I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 86 Weather weapons, shocked Chen Lao and Zhang Lao! (Subscribe)

Gu Yanbing was embraced by Su Chen.

Just a symbolic blushing fight.

And then let Su Chen play bad to her.

After a while.

Gu Yanbing blushed and leaned on Su Chen's shoulder.

Su Chen, on the other hand, hugged Gu Yanbing's slender waist, sniffed the fragrance on Gu Yanbing's body, and her face was full of indifferent smiles.

Although at this moment, Su Chen can take his relationship with Gu Yanbing a step further.

But obviously this place is not the right place.

So Su Chen just stopped and took advantage of his mouth.

"Su Chen, let's go back."

"Grandpa Chen and Grandpa Zhang have been gone for a while! 35

Gu Yanbing said with a blushing face and snuggled into Su Chen's arms.

The leader here, Chen Bangguo, and Gu Yanbing's grandfather, Lu Lao, are old comrades in arms.

That's why Gu Yanbing always called Chen Lao Grandpa Chen.

As for Zhang Zhongming, when there were many people, Gu Yanbing always called him teacher.

In private, he would call him Grandpa Zhang.

Now Gu Yanbing calls Zhang Zhongming Grandpa Zhang in front of Su Chen, apparently considering Su Chen, who took her first kiss, as the other half entrusted to her future.

"Well, let's go!"

Su Chen nodded with a smile, and said with a light peck on Gu Yanbing's white forehead.

Gu Yanbing saw that Su Chen had done something wrong again, and her pretty face immediately became even more ashamed.

Su Chen took advantage of the moonlight to look at Gu Yanbing's shy and cute appearance at this time, smiled slightly, and then hugged Gu Yanbing and walked towards the base.

The location of the base is not far from Su Chen.

After ten minutes.

Su Chen760 hugged Gu Yanbing and came to the entrance of the base.

Gu Yanbing saw that the entrance to the base had arrived, and blushed a bit, she broke free from Su Chen's embrace.

After all, there are too many people here.

Gu Yanbing, who has always shown the image of an iceberg beauty, felt very embarrassed.

Seeing Gu Yanbing's shy behavior, Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

Girls are shy, Su Chen understands.

Therefore, Su Chen is not very masculine, and insists on hugging Gu Yanbing.

Instead, with a smile on his face, he walked to the entrance of the base side by side with Gu Yanbing, who was blushing.

"Hello sir!

As soon as Su Chen walked to the entrance of the base, several soldiers saluted Su Chen.


Su Chen was a little confused.

However, Su Chen quickly reacted. It was obvious that when he captured the beautiful country bomber and Raptor fighter, as well as the five pilots, Chen Lao promoted himself to the military rank without his knowledge.

"All good! 99

Su Chen stood up straight and bowed back.

talking room.

Su Chen looked at several soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the base and found that their lips were a little chapped, obviously caused by lack of water.


Su Chen took out the unopened bottle of mineral water from Gu Yanbing's other pocket and handed it to one of the soldiers: "Drink some water!"

The soldier immediately smiled and said, "Sir, we have water!"

While speaking, the soldier picked up the kettle at his waist and shook it.

Suddenly, a rushing sound of water came from the kettle.

Then the soldier twisted the lid of the kettle open, took a light sip on the kettle with his mouth, slightly wet his chapped lips, smiled at Su Chen, and quickly screwed on the lid of the kettle.

Seeing the soldier's actions, Su Chen immediately understood what was going on.

In this desert, it is clear that the water supply is severely lacking.

Therefore, the water quota for each soldier here should be barely sufficient.

Su Chen knew that the desert was short of water.

But Su Chen was still surprised by the lack of water to such an extent.

Looking at the few soldiers with chapped lips in front of them, but still full of determination, guarding this land.

Su Chen was touched and admired in his heart.

"Give me the kettle!"

Su Chen said softly to the soldier who just took a sip of water.

Hearing the words, the soldier hesitated, and then handed the water bottle to Su Chen.

Su Chen took the kettle and unscrewed it to take a look.

It was found that the water in the kettle had bottomed out, and there was still a lot of scale.

So, Su Chen unscrewed the mineral water in his hand and poured some into the kettle.

Then, Su Chen distributed the remaining mineral water to several other soldiers.

"Thank you sir!

Several soldiers saw Su Chen's actions, and a touch of emotion appeared on their resolute faces.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Su Chen didn't say much, but patted their shoulders and said softly.

"Thank you sir for your understanding, we don't work hard!

Several soldiers made sonorous voices with chapped lips.

