I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 96 Su Chen is really a fairy with hands and eyes! (Subscribe)

Qin Huaiming, who was looking sad, saw that Zhang Zhongming came with Gu Yanbing.

He waved his hand and asked the dozens of heavy industry manufacturing researchers around him to go back first.

Qin Huaiming and Zhang Zhongming have known each other for decades, and their relationship can be called close old friends. In their spare time, they often get together for tea and chat.

And because the last word of their names is still homophonic, they both have the title of Erming (Ming) of the Academy of Sciences.

"We study completely different fields, how can you help!"

Qin Huaiming said to Elder Zhang with a wry smile.

"Looks like you're really in trouble!

"I'm really curious about what can make you worry like this.

"If it doesn't involve secrets, please tell me about it,

Zhang Zhongming looked at Qin Huaiming's indescribable appearance, smiled and said.

Gu Yanbing, on the other hand, was very skilled and started to make tea for Zhang Zhongming and Qin Huaiming.

"It's not a secret thing.

"Even if I don't say it, I guess you will know it in the next two days."

Qin Huaiming said in a bitter tone.

Then, Qin Huaiming added: "Because of the recent grievances with us, the beautiful country has joined forces with several countries to sanction us, you know."

"The thing I worry about is related to this."9

Zhang Zhongming nodded and said: "I definitely know about this, and one of the grievances between the Beautiful Country and us, I am also involved in it! 35

Qin Huaiming looked at Zhang Zhongming in amazement and said, "You mean the capture of the Pretty Nation's bombers and Raptor fighters?

Zhang Zhongming hummed with a smile, and then said: "This matter is no longer a secret. At present, all countries in the world, who are concerned about our country and the beautiful country, basically know about it, so it's okay to tell you.

"When the people on our side captured the beautiful country bombers and Raptors, I was there with Yanbing."


Zhang Zhongming told Qin Huaiming in detail how Su Chen flew the ghost bomber and cooperated with the Dragon Soul organization to capture the beautiful country bomber and the Raptor fighter.

However, during the narration, Zhang Zhongming replaced Su Chen's name with Major Su, and did not disclose Su Chen's name.

And even the name of the Dragon Soul Organization was replaced by Zhang Zhongming's mysterious organization.

After Qin Huaiming heard Zhang Zhongming's narration, he was immediately hooked.

But after a few shouts of fun.

Qin Huaiming said with a bitter smile: "You guys are having fun, our institute has suffered."

"Because of this incident, the beautiful country has joined forces with the top countries in the heavy industry and imposed sanctions on us in advance. 35

Hearing this, Zhang Zhongming laughed twice and said, "It's not been a year or two since the beautiful country has sanctioned us, haven't we all survived! 55

"What are you sanctioning us this time? Make you worry like this?

Qin Huaiming sighed and said, "This time is different from the previous sanctions."

"Beautiful country's previous sanctions against us were all related to lithography machines and minerals, and they have little to do with our Heavy Industry Manufacturing Research Institute."5

"But this time the beautiful country sanctioned us, it was the machine tool known as the mother of industry!

"It can be said that from today, if we cannot solve the problem of machine tools as soon as possible, especially high-precision and ultra-high-precision machine tools.

"Then our country's heavy industry is not lagging behind others by 15 to 20 years, but starting at least 30 years behind!99


Hearing this, Zhang Zhongming took a breath.

Because he is very clear, the importance of machine tools in the global heavy manufacturing industry.

If we say that the lithography machine that makes chips is the mother machine of the global high-tech industry.

That machine tool is the mother machine of all heavy industries in the world.

Even the lithography machine is made by ultra-high-precision machine tools.

This shows how important the machine tool is.

If a country wants to develop rapidly, lithography machines and machine tools are indispensable.

"No wonder you are so frowning.

"Put this on me, I'm more worried than you!""

After Zhang Zhongming understood Qin Huaiming's worrying question, he couldn't help shaking his head and looked at his old friend with sympathy.

"That's why I said, even if I tell the problem, you can't help me! 35

Qin Huaiming said with a bitter smile.

