After the drunken wife was drunk, she was still drunk.

Li Shuo took a lot of effort to bring his drunken wife home while maintaining his gentlemanly demeanor and threw her on the bed in her room.

Fortunately, Bai Qinning didn't drink real wine. Even if she was drunk, she still smelled like sweet wine, unlike those who were really drunk.

Li Shuo threw her on the bed, took a few breaths of fresh air to keep his mind clear, and then covered Bai Qinning with a quilt. He couldn't help but take another look at the girl's beautiful sleeping face, and left immediately.

It has to be said that the temptation of drunk Bai Qinning to a man can be said to be three years of blood money, and the death penalty is not a loss.

Fortunately, he has social phobia and disdains to take advantage of others, otherwise he might really do something outrageous.

The first thing Li Shuo did when he returned to the room was to take a cold shower in the bathroom to relieve his heat.

In the future, when he is with Bai Qinning, he must not let her drink again.

Even more so, he must not let her drink when he is not with her.

The next day.

Bai Qinning woke up from the bed, recalled what happened last night, and checked her clothes as soon as possible.

She was relieved to confirm that Li Shuo did not take advantage of her yesterday.

Fortunately, this man was sensible and did not take advantage of her drunk to do anything perverted to her.

She usually dared to drink only when she was with Hua Wan, and yesterday was an exception.

Anyway, it is impossible to get drunk in front of people other than Hua Wan next time, and Li Shuo can't do it.

Even if Li Shuo does not take advantage of her when she is drunk, Bai Qinning is also guilty, and she may not be able to control herself and throw him down when she is drunk.

She remembers some fragments of what happened yesterday, especially the incident of touching Li Shuo's face.

Later, the guy seemed to be angry and hid far away.

When Bai Qinning recalled it, she felt a little funny besides regretting her outrageous behavior.

Especially when she thought of Li Shuo's embarrassed and angry look after being teased, she always felt a strange feeling in her heart.

This had never happened to other men before.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes.

When she walked out of the room, breakfast was already on the table.

When eating dumplings this morning, Li Shuo did not forget to put a bottle of vinegar in her place.

When he saw Bai Qinning coming out, he just greeted her briefly and sat down to eat breakfast.

After all, he was teased by the other party yesterday, which made him, who was socially anxious, a little embarrassed to face Bai Qinning today.

I don't know if this girl has blacked out after drinking.

It's better that she has blacked out.

During the whole process of eating breakfast today, Li Shuo did not take the initiative to say a word to Bai Qinning.

After breakfast, Bai Qinning took the initiative to collect the dishes and went to the kitchen. Seeing that Li Shuo didn't talk to her, Bai Qinning suddenly asked: "Li Shuo, are you still bothered by me touching your face last night?"

Li Shuo stood in front of the sink, and his back instantly stiffened.

He didn't expect Bai Qinning to ask suddenly.

Wouldn't this girl feel embarrassed?

Anyway, he was embarrassed.

Bai Qinning was embarrassed at first, but as soon as she saw Li Shuo's innocent look, she couldn't help but want to tease him.

Noticing the man's stiff back, Bai Qinning couldn't help but continue to ask: "What if I didn't touch your face yesterday but kissed you, would you not talk to me for the rest of your life?"

Li Shuo's back straightened even more, and his ears turned red.

He didn't know what he would do if Bai Qinning kissed him yesterday.

But now he regretted that he didn't touch back on the spot to give Bai Qinning a warning when he was touched yesterday, so that she would have the courage to come and talk about this today?

Does his social phobia and personality make Bai Qinning feel that he is easy to tease?

Bai Qinning really found a new world in Li Shuo and became a little addicted.

Now seeing Li Shuo's ears were red, she pursed her lips slightly, and before Li Shuo turned to look at her, she turned around to pick up the garbage in the kitchen, "Okay, it's getting late, I should go to work too."

From her relatively brisk tone, it can be heard that Miss Bai is in a good mood today.

Li Shuo in front of the sink was in a very bad mood.

It's all because of this damn social phobia!

Don't let him catch him next time. If Bai Qinning really dares to provoke him again, he will definitely give her a warning immediately.

Next time for sure.

It should be possible...

After Bai Qinning went out.

After Li Shuo cleaned up in the kitchen, he returned to the room and called Su Yu as soon as possible.

"Su Yu, when are you free today? Let's go out and sit." Li Shuo invited the person on the phone seriously.


