The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"There are so many monsters in the Gotei 13?"

In the long-silent little dark room, the former Shengjing Bishop who has become the archbishop sat in his original position.

This time the ghost gate opened, it was he who planned it.

With the help of the strange god material, the ghost gate tore open the seal and reappeared in the world.

Relying on the strange suicide charge, it provides nutrients for the stability of the ghost gate.

The plan is linked together.

Although the final plan can be considered a success.

But the archbishop is not happy.

The Gotei 13.

Kenpachi Zaraki.

These two names are deeply imprinted in his mind.

In addition to the previous Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Is this Gotei 13 so full of hidden talents?

Fortunately, he chose the safest way.

Use the strangeness as spiritual nourishment.

So whether the strangeness is dead or not, it can play a role.

If dead, it will become nourishment for the gate of the ghost domain.

If not dead, it will become an obstacle for the Demon Slayer Corps and the Gotei 13.

It is completely invincible.

However, the appearance of Kenpachi Zaraki made the Archbishop's joy of the success of the plan disappear.

How can there be such a powerful person in the world?

The huge finger that stretched out from the ghost domain, others don't know, how can the Archbishop of the Weird God Cult not recognize it?

That is a powerful person at the level of the Demon King.

It is a powerful existence that the Weird God Cult tried so hard to summon twenty years ago.

It was such an existence that was beaten back by Kenpachi Zaraki?

Although it was due to the restrictions of the world rules that the Demon King could not exert his full strength in this declining world, he was still the Demon King.

This result made the Archbishop unacceptable for a long time.

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni..."

"Zaraki Kenpachi..."

"I wonder if there are any monsters that haven't come out yet."

"This Gotei 13 is damn good!"


"And that woman named Unohana Retsu..."

The Archbishop became more and more irritated as he kept repeating the names of several people.

Where did these people come from?

Originally a great victory, but now the Archbishop feels as uncomfortable as chewing wax.

"But since the gate to the ghost realm has been opened."

"We will have plenty of opportunities to fight in the future."

"Don't let me seize the opportunity..."

After a long silence, the Archbishop readjusted his mentality.

Opening the strange gate is just the first step.

Demon Slayer Corps?

Gotei 13?

We'll see.


The Demon Slayer Corps is also in a heavy mood at this time.

The sudden attack of the strange was successfully blocked by them.

Although there were many casualties, judging from the proportion and results, it was a complete victory.

But thinking of the ghost gate still standing in the suburbs.

The mood of the Demon Slayer Corps was unusually heavy.


"I didn't expect that the real chaos would start so soon..."

"But there is still good news."

"The strange gate has just established a connection with the human world, and the rules of the world have not been completely restored."

"So we still have time to prepare."

Still in the familiar video conference room, the captain of Shenjing said with a heavy face.

The crazy people of the strange god religion.

They took the lives of so many priests to pry open a corner of the seal.

In the end, there was a night parade of a hundred ghosts in Shengjing, and the strange gate was completely consolidated in Shengjing.

But why Shengjing?

If you choose to summon the strange gate in Shenjing, wouldn't the success rate be higher?

This is also what the captain of Shenjing can't figure out.

Looking at all the cities in the Federation, Shengjing is definitely the most difficult place to attack.

It is even more difficult than Shenjing.

Because Shengjing is the headquarters of the Gotei 13.

This organization that suddenly appeared has raised Shengjing's strength by more than one level.

In this case, why did the Guishen Cult choose this most difficult bone to attack?

The Guishen Cult cannot be unaware of Shengjing's strength.

So there must be something strange.

It's just that the key information has not been found yet.

"Since the strange gate opened in Shengjing."

"The Demon Slayer Corps in the surrounding cities are ready to support Shengjing at any time."

"In addition, preparations for the 'Torrent Plan' must also be intensified."

"All plans must give way to the 'Torrent Plan'."

"Now we are racing against time."

"I hope we can protect the last of mankind


Captain Shenjing made arrangements with a serious face.

"Besides, everyone doesn't need to be pessimistic."

"Since the ghost domain can be sealed by our ancestors, we can do it as well."

"But before we find a way to seal the ghost domain, we can't just sit there and wait for death."

"It's all done as planned."

Looking at the captains who all looked a little heavy, Captain Shenjing finally spoke to encourage them.

Sealing the ghost domain, this seemingly impossible task, was successfully accomplished by our ancestors.

Now it's their turn, and it may not be impossible to replicate the miracle.

Although it is very difficult, this is the only way to encourage everyone now.

And turning the impossible into the possible, hasn't this always been the pursuit of mankind?


After hearing Captain Shenjing's last words, everyone responded in unison.


"Today's video conference ends here."

"Dismiss. "

After saying that, the captain of Shenjing disconnected.

The other captains followed suit.

Zhang Mingwu sat down only after everyone's avatars went black.

"Damn it!"

"Damn the Weird God Cult!"

Standing up and slamming his fist on the table, Zhang Mingwu's hatred for the Weird God Cult reached its peak.

This bunch of bastards left Shengjing with such a big trouble.

It's really damn it.

"Fortunately, the Thirteenth Guardian Squad helped this time."

"Otherwise, I don't know how many brothers would have to be sacrificed."

After venting his anger by cursing the Weird God Cult, Zhang Mingwu sat down again.

With such a large-scale strange wave, if there was no help from the Thirteenth Guardian Squad, and the Demon Slayer Corps relied on themselves, it would be unknown how many people would be left in Shengjing City.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Mingwu is also very fortunate.

"Weird God Cult..."

"Sooner or later, I will crush you to ashes! ”

But thinking that the source of all this was the Guishen Cult, Zhang Mingwu stood up and hammered the table again.

It must be said that the quality of the table is good.

After being hammered so many times by Zhang Mingwu, there was no slag at all.

I think Zhang Mingwu also knows his habits.

This desk has been specially made.


And unlike the negative atmosphere of the Guishen Cult and the Demon Slayer Corps.

The atmosphere of the Gotei 13 is very relaxed.

Not right.

Kenpachi Zaraki is quite depressed.

There were also casualties in the Gotei 13 in this war.

But compared with the huge gains, it is completely worth it.

And Shen Liang, who was cooking for Zhang Xinyao at this time, jumped up excitedly when he saw the huge soul points in the system background.


"Isn't this taking off directly! ? "

Ps: I wish the bosses two dragons to soar!

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