Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The reconnaissance troops of the Merman Race were on their way. Lei Luo was also absorbing as much energy as he could every day based on his own endurance to promote his evolution.

Both sides were fighting for time and had their own advantages.

However, Lei Luo had a greater advantage overall. After all, he could run if he couldn’t beat them. Moreover, he had already misled the Merman Race earlier.

Even the sea area where Gehr had encountered the attack was only one of Lei Luo’s hunting sites. Furthermore, Lei Luo’s hunting site was not fixed.

The two mermen from last night were even more obvious.

The sea region was huge, and the sea beasts in the deep sea didn’t show much respect to other creatures.

Lei Luo went out to hunt before returning to the island to rest. Meanwhile, Shardin and Sharbao were on their way. While Lei Luo was extracting the characteristics of fire poison to increase his abilities, the two of them were still on their way.

The journey from the territory of the Merman Race to this remote sea area was not short. There were many sea beasts living along the way. Thus, those who were slightly weaker might die on the way.

Shardin and Sharbao relied on the staves given by the merman priest to arrive at the sea area where Gehr had been injured.

However, ten days had passed since Gehr was injured.

Thus, all traces had been washed away by the sea, and new sea beasts were swimming nearby.

“What do we do now, Shardin?”

“Let’s take a look around and see where there are islands. According to Lord Priest’s judgment, that young Poison Dragon should be here.”

“Although dragons can survive underwater, they naturally prefer the shore.”

“Alright, let’s split up and search. We’ll gather here tonight and exchange information.”

After the discussion, Shardin and Sharbao split up and searched the surrounding sea area using the area where Gehr had been injured as their starting point.

There were not many islands in the sea. Most of them would be submerged when the tide rose. Then, the water level would drop again.

As the search area gradually expanded, Shardin and Sharbao found many islands. During this time, they also encountered sea beasts. With the help of their magic staves, they successfully escaped. The two of them drew a map of the surrounding terrain and gradually approached the sea area where Lei Luo was.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye. The topographic map drawn by Shardin and Sharbao covered the surrounding 150 miles of sea.

If it weren’t for the fact that the sea beasts would come out from time to time to interfere, it would have been possible for them to travel 400 miles in the sea.

Even though there were many obstacles, they still did not give up.

“Sharbao, let’s go to the west tonight. The terrain of the sea there is rather high, and there are islands there. After searching for such a long time, we should be close to our target. If we encounter a young Poison Dragon, whoever can escape first should do so.”

“Don’t even think about dealing with it. That requires the strength of our clan.”

“Remember, I haven’t seen a dragon since I was born. I don’t know what a Poison Dragon looks like. It’s said to be very savage and isn’t liked by all the races on the continent.”

“If you can sense a dangerous aura, it’ll be a Poison Dragon. Even if they’re not welcomed, they’re still a dragon and still have some strength. It’s just that they’ve been weakened all these years.”

“However, this also gives our Merman Race a chance. Let’s go.”

Shardin and Sharbao swam towards the west, preparing to secretly observe the situation at night.

They moved on and soon approached the island where Lei Luo was.

His vision was good during the day. Furthermore, the island that Lei Luo was on was a deserted island. Thus, when he stood on the high ground, he could see everything clearly.

The night more or less provided Shardin and Sharbao with cover. Furthermore, the Dragon Race had the habit of resting at night.

When they saw Lei Luo’s island, Shardin and Sharbao dived into the deep sea and prepared to explore the island at night.

They had patrolled many islands. Moreover, the only reason they could reach this point was because they had spent the night scouting.

However, Lei Luo knew nothing about this.

He was planning what he should eat tonight. As the creatures he hunted transitioned from Level-2 to Level-3, and subsequently to Level-4, Lei Luo’s speed of energy absorption increased, and his body was also gradually strengthening.

According to his inherited memories, excessive growth was not a good thing, but it was unavoidable to achieve his goals.

“Later, I’ll hunt in the sea area where I hunted before. After such a long time, the Merman Race should have arrived. Could it be that they don’t dare to go up the island to check?”

“Weakening the strength of the Merman Race in advance will be beneficial to my future plans.”

Many plans flashed through Lei Luo’s mind as he flapped his wings and took off from the island.

He observed the sea from the air and discovered a strange phenomenon. Many ordinary fishes in the sea were fleeing in panic, as if some terrifying creature had appeared.

The aura of a dragon was only effective against ranked creatures. Thus, ordinary fishes would not be able to sense it. Only sea beasts would have such an effect. Did something big come from the sea?

It might not necessarily be a sea beast. Even though the Merman Race had intelligence, they could still be considered a sea beast and would be a threat to the school of fish.

Was it the Merman Race?

Lei Luo was stunned for a moment. His flapping wings were slightly unbalanced.

Lei Luo was very clear about the environment of the sea around the deserted island. No low-leveled creatures would come here because the energy here was very barren. In addition, they could not gather energy from eating ordinary fishes. Moreover, there was an extinct volcano on the island, and the temperature was rather high. That was why those ordinary fishes could survive nearby. Once ordinary fishes evolved into high-leveled creatures, they would quickly leave this place and go to a better area of the sea.

Unless they came with a special purpose, the Sea Beast Race lacked intelligence. The only ones Leio Luo had conflicts with recently were the Merman Race.

Lei Luo looked at the fish in the sky and quickly locked onto an empty area.

However, he did not dive into the sea to search for it directly. Instead, he flew far away and quietly swam back after landing in the sea.

If there were many members from the Merman Race and Lei Luo could defeat them, he would simply launch a sneak attack and kill off their forces. However, if he could not defeat them, he would naturally avoid them.

After Lei Luo entered the sea, he folded his wings and tried his best to remain calm.

Soon, he arrived at the area where ordinary fishes were scattered. As he had discovered this early, the area was not big, and he only needed three minutes to swim around.

As the search area decreased, two beings from the Merman Race with fish heads and human bodies soon appeared before him.

Unlike the mermen he had previously encountered, who were holding pitchforks, these two mermen were holding staves embedded with gems.

“The Merman Race is prepared, but so what if they are? Aren’t they looking down on me by sending Level-3 warriors?”

Lei Luo laughed disdainfully and spat out three poisonous breaths. He controlled them from afar to form a circle around the two mermen and gathered the poison at the center of the circle.

Shardin and Sharbao were resting at the bottom of the sea. There were only ordinary fishes around them. Thus, there was no danger.

Just as the circle of poison surrounded them, Sharbao suddenly opened his eyes and asked doubtfully, “Shardin, do you feel that something is wrong?”

“What’s wrong? The surroundings are normal.”

“Something’s wrong. The fish seem to be escaping.”

“What are you talking about? We’re here. How dare the ordinary fishes not run when they see us?”

Sharbao’s expression changed instantly. He stood up and looked around. “It’s different. The fishes are more panicky than before. Also, I have a bad feeling about this. Let’s hurry and go somewhere else.”

His feelings were baseless, but in his life, they had saved his life several times.

Shardin felt that Sharbao was behaving abnormally. However, they were from the same race after all. Thus, he stood up and followed behind him, preparing to change his location.

Lei Luo, who was watching from afar, sneered.. “So you want to run now?”

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