He decided that he couldn't stay at home and avoid socializing all the time. He had to go out and exercise. His newlywed wife had started to tease him because of his social phobia.

He had to exercise so that he could fight back immediately when Bai Qinning didn't know the severity of the problem and provoked him.

As a man, how could he be teased by a girl like this again and again? This made him lose face.

Facing Li Shuo's unprecedented invitation, Su Yu was flattered, "What, did I hear it right? Old Shuo, you actually took the initiative to ask me out?"

He pondered for a moment, and was a little embarrassed: "But I'm not free these days. I told you before that there is some news about the missing son of the Li family. He is in Wancheng. I'm on a flight this afternoon."

"Otherwise, I'll let Su Ran come to accompany you?"

Li Shuo felt a conditioned pain in a certain part of his arm, and immediately refused: "No, forget it if you don't have time."

The last time he went out with Su Ran, he was bitten when he came back.

Although Bai Qinning didn't admit that she minded him having contact with the opposite sex during marriage, he still had to be careful.

"By the way, isn't your sister in Wancheng? Do you want me to bring something to her on this trip?" Su Yu had heard Li Shuo mention this sister a few times, and it seemed that she was attending university in Wancheng.

Li Shuo wanted to give Su Yu something to help him bring to Li Shu, but he hadn't received the royalties yet, so he rejected Su Yu's kindness.

The two chatted for a while, and Su Yu was busy, so Li Shuo didn't bother him anymore.

Without an appointment with Su Yu, Li Shuo decided to finish today's updates and new book first, and go downstairs alone in the afternoon to meet more people and improve his social anxiety.

The income and updates of his novel Doudi are now stable, and the current daily income is about 600 a day, which cannot create too high a profit in the short term.

After experiencing what happened to the Li family, Li Shuo felt it necessary to get some money as soon as possible in case of emergency.

Wu Cuixiang was cursing as she left. Wan Fenlan looked like a woman with a dagger hidden in her smile. He had to be prepared for any eventuality.

If you want to make money quickly, you still have to rely on short stories to write novels. The creation cycle is short, and if it is popular, you can sell the film and television copyright.

In Li Shuo's impression, a novel about anti-gangsterism was adapted into a TV series in his previous life. It was so popular that the Sun Tzu's Art of War that appeared in the show was sold out.

The identity of the male protagonist, the fishmonger, was also used by netizens to play memes.

This TV series is also quite exciting. He finished watching this TV series at that time and watched the original novel several times.

If he wants to write urban short stories now, this one is of course the most suitable.

This book has a total of 230,000 words and can be completed in less than a month.

If the market feedback is good, maybe it will be possible to sell the copyright and earn hundreds of thousands of copyright fees soon.

Do it as soon as you say it.

Li Shuo sat in front of the computer and finished writing the update of Dou Di today, and officially started writing the new book "Fishmonger".

At the same time

People were coming and going at the entrance of the Ludao Antong Bus Company building.

Only Li Xuejun stood there with the dismissal form in his hand, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

Today, the traffic management department came to conduct a random inspection and found that he was 52 years older than the legal age for driving a bus. According to regulations, he could no longer drive a bus on the road, so the company dismissed him directly.

This resignation came too suddenly.

After coming out of the company building, in more than ten minutes, Li Xuejun seemed to have aged several years in an instant, and his head was heavy.

He also had to support Li Hao and Li Shu to go to college, and the family mortgage had not been paid off. There were so many burdens on his shoulders!

Now he suddenly lost his job. Where can he find a job with such a high salary at his age?

Li Xuejun seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He squatted on the cold stone steps with his brows tightly knitted together.

Time always passes quickly when you are busy.

It was already past four in the afternoon when Li Shuo wrote the first 6,000 words of the novel "Fishmonger" and sent it to the editor's mailbox.

Considering that in addition to writing a book, he also had to improve his social anxiety.

Before Li Shuo backed off and made an excuse not to go out, he packed up and went out after submitting the manuscript.

At this time, it was the time for nannies or aunties in the community to take their children out.

As soon as Li Shuo came downstairs, he went straight to the children's playground in the community.

To improve social anxiety, of course, go where there are more people.

He wanted to retreat several times along the way, but when he thought of Bai Qinning's unscrupulous teasing him today, he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

Just as he arrived at the path of the children's playground in the community, a middle-aged woman with an elegant temperament wearing a Gucci suit and carrying a Chanel bag appeared in Li Shuo's sight.

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