The next day, Li Shuo got up early as usual and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Li Shuo never liked eating out.

Besides the trouble of communicating with people, what he made himself was healthier.

It happened that there was some rice left in the pot yesterday, and in the refrigerator, in addition to the frozen meat, there were also pork and leeks left over from yesterday.

Today, I beat two more eggs to make minced meat fried rice with fresh milk.

This fresh milk was ordered a little too much yesterday, and the shelf life is short, so it must be drunk as soon as possible.

After taking all the ingredients out of the refrigerator, Li Shuo suddenly remembered what happened last night when he was cracking the eggs.

He went to get some water and threw two eggs into the pot to cook first.

That girl must have been hit hard last night.

Bai Qinning went to bed late yesterday, and she had to go to shoot makeup photos for a TV series today, so she had a beauty sleep and woke up late.

When she came out of the room, Li Shuo had already prepared breakfast. Da Yuanzi stood on the dining chair, sniffing at the edge of the table, a little impatient.

Seeing Li Shuo placing the bowls and chopsticks, she felt a little unhappy, after all, there was an ugly bruise on her forehead.

But it was hard to say anything to Li Shuo, after all, she was not used to coming here yesterday, so she went to Li Shuo's room without anything, and hit the door herself.

I don't know... how much Li Shuo saw yesterday... She was too embarrassed to ask directly.

"Miss Bai, I just made breakfast, come and eat together."

Li Shuo placed the bowls and chopsticks on the opposite side of the dining table and poured a glass of pure milk.

Bai Qinning walked to the dining table, took a look at the pork in the egg fried rice, hesitated for a moment, and chose to sit down.

It was too late to eat at the company, so he had already prepared it, so he just ate it.

Li Shuo didn't notice these details, but only focused on the small bruise on Bai Qinning's forehead, and he hesitated several times.

He politely served Bai Qinning a plate of egg fried rice, and then a small spoon for the big dumplings, and the family of three officially started eating.

It was not until Bai Qinning put down her bowl and chopsticks and was about to get up and leave that Li Shuo called her: "Wait, I boiled eggs, I'll get them and roll them on your forehead."

After saying that, he immediately got up and went to the kitchen.

The injury on her forehead was also indirectly caused by him, and it looked a bit serious. Rolling it with an egg could reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Bai Qinning had no objection to hearing this, and she also planned to cooperate. She had to take the final makeup photos today, and it was really not good to have a bag on her head.

She was even a little moved by Li Shuo's attentiveness, but she reacted quickly.

Would this guy want to take advantage of her forehead injury and roll eggs on an attempt to get closer to them...

After all, she was so beautiful, any man would find all kinds of opportunities to get close to her.

Especially since this guy had seen her naked yesterday...

She had such a good figure, even Hua Wan couldn't help herself...

Maybe this guy wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to her...

Bai Qinning immediately began to imagine a scene in her mind.

Li Shuo held an egg in one hand to help her reduce the swelling, and gently supported her chin with the other hand, looking at her with concern, and asked her softly if it hurt...

Her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and she realized that something was wrong with her, and immediately stopped her thoughts that were about to get out of control.


No way!

What was she thinking!

She would not give this scheming man a chance!

Li Shuo had just come back with the peeled eggs.

Bai Qinning immediately stood up and saw Li Shuo approaching.

The man had an upright figure, a handsome face, and a gentle face.

Her beautiful eyes widened, her breathing quickened, and she subconsciously clenched her fists.

If this guy really... really dared to do that, and came over to her to apply it... she would definitely... cripple him!

At this moment, Li Shuo handed the egg to her: "Here, take it and roll it yourself."

It might be painful and uncomfortable for her to roll it herself.

But Li Shuo didn't want to get too close to the other person.

He was really not familiar with her.

Bai Qinning looked at the egg handed to her by someone, and didn't react for a moment. Her little face was a little confused. After a moment of hesitation, she loosened her fist and reached out to take the egg from Li Shuo's hand.

"You go first, I'll go wash the dishes."

After delivering the egg, Li Shuo was relieved. He immediately turned around to clean up the tableware on the table, and then he noticed the pork left on Bai Qinning's plate.

It seems that she really doesn't like to eat pork, why is she still asking for so much?

He thought she liked it, and put it today

Quite a few...

Bai Qinning went out this morning with her back teeth clenched.

