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[Congratulations to the host for achieving the prerequisites for the easter egg! 】

[Limited time card pool is open! 】

[Please choose to open the card pool! 】


“Aren’t all limited-time card pools open?”

Opening the background, Shen Liang saw the system reminder.

The Easter egg card pool has indeed been unlocked.

But Shen Liang still needs to choose one of them to unlock.

[Choice 1: Kurosaki Team]

[Choice 2: Urahara Store]

[Choice 3: Masked Army]

"It's just a trap."

After complaining again, Shen Liang also made his choice.

After choosing one of the three, Shen Liang finally chose the Kurosaki team.

The core of the Urahara store card pool is Urahara Kisuke.

Now with Nirvana and Aizen, there is no shortage of scientific research capabilities.

Masked military force···

Just ignore it automatically.

So it seems like it’s one of three choices, but it’s actually one of two choices.

There are only three characters in the Kurosaki Team card pool.

Orihime Inoue, Taitora Sadatari, Uryu Ishida.

All three are members of the protagonist's team.

Two of them are full-brothers and one is a Quincy.

Among them, the one Shen Liang is most proud of is Inoue Orihime.

It’s not just because of Inoue Orihime’s illegal mind.

It's more about Inoue Orihime's ability.

【Dun Shun Liuhua】

A BUG-level ability that integrates attack, defense, and treatment.

It's trivial to regenerate a broken arm, but it can also heal a broken Zanpakutō.

And the other two people are not simple either.

Chadu Taihu, masters the right arm of the giant and the left arm of the devil.

Ishida Uryū possesses the abilities of a Quincy and also masters the holy script 'A'.

For a group of three, it’s definitely a great value for money.

"That's you."

Another 30 Ghost King-level soul points were spent, and Shen Liang's Ghost King-level soul points had also bottomed out.

"Lord Shen Liang."

The three people who were summoned saw Shen Liang greeting him respectfully.

"Don't be so nervous."

"It just so happens that the Central Spiritual Arts Academy is now open."

"You can go together then."

Smiling and waving his hand, Shen Liang said casually.

Enrollment for the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts has ended.

Shen Liang also set the start time for school in early March.

Shen Liang has chosen the location.

It is now Northern University.

Now that he has declared war with the Federal Parliament, Shen Liang will certainly not be polite.

The first step is to occupy Shengjing.

After that, it took Shengjing as its base and began to radiate outwards and incorporate other cities.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Shen Liang has no intention of dividing the world equally with the Federal Council.

From now on in the human world, only one person's voice is needed.


Nodding, several people said they understood.

"Will Lord Shen Liang also go to the Central Spiritual Arts Academy to take classes?"

Since she was more easy-going, Inoue Orihime asked boldly.

"Attend class?"

"I'll probably go."

"After all, there aren't many good days left to enjoy now."

Shen Liang also expressed emotion when he heard this.

I didn't expect so many things to happen in such a short period of time.

Shen Liang thought that he would have to wait until he graduated from college before the world would be completely in chaos.

Who would have thought that the process would be so fast.

Is it because the system you loaded is the god of death?

Is that why the progress is so fast?

Shen Liang felt that his guess was reasonable.

"Then which course does Master Shen Liang teach?"

"I will definitely sign up when the time comes."

Hearing that Shen Liang was also going to class, Inoue Orihime continued to ask with excitement.


"What should I teach?"

"I'm a student too."

After hearing Inoue Orihime's words, Shen Liang realized that the two of them were not on the same channel at all.


"Is Lord Shen Liang also a student?"


Hearing this word, not only Inoue Orihime, but also Ishida Uryu and Chadata Taitora all cast surprised glances.

The setting of a student is indeed somewhat inconsistent with Shen Liang's identity.


"I'm only 18 years old."

"Of course I'm a student."

Seeing the surprised looks of the three people, Shen Liang said with a smile.

"18 years old..."

Shen Liang's age was beyond the three people's expectations.

"In this case, wouldn't I be able to become classmates with Master Shen Liang?"

In the end, Orihime Inoue reacted first and looked at Shen Liang with a happy expression.


"There is indeed nothing wrong with it."

"In the future we

They are classmates. "

Nodding, Inoue Orihime was indeed right.


"Can I call you Classmate Shen Liang from now on?"

Looking at Shen Liang with some anxiety, Inoue Orihime still mustered up the courage to speak.

"It's just a title."


Nodding, Shen Liang agreed.

"That's great."

Seeing that Shen Liang agreed, Inoue Orihime was very happy.

Shen Liang also couldn't understand, what's so happy about this?

"You guys will stay with the Gotei 13 during this period of time."

"If you can't stand it any longer, you can go find Kyōraku Shunsui to run a mission."

"We can talk when we have time to meet in the future."

It was almost time for Zhang Xinyao to finish class, and Shen Liang was also planning to leave.

After getting up and saying goodbye to the three of them, Shen Liang walked towards the training ground.

The Gotei 13 team really did a lot this time.

Summoned the first generation captain.

A three-man team was summoned.

Next, I took the time to visit the Ghost Domain.

Since summoning Aizen, Shen Liang's ghost points have exploded.

Although you can imagine what Aizen did from the acquisition of ghost points.

But how can it be as exciting as seeing it with your own eyes?

So I definitely have to go to the Ghostland.

The other thing is Feng Muling.

Shen Liang didn't expect that he would be targeted by a ghost emperor.

There was no escaping this matter anyway, so it was better to resolve Feng Muling's matter as early as possible while it was still early.

Save yourself from having to think about being cared about by a ghost emperor every day.


If Shen Liang's guess was correct, even though Feng Muling said that he wanted to go to her territory to find her.

But when Shen Liang enters the ghost realm, Feng Muling should come to his door.

After all, it has been so long.

Looking at Feng Muling's anxious look before, he didn't look like someone who could wait for such a long time.

"Ghost Emperor..."

"Feng Muling..."

As he murmured Feng Muling's name, Shen Liang's eyes were blank.

Shen Liang didn't know what level the Ghost Emperor's combat power had reached.

But Shen Liang didn't plan to bring too many people.

The first generation of thirteen captains, plus Kenpachi Zaraki.

There are also Aizen and Jublade on the other side of the ghost realm.

That should be enough, right?

This is not Shen Liang's cowardice.

This is the respect the Ghost Emperor deserves.

After all, the Ghost Emperor is already considered the ceiling of combat power in this world.


"Send a message to Kyoraku Shunsui."

"Let him cooperate with me."

Unknowingly, Shen Liang also walked to the training ground.

No longer thinking about those messy things, Shen Liang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jingle Shunsui.

If you want to come out, you have to find a good reason.

Just after Shen Liang finished sending the message, there was a sudden shout in the distance.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a black shadow jumping directly into his arms.


"Brother Liang, are you impatient?"

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