The monster was so powerful that it could not be seen.


Killian's roar echoed throughout the square.

Everyone was staring at the monster in amazement.

The huge size brought a terrifying sense of oppression.

With a roar, Killian's mouth accumulated spirit particles.

The red virtual flash was ready.


Looking at Killian's virtual flash, Zhang Mingwu's eyes turned fierce and he roared.

Summoned his medium and rushed directly towards Killian.

Despite Killian's huge size, he was still a Qing-level shooter.

But for Zhang Mingwu, it was not enough.

Zhou Chang, who was standing next to him, was also holding a medium spear and rushing towards Killian on the other side.

At the same time, he did not forget to command the elites of the Demon Slayer Corps to start encircling the remaining Killian.

In addition, the remaining personnel were arranged to evacuate the audience watching the ceremony.


Looking at Zhang Mingwu and Zhou Chang rushing up, Killian did not dodge or avoid.

The virtual flash was ready, and he blasted directly towards the dense crowd.



The red virtual flash went straight through the sky.

Zhang Mingwu flashed in front of the first virtual flash, waving the Fang Tian Huaji in his hand and blocking it halfway.

The spiritual power on his body surged, and a tall and strong man appeared behind Zhang Mingwu with his arms around his chest.

"Lü Qian!"

"Dress up as a medium!"

"God of war on earth! Unparalleled in courage!"

With a roar, Zhang Mingwu opened fire at full power.


Hearing Zhang Mingwu's roar, Lu Qian also glared and roared.

Spiritual power surged from his body, and the dark red beast-faced armor wrapped his whole body. The strange patterns on the Fang Tian Hua Ji swirled, and roars came from the void, and a black and red horse stepped into the air.

"Come and die!"

After dressing, Lu Qian took a run-up and jumped onto the horse's back, holding the Fang Tian Hua Ji and killing directly in front of Killian.

The Fang Tian Hua Ji swept across, and the dazzling edge directly split Killian in two.

There was no need to see the result at all. Lu Qian pulled the reins and moved between several Killians at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, the thirteen Killians who came out of the black cavity were all solved by Lu Qian.

"What is this?"

"It's also weird?"

Killian was solved, and Zhang Mingwu waved away the medium.

Although the speed of solving was very fast.

But the monster had no intention of resisting or struggling.

It just used itself as a turret.

After the red flash, there was no follow-up.

Fortunately, Zhou Chang was there this time.

Although the red light blasted out, it only shattered the stands.

No audience was injured.

"This thing doesn't look weird."

"And the one called Aizen, didn't he say he was from Hueco Mundo?"

"These things should be the products of Hueco Mundo."

Zhou Chang also came to Zhang Mingwu at this time.

Looking at Gillian who turned into spirit particles and dissipated, his brows furrowed.

I didn't expect that on such a good day, someone would mess up.

And through the live broadcast just now, Aizen became famous throughout the Federation.

Hueco Mundo, Aizen, Ten Espada, these keywords have replaced the previous hot searches in the new era.

Now the Internet is full of discussions about Aizen and others.

"Hueco Mundo..."

"I thought I could take a vacation."

"Now it seems like another big trouble."

"Why are all these troubles targeting Shengjing?"

Zhang Mingwu scratched his hair in annoyance.

The ghost gate is the same, and now Hueco Mundo is the same, why are they targeting Shengjing alone?

The Federation is so big, is Shengjing a Feng Shui treasure land?

Well, Shengjing does have this saying.

But not all monsters can come to Shengjing.

I am now in a state of anxiety.

"Don't complain for now."

"I always have a bad feeling."

"This Aizen from Hueco Mundo..."

"I am afraid he will become our most difficult enemy in the future."

Zhou Chang said, looking deeply at the void where Aizen just appeared.

Zhou Chang had this intuition since Aizen appeared.

This Aizen is very dangerous.

"But there are more troubles waiting for us now."

"The old man is dead."

"I'm afraid we will be held accountable."

We can think about Aizen's matter later, Zhou Chang said, turning his head to look to the other side.

There, the body of the third elder of the council was still not cold.

Although he was resentful of the parliamentary institution and had no good feelings towards the so-called elders.

But these people do have the right to hold them accountable.

Although he was not afraid, it was very troublesome.

"What does it have to do with us?"

"Who made him say such a bad word."

"We didn't have time to react."

"Anyway, this time it was also a live broadcast, and the old man's death was his own fault."

"If you want to hold me accountable, hold me accountable, but I will definitely not take the blame."

Zhang Mingwu was in a state of annoyance at the moment, and he was not afraid at all after hearing what Zhou Chang said.

"That's right."

"The old man died a worthy death."

"It has nothing to do with us."

Nodding, Zhou Chang said with a smile.

"Let's go."

"Deal with the follow-up."

"I guess the higher-ups will call soon."


"This Aizen..."

"Where did he come from again?"

At this time, behind the stands, the scarred man in work clothes frowned.

Originally, Scarface was ready to fight the Demon Slayer Corps head-on.

The gate to the ghost realm was something he had worked so hard to create.

How could he just watch it being sealed by the Demon Slayer Corps?

But just when Scarface was about to take action, Aizen appeared.

This man who suddenly appeared and claimed to be the ruler of Hueco Mundo seemed to be a friend rather than an enemy?

Judging from his posture, he also had great hostility towards the Demon Slayer Corps.

And he dared to kill the elders of the council directly. He is a ruthless person.

Isn't he afraid of crazy revenge from the old men in the council?


"It was because of this sudden appearance of Aizen that my plan was disrupted."

"My ghost realm gate!"

Although he admired Aizen's boldness, it did not prevent Scarface from slandering him fiercely in his heart.

That is the passage connecting the ghost realm and the human world.

The only way to let the weird come to the human world.

It was sealed by the Demon Slayer Corps.

How can he carry out his subsequent plans?

Should he go through so much trouble to summon another ghost gate?

And then let the Demon Slayer Corps seal it?

Scarface's face is now so gloomy that it is about to burst into tears.

He hates it.

But there is no way.

If he wants to continue to implement the subsequent plans, he must let the weirdness from the ghost domain come to the human world.

So even though he knows that the Demon Slayer Corps has mastered the method of sealing the ghost gate, Scarface still wants to summon the ghost gate.

Seeing that some people from the Demon Slayer Corps are already walking towards this side, Scarface pulled up the brim of his hat and turned away.

Everything has been settled, and there is no need to conflict with the Demon Slayer Corps.


"I won't let the human world be comfortable for too long."

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