After all, she had to roll the eggs herself despite the pain. If she didn't roll them, she was afraid that the makeup would not be set properly later.

She could only roll the eggs while going out.

She didn't know why, but she was in a particularly bad mood even though nothing unhappy happened in the morning.

After his wife left, Li Shuo cleaned up the kitchen and went to work in the room with Yuanzi in his arms.

It was noon soon. After Li Shuo published the chapter, he immediately went to the backstage of Tomato to check the data and income of the novel.

On the first day of publishing the book yesterday, the popularity had soared to the top of the new book list.

The reading income and rewards added up, and after the division, it was actually more than 170 yuan.

This result and income are already quite satisfactory for Li Shuo at present.

According to what he learned from Jiuyue yesterday, there is generally no traffic during the new book period.

For example, Jiuyue's new book with 70,000 words now only makes about ten yuan a day.

Li Shuo published his book yesterday, which was the first day of publishing. It has 30,000 words. It is very impressive to earn more than 170 yuan.

When the word count reaches the target, it will be recommended. It will not be a problem to earn 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a month or even more.

Yesterday, Jiu Yue said that a novel with a million words in the top of the website's best-selling list has a monthly income of over one million.

If he works hard, he may be able to achieve such results.

If there is another movie or TV adaptation, it will be even better.

After Li Shuo looked at the data, Jiu Yue came to him on time and cried miserably, saying that his data fell again yesterday, and it fell badly. It must be that the book "Fighting Emperor" sucked all his volume.

"It's so uncomfortable. This "Huole" is a devil! Which Dogecoin editor signed him as the author!"

"But this big guy's writing style and plot are really unique. I have read his books over and over again. The world view is very huge and the character setting is very stable. If I have the opportunity to meet him, I will definitely invite him to the club and order a dozen hot girls. I will definitely let him teach me some writing skills."

Li Shuo on the other side of the computer saw Jiu Yue's message, but his face was full of black lines.

What kind of person is he who likes to go to the club?

He also ordered a dozen hot girls. This guy is quite arrogant.

Li Shuo was silent for a moment. He felt that it was a bit immoral to continue to hide it from Jiu Yue. Finally, he decided not to hide it from the other party. He was thinking about how to confess to the other party.

A message popped up from Jiu Yue.

"By the way, how much did you earn yesterday? You should not have lost a dime on the first day of signing the contract, right?"

Newcomers and new books will definitely not earn more than a dime a day.

Li Shuo raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately replied back along the topic.

"Well... it's below 1 cent. I earned 176 yesterday."


The other party fell into a brief silence, as if waiting for Li Shuo to correct that he had typed the wrong number.

After all, even an old author like him only earned less than 50 cents on the first day of the book.

Linyuan, a new author, can never earn 176!

Even old authors can't do it.

Li Shuo: "Yes, to be precise, it's 176.5 yuan (laughing and crying)"

Jiuyue: "???????"

After a few seconds of silence, Jiuyue sent out a string of excited words.

"Fuck! What book is yours? You must be kidding me. I haven't heard of an author who earns more than 2 yuan a day on the first day of publishing a book!"

Li Shuo calmly replied: "You know my book"

Jiu Yue: "Ah??? Fuck... No way..."

Li Shuo: "Yeah, it's Dou Di that you read for two days."

After the message was sent, Li Shuo also sent a screenshot of his author's background data to the other party to prove that he was not joking.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Lin Yuan, you bastard, you fooled me so badly!"

"Broken up!"

In a luxuriously decorated villa on Gulang Island in the center of Lucheng City, a man in extraordinary clothes sat in front of a computer. His face turned red, blue, white and purple before he calmed down.

Good guy!

The author of Dou Di turned out to be Lin Yuan!

But he soon changed his mind.

Lin Yuan is better!

This book is gaining momentum and is likely to be a big hit on Tomato Reading. There is a high probability that it will be adapted in the future.

With such a high-quality novel, his wife Mu Ge will definitely be able to appreciate it. If he gets familiar with Lin Yuan in advance and becomes an investor when the film and television adaptation is made, he can ask Lin Yuan to invite goddess Mu Ge to be the heroine.

Wouldn't it be possible for him to get close to goddess Mu Ge in the most natural way and win her heart...

In just one or two minutes, Su Yu even thought of the names of the dozen or so children he and his goddess Bai Qinning would have in the future.

He went from being shocked and angry at the beginning to a gradually perverted smile now...


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