Everything happened as Ryougi Shiki and Karasawa expected. Nakahara Chuuya was defeated in the continuous battle.

Weilun grabbed Nakahara Chuuya's neck again and restrained Nakahara Chuuya.

"Control yourself, control your powers." Wei Erlan said coldly.

Just when Wei Erlan wanted to do something, a bullet pierced his arm.

"Chuuya, are you okay??!"The person who opened the wooden warehouse was Officer Murase, who was not supposed to be there. Nakahara Chuuya escaped.

""Go!" Nakahara Chuuya shouted,"Go!" Wei Erlain smiled and said something strange.

"You are finally here."

Officer Murase broke out in a cold sweat.

"Chuuya, you will lose if you keep going like this. Another person died because of you."

"I won't let you succeed." Nakahara Chuuya groaned. He straightened up with great effort.

"Well, let's give it a try." He jumped behind Nakahara Chuuya and smiled gently.." Today's work is over."

He held Officer Murase's head with his hand.

"stop——!" village���The police officer opened his mouth slightly as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He was still looking at Nakahara Chuuya, his eyes showing fear of death, but also some relief. His neck was broken by Verlaine, and his face was forced to turn to the other side. The gun in his hand fell to the ground.

He died just like that, in front of Nakahara Chuuya. His neck was broken alive. He was lucky but also unfortunate. Fortunately, compared to others, his body was still intact. Unfortunately, he shouldn't have died. He should have been like the other police officers in Yokohama.

"Bastard!" Nakahara Chuuya shouted angrily, and he ran to Officer Murase.

When Nakahara Chuuya picked up Shuse, his expression froze. He almost roared:"You bastard——!"He raised his right hand high and angrily smashed at Weierlaan. Weierlaan used his supernatural power to withstand the blow. Weierlaan did not resist. He flew backwards with the impact and landed at the exit of the underground parking lot.

"That was the best punch I've ever thrown." He chuckled and said this, then walked towards the exit behind him.

"Wait for me!" Nakahara Chuuya was about to chase after him, but was stopped by someone.

"Mr. Chuuya, wait a moment." Tang Ze blocked the way of Chuuya Nakahara,"Someone has already gone after him for you." He looked at the angry Chuuya Nakahara calmly.

"The police officer is not dead yet, he is behind me now." Tangze took a step back, revealing Jise behind him. Nakahara Chuuya looked at the police officer in front of him with some dementia, unable to believe the scene in front of him. He looked at Tangze:"What's going on?"

"It's just a little trick." Tang Ze showed an unfathomable smile, and in the corner that Zhong Yuan couldn't see, the transparent electronic screen in front of Tang Ze showed:

【Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly (Status: In Use) S-level item】

【The inspiration for this prop comes from"Zhuangzi". In his dream, Zhuangzi turned into a butterfly, flying among the flowers, feeling very comfortable and happy. But when he woke up, he was not sure whether he was Zhuangzi or a butterfly, and felt very confused and bewildered. After using it, it will create a perfect illusion according to the user's thoughts, without any side effects】

【The only downside is that it is expensive and can only be used once.】

"Chuuya……"Shuse looked at Nakahara Chuuya, not knowing what to say. The moment Wei Lain appeared in front of him, he thought he was really going to die. The only thing he was worried about was whether Nakahara Chuuya would have any psychological trauma.

"Everyone is happy. It's a good ending!" Tang Ze clapped his hands on the side,"Then in order to ensure the safety of the two of you." Tang Ze grabbed Bai Lai who was sitting on the ground,"Maybe you will have to hide before Wei Erlan is dealt with. Don't worry, I will provide a place"

"Who are you?" Nakahara Chuuya asked warily, looking at Tang Ze who suddenly appeared.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Tang Ze. I am currently in charge of foreign trade at the port mafia."Tang Ze bowed to Nakahara Chuuya,"As for why I help you," he kept it a secret and continued,"It's because I want to repay Miss Shiki's favor. Miss Shiki is intercepting Weilun now." After hearing this, Nakahara Chuuya immediately wanted to chase after her. But he was stopped by Tang Ze again. Nakahara Chuuya looked at Tang Ze angrily:"What are you doing?"

""Master Chuuya, Miss Shiki can handle Verlaine. You should take these two to a safe place now," Karasawa pointed at Shirase and Jise,"right? Have more faith in Miss Shiki."

Nakahara Chuuya looked at the calm Karasawa and finally chose to believe Ryougi Shiki. He left the police station with the rest of the people.

"Next, it's up to Miss Shiki. Tang Ze looked at the backs of Nakahara Chuuya and the others as they left.


Verlaine met an unexpected person on his way out

"Are you just going to leave like that?" Ryougi Shiki drew his knife and pointed it at Weilun, exuding murderous intent.

"You can't kill me." Wei Erlan looked at the two Shiki standing in front of him and chuckled.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Ryougi Shiki looked at Weilan calmly, ready to attack."I've met a Transcendent before, I wonder how you compare to the people in the Clock Tower?"

"This is really arrogant." Weilun was not angry because of Ryougi Shiki's provocation. He just looked at another person of the same kind besides Nakahara Chuuya with an appreciative point of view."But he is not annoying."

"Thank you for your appreciation, but I won't let you pass." Ryougi Shiki said as he attacked Weilun.

""Water Breathing Form 1: Water Surface Slash" A sharp blade flashed directly at Weilun.

Weilun dodged the moment the attack was about to arrive. A deep scratch was left on the ground.

Weilun felt threatened by Ryougi Shiki's attack, a threat of death. If he was really hit, he might really die.

He activated his supernatural power, and he applied gravity to the point where Ryougi Shiki stood, pressing her to the ground like he did to Nakahara Chuuya.

Ryougi Shiki dodged the second he launched the attack. At the same time, a cracked deep pit appeared on the ground where Ryougi Shiki had just stood.

"Good speed."Verlaine praised.

Ryougi Shiki ignored Verlaine and started running. Stepping on the cracked road, her speed was so fast that it was fascinating in the space filled with gravity.

Ryougi Shiki could close the distance of ten meters in less than two seconds. This short time was enough for her to knock down Verlaine's body and stab her opponent's heart with her knife.

However, even this amazing speed could not be faster than the supernatural power.

Compared with Verlaine who only needed to capture Ryougi Shiki's figure, Ryougi Shiki had to get close to the opponent before swinging the knife. Two seconds was still too slow.


Weierlaan used his supernatural power to fix gravity on Ryougi Shiki's head and left leg in one go.

Something strange happened.

As soon as she felt the invisible force rushing towards her, Ryougi Shiki immediately jumped to the side.

This jump was full of explosiveness, but the force exerted on her did not decrease.

Weierlaan's supernatural power is not a long-range weapon. He is a gravity similar to Nakahara Chuuya. Even if you leave your original position, as long as you are within his field of vision, you cannot escape.

--This guy——!

I was thinking in my heart. I felt that Verlaine's power was stronger than I had imagined. He was not at the same level as the enemies I had met before.

I continued to run. In order to escape his sight, I thought Verlaine was running in a circle.

"Do you think you can escape just by doing this?" Verlaine continued to apply gravity calmly.

Ryougi Shiki dodged to the building beside her and hid in the parking lot below.

Verlaine smiled."It seems that he escaped." However, Verlaine had been watching Shiki's left hand until the end, and clearly saw the scene where the left hand hidden under the kimono was twisted and broken.

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