Highlights!! Must watch!! If you can't stand the depressing atmosphere, you can skip the plot of Chang'an Island and go directly to the usurpation of the throne or Conan studio. (I really can't change it.(*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)I will be upset if I change it again.) It does not affect the reading, really. If you want to catch up on this aspect of the plot but don't want to feel depressed, please move to the extra chapter. Thank you everyone!!!

After Jingzi left,"Tell me, what's the matter." I suddenly became cold. I don't know why"Ryougi Shiki" is the keyword, but I don't think it's just an ordinary start word

【Hello, host. Now I will issue a task for you..】

【Mission target: Yosano Akiko】

【Mission: Observe Yosano Akiko and record her life】

【Mission Reward: 8000 points】

【After the host completes all tasks, the system will help the host return to the original world according to the progress.】

【If the mission fails, the corresponding points and progress will be deducted. When the progress bar is less than 30%, the host will be excluded from the world. When the progress bar reaches zero, the host will be wiped out by the system. 】

A progress bar and a scoreboard appeared in front of me.

"May I know what is so special about Jingzi?"I don't understand the meaning of this mission. Protect Jingzi? Does this mean that Jingzi will be in danger? Or does Jingzi have something special that deserves the system to do this?

【Okay, host. Now I will explain your doubts. Yosano Akiko is a rare healing psychic, and her existence is also an important part of the world line. 】888 replied

"Is that so? A superpower, traveling to an incredible world. What good luck!"I said with a wry smile

【In order to help the host complete the task better, the system will adjust the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception for you and help you master the Mystic Eyes in the process. At the same time, we will block your memories of the real world so that you can better integrate into the world. 888 said,"

So that's how it is. This can explain why I reported the name"Ryougi Shiki". The Mystic Eyes problem that I was more worried about has also been solved. Now I just need to complete the task."

"Isn't it just copying and pasting Ryougi Shiki's abilities?"I asked the system. According to the cosser's routine, I should just copy everything from Ryougi Shiki, such as swordplay, fighting techniques, etc.

【That's true, but since the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are of super-standard size, even in Type-Moon's worldview, they are rainbow-level Mystic Eyes, and the one copied by the host is Ryougi Shiki. 888 was a little embarrassed when he said this, but he continued,"The host is just an ordinary college student and cannot rely on himself to master these abilities."

I see, Sister Shiki is too strong, and I am too weak. So I can't do it myself, so I need the help of auxiliary functions.

This has to talk about the level of Mystic Eyes, and the Mystic Eyes from low to high are: artificial-ordinary-gold-gem-rainbow. Among them, the Rainbow-level Mystic Eyes are said to have reached the level of the Divine Realm, and the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are rainbow-level Mystic Eyes.

And Ryougi Shiki herself is still connected to the"root", so it's no wonder that the system wants to help me master these.

【And in order to allow the host to better master the magic eye, the host has been adjusted to an eight-year-old child. 】888 said

"……Huh?! I turned into a child?! Do you think this is Conan's theater? Did I return to childhood painlessly just by traveling through time once?"I couldn't believe it. I, a 20-year-old college student, turned into a child as soon as I opened my eyes. I couldn't hold back the power of complaints in my body!

【All this is to make the host better integrate into the world.】888The calm electronic sound became particularly hateful at this moment.

After I talked to the system, I walked out the door and found Jingzi.

I wanted to know what kind of world this world is.

I don't trust the system.

So I rarely use the auxiliary system, which caused me to adapt to the world of the straight death eyes every day.

This process can be called torture, but with my efforts, I still succeeded, but I can't reach the height of Sister Shiki.

Even so, I still didn't let the system assist me, because I don't think an organization that casually pulls people into the other world without asking for their wishes is a good person, but now"I am the fish at the mercy of others", take it one step at a time.

From Jingzi, I learned that this world is a hodgepodge world. This world not only has superpowers, but also spells. I heard from Jingzi that there is also fire in Italy.

Jingzi told me that her superpower is called"Please Don't Die". This is a very BUG superpower. As long as there is a breath, it can heal external injuries. It is simply the dream of all ADCs.

With the help of Jingzi, I gradually adapted. I was taken in by the owner of the pastry shop where Akiko worked. He was a very kind old man. After learning that I had lost my memory, he let me live in the pastry shop and invited me to work there.

So I worked in the pastry shop during the day and trained in the consciousness space at night.

I thought that such an ordinary life would continue like this, but something happened in the third month after I came here that changed the fate of Akiko and me.

Thinking about it now, I still feel like everything is a dream. If I have to describe it, it is that everything is the choice of Steins;Gate.

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