parts and structures of the Ghost Bomber, and made some modifications to it."

"Just the day after tomorrow, we will be flying the brand new Ghost Bomber in the desert."

"And you are one of the most important people who brought the Ghost Bomber to our Xia Kingdom.

"So, after discussion with Mr. Chen and others, I decided to invite you to participate in the Ghost Bomber's bright sword test flight.

Zhang Zhongming said.

"Okay, I'll be there when the time comes." 5

Su Chen thought for a while and said.

Anyway, after two days, I have nothing to do, so I might as well go and see the transformation of the ghost bomber by Zhang Lao and others.

"Okay, then it's settled."

"Tomorrow night, there will be a helicopter to pick you up!"

"By the way, Gu Yanbing will come with you when the time comes.

Zhang Zhongming said.

"Don't, I'll take a special plane to the sea division of Guang Province by myself when the time comes!

When Su Chen heard this, he came to pick him up again, and hurriedly refused.

Just moved to a new place, Su Chen doesn't want to be the target of people's discussion again.

"Okay, as you like. 99

Zhang Zhongming said with a smile.

Then, Su Chen chatted with Zhang Zhongming for a while.

Double easy to hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Chen took a look at Dongting Lake and saw that a lot of water had accumulated, so he temporarily turned off the weather conversion bomb.

Weather conversion bombs can live for a day.

Su Chen can turn on the weather conversion bomb at any time during the day.

"The rain has stopped, let's go play!"

Su Chen said to Nuo Nuo and Duoduo after turning off the weather conversion bomb.

"Okay okay!

The two little girls happily clapped their hands and said.

next few hours.

Su Chen and Duoduo's mother accompanied Nuonuo and Duoduo to enjoy an afternoon in Tongting Lake.

It was not until it was almost dusk that Su Chen took Nuo Nuo and said goodbye to Duoduo's mother.

more than an hour later.

Su Chen took Nuo Nuo home.

As soon as he got home, Su Chen continued to turn on the weather conversion bomb to let it continue to rain at Tongting Lake.


Su Chen saw that his parents were his mother. And the old lady is back.

Nuonuo immediately shared with them his experience of playing today.

Hearing Su Kangming, Chen Huilan, and Su Ting burst into laughter.

After a while.

Dinner is ready, and after the family has eaten dinner, they are busy with their own work.

Wait until everyone is asleep at night.

Su Chen turned down the rainfall of the weather conversion bomb and went to bed.

the next day.

Su Chen informed his parents in advance that he was going out to do errands in the evening.

Then, with Nuo Nuo, he played in some playgrounds in Yucheng for a day.

When the evening approached, Su Kangming and Chen Huilan took over Nuo Nuo from Su Chen.

And Su Chen, under the concerned eyes of Su Kangming and Chen Huilan, stopped the car and headed to the suburbs of Yucheng.


Su Chen got off at the suburb of Yucheng.

And not far from Su Chen getting off the bus, a helicopter of the Guangzhou Marine Division was waiting there quietly.

When the taxi driver saw this situation, he was too scared to ask Su Chen for any money.

However, Su Chen still smiled and transferred the money, and then, under the shocked eyes of the taxi, boarded the helicopter and headed to the Marine Division in Guangshen.

After ten minutes.

Su Chen arrives at the Marine Division in Guangzhou.

After a brief communication with Mr. Wu, Li Zhengguang and Wu Yuechan.

Su Chen followed them to the internal airport of the Marine Division in Guang Province.

The internal airport is not far from Wu Lao's office area.

When Su Chen arrived at the Guangzhou Haishi Internal Airport, he saw the cold Gu Yanbing at a glance.

Obviously, Gu Yanbing had been waiting here for a while.

"When did you arrive?"

Su Chen asked Gu Yanbing.

"It's been over half an hour.

Gu Yanbing's tone was still cold.


Su Chen and Gu Yanbing got on the special plane together under the watchful eyes of Mr. Wu, Li Zhengguang and Wu Yuechan.

on a special plane

Su Chen looked at the night sky outside the window, and suddenly had an idea, that is, if a gas-phase conversion bomb is used in the desert.

Would that solve the desert drought problem?

But just when Su Chen was thinking about this question.

Gu Yanbing, who was next to Su Chen, suddenly said, "Su Chen, thank you and your overseas friends for your contributions to our country."

Su Chen heard the words and looked at Gu Yanbing.

It was the first time that Gu Yanbing's face showed gratitude and admiration.

He immediately knew in his heart that Gu Yanbing should have learned about the Ghost Bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine from Mr. Zhang and the others.

"No thanks, everyone is doing business for the country...

