I am just one person and I have no way to change the whole situation of the war. Although I brought about some good changes, the situation of the war still did not lean towards us and fell into a stalemate.

But we did not expect that Europe would send out a"Beyond the Clocktower Pageants", and I also understood what a Beyonder was at that moment.

That day I was reaping enemies on the battlefield as usual, and suddenly I saw an out-of-place lady in the center of the battlefield. She was wearing an elegant British-style dress, holding a cane from the last century in her hand, and slowly walked towards me."Are you the 'ghost of the battlefield'? Looks like a child." There was a special rhythm in her tone,"I am Agatha Christie, a member of the 'Clocktower Pageants', and the Knight Commander of the Guards of the 'Clocktower Pageants'."

"Ryougi Shiki, as you can see, is a child."I said to her.

We introduced ourselves to each other, and I began to be on guard. She gave me a bad feeling. And the soldiers around her slowly withdrew during our conversation.

"What a brave lady! I hope you can survive the burning. This war is too long. It makes us feel bored. I thought there was nothing much to say about the small country in the Far East, but I unexpectedly saw some interesting people!"Agatha Christie's tone was nonchalant. Although she was surrounded, she didn't care.

My premonition became stronger and stronger, but I didn't know where the danger came from. Agatha Christie was still elegant. She smiled at me and activated her special ability,"Special ability, no one survives."

The black flames quickly spread around her, and people turned into ashes the moment they touched the flames.

【Warning ⚠️, warning ⚠️, the host's life is threatened, activate the backup plan]

When the black flames were about to approach me, the system made a sharp explosion, and then I lost consciousness. Before I lost consciousness, the only scene in my eyes was the black flames all over the sky and the screams of the people around me.


Yosano Akiko was treating the wounded, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she quickly suppressed her anxiety and devoted herself to work. But her heart was still heavy.

A wounded man was sent down, and he seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying."It's impossible to win, that's a monster……"He muttered to himself, his body was covered with terrible burns, and a lot of his skin was charred,"That's the black devil, we can't win!!" He collapsed and shouted. After shouting, he fainted.

"Get out of the way! I have supernatural powers. Please don't die." Yosano Akiko pushed away the people around her and used her supernatural powers to pull him back from the brink of death. "What happened?!"Yosano Akiko asked anxiously. What happened on the front line?

""Flames, black flames. It devoured everyone. We can't possibly win with that kind of power." The soldier muttered to himself, holding his head in his hands and curling up into a ball."What about Shiki? How is Shiki?" Yosano Akiko asked, grabbing the soldier's clothes."I don't know, I don't know anything." The soldier's spirit had completely collapsed.

Seeing this, Yosano Akiko rushed out of the medical room. But when she rushed to the door, she was stopped by Mori Ogai.

"Get out of the way!" Yosano Akiko shouted angrily

"Akiko, what you should do now is to treat the wounded here." Mori Ogai looked at Akiko calmly. Alice also blocked Yosano Akiko's way,"The soldiers need you"

"……"Yosano Akiko looked around silently. The wounded were wailing, and many of them were dying.

""Okay, Akiko. We'll go find Shiki. Go, the soldiers need you." Mori Ogai repeated again. Yosano Akiko had no choice but to go back.

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