After the conversation, the father and son talked for more than an hour.

Before the call ended, Li Xuejun, who felt like a dream, asked Li Shuo's author's pen name to personally confirm the authenticity of his son's earning money by writing books.

Li Shuo did not hide it. After hanging up the phone, he sent Li Xuejun the pen name and the name of the novel.

After Li Shuo finished his work, he looked at the time. It was already 10:30 in the evening, so he prepared to take a shower and rest.

He went to the balcony to collect clothes first.

The balcony of this house is very large. In addition to the living area, there is also a leisure area on the balcony. There is a lazy sofa in the leisure area and many cacti.

During the day, Li Shuo occasionally hugged Da Yuanzi and sat on the lazy sofa to bask in the sun together.

When he came to the balcony, he found that Bai Qinning was not sleeping, but sitting on the balcony sofa for the first time, as if thinking about something.

Even though she was as cold as usual, Li Shuo could tell at a glance that she was still in a bad mood.

It was probably because of the client who broke the appointment today.

Perhaps this project is very important to Bai Qinning.

Otherwise, she would not be as depressed as she is today.

"It's already half past ten, go back to bed early."

Li Shuo walked to the sofa and took the initiative to remind her.

Da Yuanzi, who followed, had already jumped onto the sofa and rubbed his head on Bai Qinning's arm, looking at his master's face with a pair of big eyes.

It also saw that the master was very unhappy today.

Hearing this, Bai Qinning finally put aside the mobile phone that she had been holding in her hand, raised her hand to touch Da Yuanzi's head, and responded to Li Shuo: "I know, I'll go back to bed later."

She was indeed in a bad mood.

The author of the fishmonger was unwilling to let her play the role in it, which obviously denied her acting skills and strength and was unwilling to give her this opportunity.

This was hard for her to accept all of a sudden, as she had always been the center of attention.

Bai Qinning chose to enter the film and television industry to pursue her dream of becoming an actress despite her parents' opposition, just to prove to her parents that she could definitely become the best actress.

But she had to admit that she was indeed just an actress with only fame but no works.

A big part of the reason why she became popular, in addition to this recognized beautiful face, was the support of her wealthy family and connections behind her.

Without all this, she would not have been as famous as she is today simply by relying on her acting skills.

Huo Le rejected her like that, because he saw through this.

She admitted that Huo Le was a very good author, but it was difficult for her to adapt to being rejected by him all of a sudden, so she was particularly sad today.

She felt depressed and wanted to blow the wind on the balcony for a while.

Li Shuo wanted to leave, but seeing the girl on the sofa with her head down in disappointment, he comforted her:

"Don't be unhappy. You are unhappy that the client who broke the appointment with you doesn't know, but it affects your mood."

He didn't expect that the female elite who seemed to have never been wronged would be so fragile.

Bai Qinning was just sad, but Li Shuo's sudden comfort made her feel wronged for some reason. She opened her mouth to say proudly that she didn't, but she couldn't say it out loud.

Obviously she was just sad before, but when Li Shuo came close to comfort her, she felt wronged.

She even had the urge to vent the emotions accumulated all day today...

Li Shuo saw that Bai Qinning didn't respond, and stood there a little at a loss.

"How about I make you some midnight snacks, maybe you will be happier after eating it?"

Li Shuo's tone was full of concern, and his voice was much gentler than usual.

He tried very hard to coax his wife.

Even if the two of them might divorce soon, he would try his best to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband.

Bai Qinning was even more overwhelmed at this moment, and the grievance she had been holding back was infinitely expanding.

Her nose felt a little sour, and she looked up at Li Shuo, wanting to ask him to go away, but when she met his concerned gaze, her heart softened, and her aggressive cold eyes softened.

"Li Shuo."


She hesitated for a moment and said, "Sit with me for a while."

"Ah?!" Li Shuo subconsciously wanted to retreat, he was not used to Bai Qinning's sudden request.

"Don't you want to?" Bai Qinning's eyes were a little red.

"No, no."

Li Shuo was afraid that she would cry the next moment, so he immediately sat next to her.

Just after sitting down, he was not used to being so close to Bai Qinning, and his heartbeat began to accelerate. Before he could calm down, the person next to him had already come over.

And leaned his head on his

On his shoulder.

"Let me lean on him for a while." Bai Qinning said lightly.

She had been very sad, and now that Li Shuo came to comfort her, she suddenly wanted to lean on him.

Although she herself felt that this request was outrageous, leaning on his shoulder, as if her aggrieved emotions had found a recipient, she felt better.

Close contact, the fragrance was overwhelming, Li Shuo instantly straightened his body, and stiffly replied to Bai Qinning with a "good".

Bai Qinning felt someone's body gradually stiffening, and soon attracted his attention, and even felt a little like laughing.

"Are you embarrassed again?" She asked directly.

Li Shuo was seen through, his heart skipped a beat, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face. He felt that he shouldn't be teased like this in front of his wife, and immediately said stubbornly: "No."

Bai Qinning was completely amused, and just pursed his lips and said nothing.

Obviously nervous, but still stubborn.

Li Shuo saw the girl's reaction. Even though she didn't say anything, she felt a great provocation.

After struggling for a while, the right hand that was originally very helpless, as if to prove that he was not embarrassed, hugged Bai Qinning's shoulders.

Li Shuo's sudden action scared Bai Qinning and made her jump away immediately.

"Asshole, where are you putting your hands?"

She was embarrassed and angry, and cursed in a delicate voice.

Li Shuo was also very tough on the matter of men's dignity: "I said I'm not embarrassed, but you don't believe it."

Bai Qinning: "..."

She looked at this man, wanting to be angry but not being able to get angry. She glared at him fiercely for a while with her beautiful eyes, "humphed", "Asshole."

After cursing, she walked away quickly with her long legs.

If she stayed any longer, she would be a little embarrassed.

Who would have thought that this guy would dare to hug her!

Li Shuo looked at the girl's back as she walked away and exhaled.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, she vented her emotions and should not be as sad as before.

"Which bastard is so ignorant?" Thinking of the culprit who made Bai Qinning so sad, Li Shuo couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Bai Qinning looked very hard at work, and he believed that she would be able to do a good job.

This time, the other party must have made a serious misjudgment and lost such an excellent partner.

Bai Qinning, who returned to the room, had long forgotten the things that made her uncomfortable before.

She leaned against the door and recalled the feeling of being hugged by Li Shuo just now.

His shoulders were very broad, and when his arms were around her, it seemed that he could give people infinite warmth and security...

Her fair face was stained with red clouds, her pearly teeth were bitten lightly, her eyebrows were shy and annoyed, and her fair jade hands covered her heart beating wildly in her chest...

She felt that something was wrong with her...


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