Later, Mori Ogai entered the interrogation room through Ozaki Kouyo and saw the man. Even in such a bloody place, his will was not damaged.

"Doctor Mori, you are here." He sat on the ground as expected, waiting for Mori Ogai's arrival.

"Tang Zejun didn't seem surprised by my arrival. Mori Ogai smiled at Tang Ze.

"Ah, I knew from the beginning that you were coming for the leader."He said calmly, but it was like thunder that made Mori Ogai's scalp cold.

Where did he reveal his flaw? Mori Ogai kept thinking about it. At the same time, the scalpel was already in his hand. He had already wanted to kill this man. But he still maintained his calmness on the surface.

" Tang Ze, are you kidding me? How can a simple doctor like me have any idea about the leader?"Mori Ogai has already approached Tang Ze and is ready to kill him.

"There is no need to pretend in front of me. Hongye and I are in the same group. Tang Ze couldn't stand these beating around the bush and said directly,"I don't like beating around the bush. It's tiring. And I'm fed up with this stupid leader. If you want to be the leader, I support you."

" Tang Zejun, is it really okay to say this?"Mori Ogai looked at him hypocritically.

"I don't care who the leader is, but I care about my working environment, understand? Doctor Mori."Tang Ze gritted his teeth when he said this,"Because of this idiot, I have already worked overtime for a week! You know, my mother is Chinese, and she told me since I was a child that where there is oppression, there is resistance."

Mori Ogai was so shocked by his resentment that he was speechless.

""Well, Dr. Mori, I wish you success!" He smiled at Mori Ogai.

Mori Ogai also smiled at him,"Wish us success!"

It has been a week since the absurd order was issued, and the whole of Yokohama is shrouded in fear. There are no pedestrians on the street, which seems particularly depressed.

I thought the military police and the government would come out to stop it, but I forgot that not every government is the same as China.

This group of useless things, they dare not even say a word.

No wonder the port mafia is so arrogant.

Before I traveled through time, I thought it was outrageous that the underworld was legal.

Now I deeply understand how outrageous this magical country of Japan is.

I was strolling on the street.

Thanks to the leader of the port mafia, there are more and more cursed spirits in Yokohama.

It really hurts my eyes, and I looked straight ahead.

Not long ago, I found that as long as I pretended not to see it, the cursed spirits would not notice me.

If I had discovered it earlier, I could have avoided a lot of trouble.

"888, according to the plot, Mori Ogai should have risen to the top after this incident, right?"I walked aimlessly. Oh, I envied Dazai at this time. I couldn't see these dirty things.

【Yes, host. It seems that you have adjusted. 】888 replied

"There is no way, I can't do anything. I can only tell myself in my heart that all this has nothing to do with me, they are all paper people."

People always have to grow up and learn to deceive themselves. Otherwise, I will go crazy sooner or later! Although my mental state is not very good now, at least I can return to normal society

【I hope the host will continue to maintain this mentality.】

"Ah, I'll try my best."I said to the system perfunctorily,"888, other people's systems have cheat codes, such as combat mode, don't you have any?" Why do other people's systems have cheat codes, but I don't have any?! This is too much of a loss!

【Each system hosting function can help the host better integrate] The system seems to feel my thoughts

"Ha, why didn't you tell me that before?!"I feel like I've been cheated

【The host didn't ask before】

"……Well done! Don't do it again next time."I don't know how to describe my feelings, it's just complicated.

While I was chatting with the system, something seemed to have happened in the alley ahead, there was a commotion.

I saw a woman holding a child in a cloak running hard, and the people chasing her were the Port Mafia.

""Stand still, don't run! Put the kid down!" The port mafia shouted and fired.

The woman did not stop, but sped up.

"888, if I am not mistaken, she is running towards me." My eyes twitched a little,"What kind of luck do I have!"

【Yes, host. That lady is coming in your direction. And your luck value is B】888 answered me straightly.

While I was talking to the system, the woman was getting closer and closer to me. I was at a corner, and through this corner was a very complicated alley. It would be a good choice to escape and avoid being chased. If I wasn't here

"Oh, what trouble!"I jumped onto the wall, ready to wait for them to pass before coming down. Sure enough, the woman ran over, but the gun also hit her body. She fell forward, and the child in her arms was firmly protected by her, but the cloak fell off. The moment I saw the child, I understood why the mafia chased them. The child had hair like fire, and was really beautiful.

The child saw me on the wall, her eyes looked at me, she seemed to say nothing, but seemed to have said everything

"I really couldn't stand it."Damn it, my conscience couldn't let me go. I jumped down from the corner and picked up the child.

"888, plan a route for me."I calmly analyzed the current situation. A head-on confrontation would not work. Mori Ogai's plan could not be disrupted by me. The only option was to run.

【OK, host. I am planning an escape route for you. 】888 planned the fastest escape route for me.

I took the child along that route and successfully got rid of the port mafia. I put her down in a safe place.

""Okay, you're safe now." I was about to leave when she grabbed my clothes."My name is Yang Tai, thank you, sister." She said timidly.

"Don't thank me, it's not a big deal. It's up to you from now on. Grow up well!" I touched her head.

"I can't grow up in Yokohama①"She was talking about this very seriously. She really didn't think she could grow up.


"888, I suddenly understand Mori Ogai."This city needs a new order.

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