The next day.

When Li Shuo got up, Li Shu had already prepared breakfast.

There were two plates of white and plump steamed buns on the table, as well as last night's stew and fresh milk.

"Brother, the steamed buns here are very good. They taste good and can satisfy your hunger. If you are in a hurry and don't have time to make breakfast, you can take them out of the frozen food and steam them."

Li Shuo just came to the dining table, Li Shu poured him a glass of milk and said.

In addition to a suitcase, she also carried a backpack of steamed buns on this trip.

Li Shu really loves the steamed buns of the boss in the north of Wancheng.

Li Shuo reached out to take the milk, and feeling his sister's enthusiastic eyes, he just said: "Don't think about eating steamed buns all day long. I gave you a lot of pocket money, so you should buy more nutritious food."

This girl is too thin.

She is much thinner than Bai Qinning, at least she should be like Bai Qinning.

In fact, Bai Qinning looks quite thin, but she is fleshy when hugged, not uncomfortable, and soft.

Realizing that his thoughts were accidentally wandering away, Li Shuo quickly controlled himself and took them back.

It was just a matter of talking to Li Shu, why did he think of this girl.

"I think steamed buns are delicious. I have tried all those things, but they are still not as delicious as steamed buns. I can use the money I save to buy books or save it."

In the future, if Li Shuo's market is not good, or his father Li Xuejun's company is not profitable, she can still take out some money to help.

Maybe because of the living environment since childhood, Li Shu has no sense of security. Compared with spending money, she prefers to save money to prevent the need for a lot of money in the future.

She didn't have the opportunity to save much money. Her part-time job in Wancheng was only enough for her daily expenses. She could only save 500 to 600 yuan a month, except for supporting herself and buying some school supplies.

Sometimes Fang Lanying would ask her for some money.

In the past two months, Li Shu had a lot more money on hand. Li Shuo gave her 3,000 yuan every month.

She had saved 6,000 yuan, which was the most she had saved in more than 20 years.

Li Shu's habit of saving money was deeply rooted. Li Shuo couldn't do anything about this sister, so he didn't argue with her about what to eat for breakfast.

He didn't like to argue either.

In the past few months, as long as this girl ate at home, he would buy more meat and vegetables for her.

Dark and thin, just looking at Li Shu, he and Li Xuejun, father and son, felt guilty.

Li Shu was the youngest in the family and should have been the most loved.

But she hardly enjoyed the life that the youngest child in the family should enjoy for a few days.

During breakfast, Li Shuo and his son ate in silence.

Li Xuejun ate two steamed buns and drank a bowl of soup, answered a phone call, said goodbye to his son and daughter, and rushed to the company.

He wanted to run the company well, make it bigger and stronger as soon as possible, so that his daughter would no longer have to live the hard life she had before.

Recently, it seems that his luck has turned, or it may be that after the first batch of military orders were delivered, his reputation has improved and spread.

Even the middleman in charge of military industry in Kyoto came to him and was interested in cooperating on a big project.

If he can sign it, he will invest the processing fees settled in the past two months to expand the scale of the company. If he takes this order, he can earn a small goal in one year.

Li Xuejun is very active in working hard to improve his family's life.

Li Shuo is the same.

He and Li Shu washed the dishes in the kitchen together, and then prepared to go to the room to write.

He wrote the update in the morning, and Li Xiyue asked him to have lunch in the restaurant at noon, saying that there was something to discuss.

Li Shuo said hello to Li Shu and was about to go back to the room, but the latter suddenly called him.

"What's wrong?"

Li Shuo stood at the door of the room and asked Li Shu.

Li Shu saw the WeChat message sent by Li Hao early this morning. At that time, he wanted to reply to Bai Qinning, but he was afraid that his brother really had some shocking secrets.

Although this situation is almost impossible.

What secrets could her brother have?

To be on the safe side, in case she revealed the password and increased the conflict between her brother and sister-in-law, Li Shu decided to ask Li Shuo.

"Brother, I just have a question to ask you."

"What question?" Li Shuo asked.

Li Shu pondered for a moment and said, "You... you shouldn't have any big secrets that you can't tell, right?"

As soon as Li Shu said this, Li Shuo's scalp tightened instantly.

Li Shu asked this suddenly.

Or a big secret...

Is it this girl...

seeing that her sister-in-law is a big star?

"It's about your sister-in-law

"Secret?" Li Shuo asked tentatively.

Li Shu's face was confused for a moment, "Ah? What secret does my sister-in-law have?"

Li Shuo: "..."

Judging from Li Shu's reaction now, it shouldn't be.

This girl is just like her father Li Xuejun, always busy making money and studying, and has no time to pay attention to big stars.

Not only Bai Qinning, but probably 80% of the stars in the entire entertainment industry, the father and daughter don't know each other.

Li Shuo was puzzled again why Li Shu asked this question suddenly. He always had an ominous premonition in his heart. He asked several questions, but the girl didn't tell him the reason and told him that she just wanted to ask casually.

He felt that he had no secrets from his sister. The biggest secret was nothing more than being a time traveler.

Of course, this couldn't be said.

"What secrets can I have? Now I write novels every day to make some money. In addition, I recently found a company to learn music and write songs. "

Li Shuo said casually.

Li Shu's mind was on selling her brother to her sister-in-law. After hearing Li Shuo say that he had no secrets, she thought her brother's learning to write songs was just a hobby, and she thought it was normal to write novels.

She had a classmate in college who made a lot of money by writing novels. She followed him for a while and didn't know how to write that type of novel.

Her roommate's novel made a lot of money, but the male lead was really a nobody.

He was strong from the beginning... the female lead, and he killed people. He was obviously arrested, but he got out with some mysterious relationship, had plastic surgery, and found the female lead again, breaking up the female lead and her fiancé, and also found many people To the heroine...

Li Shu watched it with a learning mentality at the time, but gave up after reading the beginning.

She also watched some sweet romances.

She couldn't empathize with the romances without them, and couldn't write them.

The top student wasn't good at any field, and couldn't make money by writing novels, so she could only work part-time as a waiter.

Although she didn't know Li Shuo's pen name, she thought that since he had published films and TV series, he must not be her roommate's type.

She didn't think deeply about whether her sister-in-law knew her brother's pen name.

Li Shu felt relieved when she heard Li Shuo say that he had no secrets.

"Then brother, keep going, I won't bother you anymore. "

Li Shu greeted Li Shuo and urged him to hurry up and do his own thing.

Li Shuo was almost pushed into his room by this girl.

It was a bit funny.

He felt uneasy for some reason.

But he couldn't put it into words.

He didn't have time to think about why Li Shu asked such a strange question today. Seeing that it was getting late, he sat in front of the computer and started typing.

In the next room, Li Shu also immediately sold her dear brother to her favorite sister-in-law with her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message.

"Sister-in-law, my brother's computer password: 25842801..."


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