Mori Ogai stood on the top of the Minato Black Building, watching the black beasts fighting through the bright French windows. The black lights collided with each other. Even from a distance, Mori Ogai could feel the oppression given by the powerful force. Ryougi Shiki still stood behind him as usual, watching the battle in the distance like him.

Dazai-kun should have anticipated this situation, and Dazai-kun has already gone. It means that the situation is still under control. Mori Ogai thought to himself. His eyes stayed on Ryougi Shiki's empty sleeves.

"I remember that Shiki was not so kind-hearted before. After all, Chuuya-kun has only been with you for a short year. You don't have to do this, right?"Mori Ogai still decided to spare the lives of the five members of the flag association, even though they went against his will. But who made him so poor now?

"Chuuya is the main reason, and another reason is that they are more valuable alive than dead."Ryougi Shiki heard the temptation in Mori Ogai's words,"BOSS, don't you think so now?" I looked at the two small black balls in the distance, they were Verlaine and Nakahara Chuuya, they both opened the"door". Now Verlaine should know the secret of the"Gentle Forest", but he knew it in this way.

It's a pity that I didn't see the famous scene of Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya on the stairs. But after this time, Nakahara Chuuya and Dazai Osamu are completely bound together.

Mori Ogai smiled and didn't answer my question,"Who will win, Shiki?"

""Zhu Ye." I said expressionlessly,"Don't you already know what I will answer?"

"It's just to confirm Shiki's answer." Mori Ogai continued to watch the battle outside the window,"Shiki is also confident in the fight."

"I just believe in Dazai."I impatiently turned my eyes away from the window and looked at Mori Ogai,"Dazai never does anything without preparation. If he is on the scene now, there must be no problem."

I have never doubted Dazai Osamu's ability to plan. His insight into people's hearts and his control over plans have reached an extremely terrifying level. Sometimes I really doubt what his brain is like. Maybe it is because I saw through people's hearts too early that I feel that this world is hypocritical and boring!

After I expressed my trust in Dazai Osamu, I sighed faintly:"BOSS, I don't think Weilun will die so easily.

You can go and pick up the leak.

After all, although Weilun was seriously injured, he is also a transcendent after all.

He was previously called the"Assassination King".

His assassination skills must be good.

If he is allowed to train newcomers, the strength of the Port Mafia will be improved again.

"Weilun will spend the rest of his life in the basement of the Port Black.

I watched the battle situation that was about to be decided with cold eyes

"Oh, is that so? It looks like the battle with Chuuya is over."Mori Ogai smiled, a wild transcendent, that's great.

I sorted the documents on the table with one hand, tsk, it's a bit laborious. Mori Ogai watched my movements, walked to the table, and helped to sort the documents.

"Although it's his left hand, it seems to have had a significant impact on Shiki!" Mori Ogai opened the drawer and put the file in,"It would be great if Akiko was here." Mori Ogai hinted

"Do you still remember the agreement I made with you?" I glanced at him,"Do you want to break the contract?"

"How could that be!" Mori Ogai quickly denied,"Don't you want to go find Akiko?""

"Aren't you afraid that I won't come back?" I looked at Mori Ogai with a half-smile,"Mr. Silver Wolf is very much my cup of tea." We all know that Akiko won't come back, and I won't join the Armed Detective Agency either.

"Shiki is joking. Mori Ogai stopped the topic and said,"Shiki, are you considering getting a prosthetic limb? Although it's not as good as your own hand, it will be better than now."

"I will go to the magic world."I lowered my eyes and looked at my empty sleeves."I heard that there is a healing technique called the Reversal Technique in the world of magic, which should be able to solve this problem. If the Reversal Technique doesn't work, I will go to Tokyo Magic High School and find Yega Masamichi. He is a master of cursed corpses, and I will ask him to help me make prosthetic limbs."

"It's a good idea." Mori Ogai touched his chin with his hand and suddenly turned around,"How about solving the problem of your background while we're at it?"

""It's all right." I said nonchalantly. I went to the Jujutsu World just to learn about it and prepare for future plans.

Karasawa will leave for Italy. At this time, Vongola is still the ninth generation, Sawada Tsunayoshi is still an ordinary student, and XANXUS has not yet launched a rebellion. This is the best opportunity for him to join the main storyline.

"888, I need the story of Jujutsu Kaisen. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee the stability of the world line. I said to the system indifferently.

【OK, host. Transmitting for you.

I received the world line transmitted by the system."Sugaru Jie." I muttered to myself. He is a good breakthrough point. We can cut in from him.

Although the plot line has shifted to a certain extent, the world consciousness still has a strong control over this world. If we want to completely weaken the control of the world consciousness over the plot, it is not enough to rely on the two of us alone. We need external forces.

"Does Shiki need help? The world of magic is very exclusive."

"Boss, let Dazai go with me."

"Is it Dazai-kun? I thought Shiki would be the one chosen."Mori Ogai looked surprised.

"It's just the 'optimal solution'. I need a brain, and Dazai is the brain."I said to Mori Ogai seriously,"I am enough to have the force alone."

"Then set off in two weeks, Shiki. The Port Mafia will always support you."

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