Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

At 7:30, we set off to the high-speed rail station on time and took the bus to Shenjing.

After being in this world for so long, this is the first time Shen Liang has left Shengjing.

Looking at the desolate scenery outside the window, Shen Liang's thoughts wandered.

There are vast tracts of wilderness between cities.

The wilderness is the ruins of the city, and even during the day, thick resentment lingers in the sky.

As you can imagine, this was once a prosperous city.

But due to the rampant weirdness, it eventually became ruins.

Although this scene had been seen in the reports of the Gotei 13, it was far less touching than seeing it with my own eyes.

The high-speed train passes through the ruins of the city, but no one is suspicious of the high-speed train.

Specially developed materials are attached to the high-speed rail body.

As long as something strange comes close, it will be blasted away by the powerful rebound force.

After more than four hours' drive, the high-speed train stopped steadily at Shinkyo Station.

Seeing the bustling urban scene again, Shen Liang felt torn.

It was as if the dilapidation outside was just his illusion.

There is nothing weird about this world.

But Shen Liang also knew that all this was just his imagination.


This day might actually come.

Shen Liang personally ended the strange era.

"Let's meet at Chubu University first."

"We will be staying at Chubu University for the next four days."

After getting off the bus, the group came to Chubu University under the leadership of class instructor Xu Xiu.

I have to say that it is worthy of being a psychic university built in Shenjing.

Both the floor space and the infrastructure are quite luxurious.

After allocating dormitories, Shen Liang and the others met for a walk around Chubu University.

"Chubu University is indeed different."

"It's so elegantly built."

Walking on the campus of Shinkyo University, Xu Jinjiang and Pan Xu both said with emotion.

"You seem to be strangers."

"Are other schools coming to participate in the Top 100 Competition?"

While several people were admiring the university facilities, a greeting came from behind.

Looking back, a girl with a high ponytail was looking at Shen Liang and the others.

"From Northern University."

Nodding, Shen Liang didn't hide anything.

"I heard it."

"Your accent sounds like someone from Northern University."

The girl said with a smile when she heard that Shen Liang and the others were students from Northern University.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mao Ning."

"One of the representatives of Chubu University."

Introducing himself generously, Mao Ning extended his hand to Shen Liang.

"I wonder if my sister has an accent too."

"Have you heard all this?"

"Northern University, Shen Liang."

Half shaking hands with Mao Ning, Shen Liang also introduced himself.

Pan Xu and others next to him also introduced themselves one after another.


"Every northerner says he has no accent."

"But it sounds easy to distinguish to our ears."

Tucking a bunch of hair behind her ears, Mao Ning said with a smile.

This is something every northerner will say when they go out.

"You must have just arrived, right?"

"Do you need a guide to take you around?"

After laughing, Mao Ning changed his tone, put his hands behind his back, and asked playfully.

"That's no need."

"My wife will be here soon."

"Let her see you and I won't have a hard time tonight."

It was Xu Jinjiang who answered.

"That's it."

"Then I'd better leave first."

"Otherwise it will be bad if your wife misunderstands you."

"Chat again sometime."

Hearing what Xu Jinjiang said and seeing that Shen Liang had no intention of agreeing, Mao Ning smiled and waved goodbye to the others.

"such a pity···"

"If the intention wasn't so obvious, we could still have a chat."

Looking at Mao Ning's back, Lin Beizhi said sadly.


"Obviously they came here to probe us."

"I still can't calm down."

Pan Xu also nodded.


"I didn't expect you guys to find this."

Shen Liang said with a smile as he clapped his hands.

Look, if we can play together, how can we be stupid?

My thoughts are clear.

"Hey~ Lao Xu."

"What if Tie Zhu asks you about our affairs?"

"Are you going to say it or not?"

At this time, Lin Beizhi suddenly thought of Tiezhu.

Seeing Xu Jinjiang launch soul torture.

"you're so dumb!"

"Iron pillar

It's not like I don't know you guys. "

He kicked Lin Beizhi's ass and scolded him with a smile.

We were all in advanced training together, so why ask for that information?

"Do you think Tiezhu will ask Xu Jinjiang about our information?"

"With Tiezhu's personality, he would just go straight up."

Pan Xu also looked at Lin Beizhi with a smile in his eyes.

This question is wrong.

Tiechui is a ruthless person who dares to fight with the instructor.

And when he was in advanced training, he knew the personalities of others more or less.

Tiezhu is a straightforward person.

If he wanted to ask, he would have asked earlier.

He didn't ask until now, obviously Tiezhu wanted a fair duel.

"Look at the level of Lao Pan's speech."

"Look at you again."

"There is really no harm without comparison."

Xu Jinjiang said, glancing at Lin Beizhi with disdain.


"News? "

Just as they were walking and chatting, their cell phones rang at the same time.

It was a message from class teacher Xu Xiu.

Assembly notice, plus a location coordinate.

"I knew that arriving early would bring bad luck."

"Pre-war training?"

Xu Jinjiang sighed when he saw the message.

I knew that the game would start on the 15th, so there must be an arrangement for coming early.

But I didn't expect the arrangement to be so fast.

"Don't complain."

"Let's go and see what's going on."

Clicking on the coordinates, Shen Liang and others followed the navigation to the destination.

"Is everyone here?"

"I called you here this time to explain the upcoming 100-person peak competition."

"I'll tell you, just listen."

In an empty lecture hall, Xu Xiu waited until the last person came in, then drew the curtains and turned on the projection.

"The 100-person competition will last for two days."

"No. 15 and No. 16." ”

“On the first day, your competition is about hunting monsters.”

“The location of the competition is Mengyun Mountain, not far from Chubu University.”

“On the day of the competition, the Shenjing Demon Slayer Corps will drive a group of monsters to the mountain, and the points will be calculated according to the number of monsters you hunt.”

“Most of the monsters are at the white shirt level.”

“But there are also 50 evil spirit-level monsters as a surprise.”

“However, it is different from your usual group operations.”

“You cannot form a team during the competition.”

“This is a peak competition full of individualism and the younger generation.”

“And on the second day, it’s the turn of the actual combat competition.”

“1V1 confrontation, the winner gets points, and the loser is eliminated.”

“Finally, your ranking will be determined by the combined points of the two games.”

“Is there anything else you don’t understand? "

After explaining the rules in one breath, Xu Xiu drank a sip of tea.

Xu Xiu had explained it very clearly, so no students asked questions.

"Well, since there are no questions."

"Now let's go to Mengyun Mountain."

"We have the right to use it for half a day, so let you get familiar with the terrain first."

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