Su Chen said with a smile.

After Gu Yanbing heard Su Chen's words, a rare smile appeared on her cold pretty face.

Seeing the small smile that appeared on Gu Yanbing's icy face, Su Chen couldn't help but look at Gu Yanbing more.

After all, an extremely beautiful 10,000-year-old ice lotus suddenly melted the outer layer of frost and bloomed. A normal person would be attracted, and would take a second look.

Gu Yanbing felt Su Chen's gaze, and immediately put her head aside.

However, Su Chen still saw Gu Yanbing's face from the side of Gu Yanbing's face, and even climbed a red glow.

"It turns out that the beauty of the iceberg is shy, so beautiful and cute!"

Su Chen looked at Gu Yanbing's appearance at this time, and couldn't help but smiled and thought to himself.

After this episode.

The distance between Su Chen and Gu Yanbing quickly narrowed.

There are also many more topics between the two. In addition to talking about some technology products, they can also talk about some ordinary daily life.

Even Gu Yanbing told Su Chen some interesting things about her in the Academy of Sciences.

After chatting for a long time, Gu Yanbing gradually became sleepy and leaned on the seat to sleep.

But it may be because Gu Yanbing is not used to sleeping on plane seats.

So not long after Gu Yanbing fell asleep, she reclined on Su Chen's shoulders.

Seeing this, Su Chen picked up the blanket next to him and put it on Gu Yanbing, then stretched out his hand to embrace Gu Yanbing from the other side, making her sleep more comfortable.

As for Gu Yanbing, who was held by Su Chen in her arms, her icy pretty face turned crimson.

It's a pity that Su Chen didn't notice the abnormality of Gu Yanbing's awakening, and just read the novel in flight mode on his own.

hours later.

Su Chen and Gu Yanbing arrived at a military stronghold in the Taklimakan Desert.

Gu Yanbing blushed and pretended to have just woken up, broke free from Su Chen's arms, said thank you to Su Chen, and quickly got off the plane.

Su Chen looked at the figure of Gu Yanbing leaving, sniffed the faint fragrance of Gu Yanbing on her body, and showed a smile on her face.

Then Su Chen simply packed up and got off the plane.

But just got off the plane.

Su Chen felt an extremely strong tension.

Because there are many soldiers around.

They all looked solemn and angry, driving all kinds of military equipment, and drove towards the distance in an orderly manner.

"What happened?"

Su Chen was very puzzled.

Doubt inside.

Su Chen and Gu Yanbing followed a few soldiers who picked up the plane to a base.

The base is built around a huge metal house.

Su Chen is very clear.

Inside the huge metal house, there should be a ghost bomber. and 2nm lithography machine.

After a few soldiers brought Su Chen and Gu Yanbing to the door of a room in the base, they stood on both sides of the door and motioned Su Chen and Gu Yanbing to enter.

After Su Chen and Gu Yanbing saluted and thanked several soldiers, they entered the house together.

As soon as he entered the house, Su Chen saw Zhang Zhongming Zhang Lao, as well as a group of 0.2 people from the Academy of Sciences, who were discussing something with the leader Chen Lao here.

Zhang Lao, Chen Lao and others stopped talking immediately after seeing Su Chen and Gu Yanbing.

At the same time, Zhang Lao walked quickly to Su Chen and Gu Yanbing and said, "Hey, you shouldn't be allowed to come here, it's too dangerous here.

Su Chen asked suspiciously: "Old Zhang, what happened here?"

Gu Yanbing also asked, "Teacher, what happened here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lao sighed and said, "Just half an hour ago, the Ghost Bombers of the Beautiful Country (US) and the Raptor fighter jets appeared in the airspace outside our desert border. 35

"The purpose of what they did was related to our capture of their nuclear submarine some time ago.

"This is a very dangerous place now, so I regret letting you come at this time.

"But I have already communicated with Chen Lao and others, and I will use a special plane to take you out of here later."

Su Chen listened to Zhang Zhongming's words.

He immediately understood why the moment he arrived here, the atmosphere was not right.

It turns out that the beautiful country is at fault.

But a manly man, how could he be a deserter when things are coming.


Su Chen said decisively: "Elder Zhang, I will not leave!"

"I am confident that this crisis will be self-defeating as long as our Ghost Bombers are unsheathed!"

There will never be a collision between major military powers until the last minute.

Under normal circumstances, they show each other some cards and use deterrence to force the other party to retreat.

Su Chen believes that as long as the ghost bomber made by the optical brain will be unveiled.

Then this crisis will be self-defeating.

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(A lot of changes have been made, you will have to look at it.)

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