Even though he had never gotten Bai Muge, Su Yu felt that this was the darkest day in his life since he was born.

His goddess actually fell in love and became another man's girlfriend, and her heart and eyes were full of each other!

"Brother, there was no possibility for you and Bai Muge. Don't be sad. When you fall in love and get married in the future, you will definitely find a girl of equal status. Didn't you say that Bai Muge's background is not simple? We ordinary rich second-generations will find ordinary rich second-generations to marry and fall in love." On the phone, Su Ran comforted Su Yu in a relaxed tone.

Su Yu's brows were already furrowed. Although what Su Ran said was the truth, he couldn't accept it for a moment, and even retorted: "You said it lightly. If you really want to let it go, why do you go to Li Shuo's door every day to block him."

If Li Shuo hadn't told him that he and his wife were in a secret marriage because of some problems, he would have confronted the girl long ago.

Su Ran was exposed so nakedly by her cousin, and said unconvincedly: "I just want to have a relationship with him, and I didn't say I want to marry him. Besides, he is not from a family background that my Su family can't afford. Even if I want to marry him, it's him, Li Shuo, who is too high to marry."

At first, she really wanted to conquer this man and then dump him ruthlessly.

But Su Ran didn't expect that this man was even more difficult to conquer than she thought. He was simply unyielding. She was ruthlessly rejected again and again. Now her desire to conquer Li Shuo is stronger.

She even began to think that if she conquered him, she might not dump him, and it would not be impossible to let him marry into their Su family as a son-in-law.

"Well, even if his family is not as well off as the Su family, there is no chance for you two. I'm a little annoyed now, so I'll hang up first." Su Yu was upset and didn't feel like talking to his cousin.

Su Ran immediately told Su Yu not to hang up and asked him about Li Shuo's current situation.

Bai Muge's relationship didn't affect her at all, after all, the person she was pursuing now was Li Shuo.

Although Su Yu was annoyed, he was also afraid that this silly girl would go to the gate of Li Shuo's community to wait again, so he told her about the other party's going to Los Angeles.

Su Ran was confused at first, and wanted to ask Li Shuo what an ordinary person would do abroad, but Su Yu had already ended the call.

He was too uncomfortable and wanted to be quiet.

Also facing a dark day in the world.

There is also Ye Xuan who has been pursuing Bai Qinning in a high-profile manner.

At this moment, he is sitting in a luxurious villa, lonely, painful, and handsome.

Every day, he is exposed to the wind and sun, confesses his love in various ways, and even hired a wife-chasing coach to help him pursue Bai Qinning.

It was not until today that he knew that Bai Qinning already had someone in her heart!

In fact, a while ago, the other party wore a couple watch in front of him and told him that she already had a partner.

At that time, he didn't believe it and thought that Bai Qinning couldn't have a man she liked!

Today, when he saw the photo of the two of them, the sky of the eldest young master of the Ye family collapsed!

He took a long time to calm down, but he couldn't calm down.

He took out his mobile phone, searched in the address book, and finally chose to call Li Shuo.

Only Li Shuo, the wife-chasing guide, knew how much he had suffered on the road to pursuing Bai Qinning and how much he cared about her.

He urgently needed someone to talk to and relieve his uncomfortable emotions at the moment.

But he made two calls in a row, but Li Shuo didn't answer.

It was night in Los Angeles at this time, and he and his wife might have gone to bed.

With a sigh, Ye Xuan could only find Li Che's phone number in the address book and call him.

"Old Che, have you seen the news about Bai Muge? She is actually in love!" Ye Xuan said excitedly as soon as the call was connected.

"I saw it. This is simply a great thing. She is in love. The marriage agreement agreed by the Bai and Li families cannot take effect. I don't have to worry about my Li family's only child being broken!"

Li Che said with a smile on the phone.

Just laughing, it was a bit uncomfortable.

What kind of man is it that can make Bai Qinning so obsessed with him?

