“Charcoal grilled boneless saury.”

“Please taste it!”

After the dishes were served, Souji Kanda returned directly to his cooking table, and then began to enjoy the remaining lemon fruits...

No matter what.

Lemon fruits are all capture level 2 ingredients.

This kind of food.

If you only use a few drops and then discard them, it would be too wasteful. It is better to turn them into nutrients for your own gourmet cells.

As for the victory or defeat of the Shoji.

When Souji Kanda took out the boneless saury, the suspense of this duel had already been completely lost.

At the judging table.

Nakiri Shinagi and others couldn't wait to open the lid!

A moment!

The explosive and attractive aroma immediately lingered in the entire venue, constantly filling the nostrils of everyone...

Under the fragrance.

The audience present seemed to have arrived in a real gourmet paradise!

"Ha ha!"

In front of the judging panel.

Lantabi, who was in charge of this meal, breathed in the aroma of the charcoal-grilled boneless saury greedily, and the expression on his face couldn't help but become intoxicated.

"I want to eat!"

"What does this boneless saury taste like..." Lantabi muttered absentmindedly, almost losing control and rushing forward to snatch the boneless saury.

Even Lambita is like this.

That is, not to mention Nakiri Shinagi and others who were captured by the fragrance!

Boneless saury.

Kanda Souji made a total of five charcoal grills, just one for each judge.

tens of seconds.

This boneless saury was eaten up by Nakiri Senzamon and others, even the banana lemon leaves used for plating were not spared...

In the world of food lovers, there is nothing that cannot be eaten.

Even islands, oceans...

Even this planet can be used as ingredients in the hands of cooks and dishes in the mouths of diners.

And plantain lemon leaves.

Of course this is considered an edible ingredient.


Kanda Souji uses plantain lemon leaves on the plate to better lock in the lemon aroma of charcoal-grilled boneless saury...

Didn't think so.

Nakiri Shinagi and others actually ate the banana lemon leaves together.

in addition.

If it weren't for the fact that the dinner plate is a product of the world of the spirit of Shokoku


Nakiri Shinagi and others will eat from this plate as well!


"Why is it gone?"

"Where is my boneless saury? Where did my boneless saury go..." Nakiri Shinagi looked at the bottomed dinner plate and immediately lost his temper and shouted loudly.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

"This food is not enough, Kanda-souji, I want to eat more!" Nakiri Shinagi shouted forcefully to Kanda-souji who was eating lemon fruit calmly.



After seeing Souji Kanda eating lemon fruit.

Nakiri Managi's body fluids secreted out uncontrollably, and there was a suffocating sour taste on the tip of his tongue, and he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Which lemon?"

"It looks delicious too..." Nakiri Shinagi raised his palm, vaguely unable to control his body.

Charcoal grilled boneless saury.

This dish is completely different from the incomplete dishes like Nakiri Erina's pan-fried wild boar steak with lemon wine and Mito's charming strawberry wild boar trotters...

This is a complete dish!

The world of the spirit of the food halberd.

Except for Kanda Souji, no one can complete this unique dish. After all, other dishes have come into contact with ingredients from the captive world of gourmet food.

I was completely captured by the ingredients right away.

in addition.

In this world, only Kanda Souji can come up with ingredients for delicious food.

After tasting the charcoal grilled boneless saury.

at this time.

Nakiri Managi's divine tongue was completely awakened by this dish, and her thirst for the food captured by the delicious food was amplified to the extreme.

lemon fruit.

This is also an ingredient from the captive world of gourmet food.

At the judging table.

Nakiri Erina's current thoughts are exactly the same as Nakiri Managi's, she just wants more boneless saury to satisfy her appetite.

"not enough!"

"It's simply not enough!"

"This amount of food is not enough for anyone to taste..." Erina Nakiri wished she could take Kanda Souji away and make food for herself every day.

No cooking.

No food to eat!

the other side.

Nakiri Shinagi, who An couldn't even care about now, pulled out a pen from the two-dimensional valley on his chest, and then started scribbling on the red book in his hand.

"Three stars?"


"The three-star evaluation is simply insulting to this dish!" An kept thinking, her expression showing a bit of madness.

"I want to report to Lord Nakiri..."

“Three-star rating is far from enough!”

Underneath the taste of boneless saury.

Now Ann.

She has completely forgotten that Nakiri Shinagi is by her side, but is constantly thinking about WGO's new evaluation system!

out of five reviewers.

The only ones who can still be considered normal now are Nakiri Senzaemon and Mito Eisaku.

After tasting the food.

Mito Eisaku has not yet woken up from the illusion of a gourmet paradise.

As for Nakiri Senzaemon.

Him now.

In addition to wanting to have boneless saury again, what I want most is to find a place by myself and have a beer.

That's right.

Have a nice beer.

This was Nakiri Senzaemon's biggest thought when he was tasting the boneless saury.

"Announce the result of victory or defeat!"

"What else can I do later?" Souji Kanda said calmly after putting the last bit of lemon fruit in his hand into his mouth.


"My lemon!"

"You guy, why did you finish all my lemons!" Nakiri Shinagi yelled at Kanda Souji in a rage.

Look at her look.

Nakiri Shinagi seemed eager to pull out the lemon fruit directly from Kanda Souji's mouth.



"Master An!"

After hearing what Souji Kanda said, Rantabi, as the host of Shokugeki this time, still performed his duties very well and immediately reminded Nakiri Managi and others.

Even if it’s just looking at the reviewers’ reactions.

Anyone who is not blind can clearly understand that between Kanda Souji and Ishibashi Buta, who cooks better?

It's just a matter of victory or defeat.

We still need to make a formal announcement!


"Kanda Souji!" As the highest-ranking person in the judging panel, Nakiri Shinagi immediately announced the winner of the Shokugeki duel.


in the current venue.

Whether it was the chef or the general audience, their thoughts were no longer on this meal.

"Boneless saury?"

"It's just that the mere saury actually beats rare ingredients like bluefin tuna!"

"Hoo ho!"

“This dish is really so delicious.”

"What a joke!"

"Are you questioning Erina-sama and the others?"

"No more!"

“Boneless saury!”

"No matter how much money I spend, I must try this kind of cuisine once, even if I spend all my money..."

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