"Old Qin, there are some things you shouldn't say so absolutely."

"I might be able to help you with this difficult situation you are encountering now.

At this moment, Zhang Zhongming picked up the tea that Gu Yanbing had made for him, took a sip, and said with a slight smile.

"Old Zhang, don't brag about this!"

"How can you help, can you still create high-precision and ultra-high-precision machine tools!

"If you really have this ability, my current position will be handed over directly, and I will be willing to worship you as my teacher!"

Qin Huaiming also took a sip of tea and looked at Zhang Zhongming with a teasing expression.

Obviously, Qin Huaiming was joking with Zhang Zhongming.

Because in Qin Huaiming's opinion, Zhang Zhongming couldn't help him at all.

"Old Qin, I really can't build high-precision and ultra-high-precision machine tools.

"But someone else made it, I know someone, maybe he can get it (biac) for you.

Zhang Zhongming said with a mysterious smile.

"Old Zhang, you're joking again, aren't you?"

"In this environment of machine tool sanctions against us, led by the beautiful country and united with the world's top heavy industry manufacturing countries, who can get us high-precision and ultra-high-precision machine tools!

"You might as well tell me directly that there are people in our country who can make high-precision and ultra-high-precision machine tools!"

Qin Huaiming put the teacup on the table and spread his hands.

"Old Qin, do you think that I would be the one to joke with you when you are so depressed? 99

Zhang Zhongming restrained his smile at this time, looked at Qin Huaiming and said in a very serious tone.

"Old Zhang, do you really have a way?

Seeing Zhang Zhongming's appearance at this time, Qin Huaiming immediately understood that Zhang Zhongming was not joking with him.

As a result, there was an extremely solemn look on his face.

"There is a way, but you have to obtain a person's information before I can continue to tell you.

Zhang Zhongming said.


Qin Huaiming asked solemnly.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhongming took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qin Huaiming, saying, "The information has been sent to you, you can use your permission to see it.

Qin Huaiming immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked on the message Zhang Zhongming sent him.

"Su Chen?"

After Qin Huaiming saw the name at the top of the document, he murmured in confusion.

Then continue to look down.

But after reading the information, he did not find anything worthy of his attention.

But when he thought of what Zhang Zhongming said to him, he immediately logged on to another website and entered Su Chen's name into it.


"SSS Top Secret Level!!"

When Qin Huaiming saw Su Chen's encryption level, he took a breath.

Because there are no more than 30 people in the country who can obtain this encryption level.

It can be said that the people who can obtain the SSS level encryption are the top priority of the Xia Kingdom and the most in need of protection.

"Be good!"

"What did this Su Chen do to achieve SSS level encryption!""

Qin Huaiming was extremely surprised at this moment.

Then, with doubt and surprise, he used his authority to open Su Chen's profile.

Su Chen, one of the core members of the Dragon Soul Patriotic Organization.

Possess: Academician of the Academy of Sciences, the title of Major of the Military Department.

Story 1: Unite with the Dragon Soul Organization to deliver the nickel ore needed for the Demon Nickel Incident.

Story 2: Combined with the Dragon Soul Organization, transported the Ghost Bomber and the 2-nanometer lithography machine to China.

Story 3: United with the Dragon Soul organization to move the Ohio-class nuclear submarine to China.

Story 4: United with the Dragon Soul Organization, captured a Ghost bomber, four Raptor fighters, and 5 pilots in the beautiful country.

Story 5: The United Dragon Soul Organization is working with the country to study controllable nuclear fusion!

"I'm a darling!"

"This Su Chen is really an immortal with hands and eyes reaching the sky!"

When Qin Huaiming read Su Chen's detailed profile, he exclaimed inwardly.

At the same time, after reading Su Chen's detailed information, his eyes instantly stared at him, and his hands were even more nervous and shocked, and they clenched hard.

this moment.

The shocking Qin Huaiming brought about by Su Chen's detailed information made him feel as if a bomb had been dropped in his mind, causing him to lose all his ability to think.

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