Although Li Che did not dare to covet Bai Qinning, he was also a little depressed. The only child of the Li family not only conquered the woman who was so scared when he saw her, but also seemed to be obsessed with him.

This man can handle Bai Qinning, I think he must be a master in love.

He handled a woman that no man in the world can handle.

It's really enviable!

Hua Wan adjusted to the time difference in advance last night, and couldn't help falling asleep in the middle of the night. The phone was out of battery from playing TV series.

I got up at around 9 o'clock to charge my phone, and then I was bombarded with messages and phone calls.

I knew my sister had just gone abroad.

The two were exposed by foreign media and became the headlines of major entertainment sections at home and abroad. Hua Wan was confused for several minutes with messy hair.

After digesting the news, she hung up the phone call from someone unknown on her phone and immediately called Bai Qinning.

"Ah, Ningning, what's wrong with you? You just went out for a day and set off a bomb, and now everyone in China is shocked by you!"

Hua Wan screamed as soon as the call was connected.

She was not prepared at all. When she woke up, her little sister and Li Shuo were on the headlines.

Bai Qinning had just been called by several brothers and Bai's father to inquire about her relationship with Li Shuo. They also knew that her relationship with Li Shuo had been exposed at home and abroad.

She was panicked at first, but when she saw that Li Shuo's identity had not been exposed, she calmed down.

She felt that the exposure of the relationship would not have much impact. She was afraid that Li Shuo's identity would be dug out. He knew that the person he married in a flash was a public figure and scared him.

Hearing Hua Wan's exclamation on the phone, she said calmly: "It's not a big problem. I don't rely on my single personality to attract fans. I rely on my strength."

Speaking of relying on strength, Bai Qinning thought of the single mother Zhou Chunhong in Huo Le's new novel The Secret Corner, a mother who was abandoned and unable to find herself.

She longs for love but refuses it, loves her children, thinks about her children in everything, but does not allow children who lack fatherly love to have too much contact with their fathers, and wants to express love but distorts love.

This is a very complicated role.

Bai Qinning admires Huo Le's ability to shape roles.

She really wants to play this role.

She skipped the topic of the exposure of the relationship and said to Hua Wan: "Wan Wan, contact the author Huo Le as soon as possible, communicate with him in person, and tell him that I want to fight for the role of Zhou Chunhong."

Hua Wan: "..."

The sky has fallen, and this girl is still thinking about taking on a role!

Of course, at this point, Hua Wan knew that it was useless to say more, so she could only tell Bai Qinning to keep a low profile with Li Shuo and not to go out and be photographed again.

After the two ended their conversation, Hua Wan followed Bai Qinning's instructions and contacted the person in charge of Tomato Reading.

After Bai Qinning dealt with her and Li Shuo's affairs, she got out of bed and prepared to go out for a shower.

As soon as she walked behind the door, she heard the sound of a mobile phone ringing.

In the living room.

The continuous bombardment of calls successfully woke Li Shuo up.

It was Ye Xuan who couldn't relieve his emotions and couldn't help but call him again.

Li Shuo opened his eyes, touched the phone to answer the call, and lazily greeted the person on the phone.

After listening to the other party's words, he woke up instantly and sat up straight.

"What? Bai Muge is in love? So sudden?"

Even Li Shuo was surprised. How could Bai Muge suddenly fall in love?

"Yes, and she is in Los Angeles now. The headlines of foreign news are all photos of her and her boyfriend. I feel so bad." Ye Xuan said in a low voice on the phone.

"Ah, I'll search the news later. This news may be false." Li Shuo was completely sober and patiently comforted his friend, "And even if it is true, there is nothing we can do. Everyone likes different types. For example, I don't like public figures like Bai Muge. It must be tiring to date her. Every move will be watched by the media and then magnified. There is no privacy."

She is so famous. If her love affair is exposed, her partner will also become famous. How much trouble will it bring to her life?

Bai Qinning, who was eavesdropping on her husband in the room: "..."

It's very heartbreaking.


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