Su Chen listened to the sonorous voices of several soldiers.

Look at their determined faces.

at this moment.

Su Chen decides to do something for them.

For example, improve the situation here with weather conversion bombs.

Think of this.

Su Chen saluted several soldiers again, then took Gu Yanbing into the base and walked to the house where Mr. Zhang lived.

"Hello sir!

"Hello Doctor Gu!

Along the way, the soldiers on patrol greeted Su Chen and Gu Yanbing with admiration and respect.

Su Chen and Gu Yanbing naturally responded one by one.


Under the instructions of the patrolling soldiers, Su Chen and Gu Yanbing went to the house where Zhang Lao lived.

Raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Zhang Lao's voice came from inside.

Immediately after.

The door opened, and Mr. Zhang's familiar (biac) face appeared in front of Su Chen.

"Come back, sit in the house. 35

After Zhang Lao saw Su Chen and Gu Yanbing, the old face raised a smile and said.

Gu Yanbing saw the smile on Old Zhang's face, and the pretty face that had recovered from the cold, suddenly climbed up to a red glow.

Su Chen just smiled faintly, then dragged Gu Yanbing into Old Zhang's room.

After entering the room.

Su Chen saw that Chen Lao was also there.

At this time, Elder Chen was pouring tea.

When he saw Su Chen and Gu Yanbing, he immediately smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that you are here. I just took out the Maojian that I have treasured for many years, and I am going to taste it with Mr. Zhang."5

"Since you are here, let's have a drink together.

Su Chen heard the words and nodded with a smile.

Then I found a stool and sat down.

Gu Yanbing naturally took over Chen Lao's action of pouring tea and filled up several tea cups on the table.

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with the aroma of tea.

Su Chen also felt a little thirsty after smelling the tea, so he prepared to take a sip to quench his thirst.

But as soon as Su Chen picked up the teacup, he saw that there was a little scale floating in the tea.

Apparently because of lack of water.

Even the top leader Chen Lao, and the most authoritative scientific researcher Zhang Lao, drink unpurified water.

Because the purified water is almost free of scale.

However, purifying the water source will cause a huge waste of water resources.

So even Chen Lao and Zhang Lao, like the soldiers outside, drink ordinary water.

"It turns out that there is a shortage of water here to such an extent."

"It's really hard for all the soldiers here to guard the border!"

Su Chen looked at the limescale tea, sighed inwardly, and then drank the tea in the teacup.

Chen Lao and Zhang Lao saw that Su Chen did not have any dissatisfaction or dislike for the scaled tea, and immediately developed a more favorable impression of Su Chen and a sense of closeness.

After drinking a cup of tea, Su Chen first said this good tea with a smile, and then said: "Elder Zhang, Mrs. Chen, there is something, I need to discuss it with you!"

When Chen Lao heard the words, he immediately said: "If you have something to say, just say it!

Zhang Lao also said: "What are you discussing, you don't need to discuss your affairs, you just talk about it!"

In the hearts of Chen Lao and Zhang Lao, Su Chen's matter must be resolved.

After all, Su Chen's contribution to the country is too great.

Su Chen saw the reaction of Chen Lao and Zhang Lao, and immediately knew that they must have misunderstood, thinking that he had encountered something difficult and needed their help.


Su Chen smiled and said: "Chen Lao, Zhang Lao, the things I want to discuss with you have nothing to do with me!"

"It has a lot to do with the water here!""

Isn't it about Su Chen?

Is this the source of water here?

But what happened to the water here?

Chen Lao and Zhang Lao both looked puzzled when they heard the words.

"What happened to the water source?"

"If you are not used to drinking, I can bring you pure water.

Chen Lao said in a concerned tone.

Su Chen is a baby bump now. If he has an upset stomach because of drinking water with limescale, Chen Lao will definitely feel bad about it.

"I still have a little pure water here..."

Zhang Lao also said.

However, Su Chen interrupted Zhang Lao's words and said: "Chen Lao, Zhang Lao, I am not as precious as you think, I can drink any water.

"What I want to tell you is that my overseas friends have a weather weapon that can change the weather!

"If those weather weapons are used, there will be no shortage of water in the desert in the future."

"Even if every sip of water you drink is purified, there will be no water shortage problem."


Weather weapons that change the weather?

Will there be a shortage of water in the desert in the future?

Even if it is to purify every water source, there will be no water shortage problem?

After listening to Su Chen's words, Chen Lao, Zhang Lao, and Gu Yanbing looked at Su Chen with shock.

Because they couldn't think of any weather weapon that could do that.

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